Adjust to the new Reality. Smooth seas ahead.

By, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Let me take you on a little journey of time.
Today, we write the year 2050.
It was reported that the arctic ice field has seen a return to peak condition and global temperatures are in line with those in the early nineteenth century.
Since the fall of the old political systems around the world, conflict and our need for military protection has vanished.
Funds usually lost by military, corruption and blatant miss-management, have allowed us to bring an end to poverty and homelessness.
Employment, education and social welfare are working together – strengthening the social bond today’s civilisations share.
After our perfectly guided strategies over the last twenty-five years, we now have sufficient spread and mix of vegetation, to balance global carbon levels – the natural way.
Carbon pricing was exposed as fraud and luckily, we got to work on real solutions to restore our planet.
As a result of changes to the former monetary system, crime no longer is the issue it once was.
Changes to the internet protocol, removing the possibility of identity theft and online fraud, have revealed much about the actual villains behind cyber-crime. Money in its former concept was a major motivation for crimes of all sorts.
Food standards changed in the years since, as we changed our ways in agriculture and soil handling.
Chemical Pesticides no longer exist. Top soil to much of our planet is recovering and a fungi network is once again keeping our planet from overheating.
But the top News of the Day – are our Global Celebrations for the 114th Birthday of our Father For Life – David Suzuki.
Today, David smiles – still robust and healthy, he accepts the Greatest Awards we can give him – time with his Great Grandchildren.
David and many like him, have dedicated much of their life to saving our planet and all its creations. Had we not finally listened and brought about Change – we’d not be here today.
…………….. that is the news from 2050.
If life truly exists in a multiverse, we have to make sure that we trigger the actions, to place ourselves in a multiverse in which this news article becomes “Truth”. We have no other choice.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global movement, triggering environmental and social sustainability.
Join our Global Family and let us “Gift Life to Future Generations”.
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Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody