About HTS

Humanity Towards Sustainability – Beginnings in the Now.

Time is perceived as a linear movement – at present. Experimental projects in the field of Quantum Physics suggest the existence of a Multiverse. Will our understanding of time change?

How does that relate to HTS?

HTS is About Learning. Learning about our true connection with Nature – Mother Earth.

Indigenous wisdom was mistaken for folklore by Western Colonists.

Today it is clear who the Savages truly were, as we experience life threatening environmental consequences from the ill conceived Western Ways of living.

HTS was born out of an Experimental existence.

In 2018, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Founder of Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS), embarked on an unusual experiment – to find the Happy Place.

The key to this experiment, was to follow intuition when making choices or decisions. Learned knowledge had to give way to internal sensations.

Prior to this move, Troy worked in his own business as an Insolvency Strategist. The motivation there was to help the “Underdog”.

So, now there was this new rule of not making decisions based on past knowledge, unless intuition picked that path.

Even Intuition must be practised.

To make this experiment work, intuition had to be understood.

Today intuition is understood as a connection. A connection with that which gives us consciousness.

We are all familiar with the concept of “Energy before Matter”. It takes the combination of energy and matter, to make something that we can hold and see – like the human body for example.

To understand the concept of intuition, we must understand its source. Deep Meditation is one such path to follow the trail. Daily meditation sessions revealed a world beyond books – a world that is active and inter-connected with “All”.

The Indigenous people understood, and many still understand, this connection today. This connection with nature and all life forms, allows us to realise a shared energy stream. This stream contains data our brain can decipher – even thou, there are no words.

As humans strengthen their connection to the energy around them, this data becomes the source of “intuition”. Intuition at such a level, goes beyond that which is ego driven.

Mother Earth shares her intelligence freely, to those attuned to her song.

HTS is a “Sustainability Motivation Platform”.

When we function at a connected level, we see the solutions that will assist in healing and restoring our planet. We too can learn to see the Indigenous way. Once we do, we too feel the pain and frustration they clearly carry.

Whilst Power is in the hands of the wrong people, our planet keeps being exploited. However, we are running out of time.

HTS is about Hope.

As we observe another global arms race, we also observe its consequences.

In a recently published report from the UN, it was estimated that 735 million people globally, have insufficient access to food. The cost of living has sky rocketed around the world. People that have a home, often can’t afford heating in winter. Healthcare is under immense stress due to a lack of funding and staffing.

We all know that there is a better way. A way that does not put Geo-political agenda’s before the wellbeing of the global community.

Harmony is possible, all it takes is for us to imagine a World in Harmony and we can make it happen. Remember, Energy before Matter.

If we embark on harmony, we will establish “sustainability” as a consequence.

The Last Generation have a valid argument and good reason for concern.

Imagine yourself as a young adult today. Take a look at the News around the world today.

If it wasn’t our reality, it would make for a good laugh.

Here we have War propaganda on one page, showcasing the brutality of the latest weapons systems, without mentioning its true impact on society and our planets health. Whilst on the next page, our politicians sit at Global Climate Summits and give the impression of concerned citizens. It is an oxymoron.

If I was a young adult or teenager today, I’d be horrified about the future too. But as an older adult, I’ve decided to do something about it – that something is Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS).

Art is a means to communicate an underlying passion that motivates the artist.

HTS is not a business motivated by profits – HTS is motivated by a passion to create awareness. HTS is an environmental project, using the art of “ethical business” as its medium.
