• Humanity Towards Sustainability Update

    2nd October 2024

    Troy (K) Eichelberger – Founder

    Over two years have passed since getting started on creating a concept to add a positive contribution to our collective future.

    Humanity Towards Sustainability is a passion driven project and as the name suggests, our continued existence, here on Mother Earth, depends on our global awareness of our species ability to restore sustainability. We simply can not continue on the current path, with the current global system of governance and finance. A genuine effort to transition is detriment to the potential of future generations of our linage, our grandchildren and their children. We are that close to the cliff that we can sense the risk of our global actions.

    Time is valuable. As a species we face a common threat, but our divisions are growing ever deeper, when it is clear that we need to restore harmony … if we wish to restore the conditions for life to continue.

    It is unrealistic to assume we can restore our planet whilst continuing on the current economic model of competition and exploitation. It is also unrealistic to think we will change this overnight. Our present situation is one we need to transition away from, but without causing shortages in the energy sector for vital services and our daily needs. It is not realistic to shut down industry sectors that we may see as the worst contributors to our global nightmare … as they all have a played a role in keeping us secure and enabling modern day development.

    But it is realistic to say, let us find a way to demonstrate that we do care about what happens to the generations that come after our own.

    Mistakes make for good teachers and mistakes we have made, but we now must sense our global responsibility and learn from these mistakes … as a global community.

    One of the key lessons, our biggest mistake to date, is the consequence of the global economy and the monetary system. It demands us to compete and it rewards the winners with lifestyles that become the envy of others. Wealth is derived in many ways that are harmful, that are the reason why we are now existing in a system that has allowed us to overshoot consumption many times beyond that which our planet is capable of providing in a sustainable range. We have already lost thousands of species, global warming is increasing much too fast … as a result of our competition.

    Is it reasonable to ask corporations to be less productive or competitive? Not in the present system. And so, we must realize, that as long as we rely on financial growth to improve our lifestyle … we are heading towards our own destruction.

    To transition away from the present system is our answer to many current global problems. But to do so in an orderly fashion, the alternative must be attractive to all … the rich and the poor. The shareholders, the politicians, the religions and ideologies.

    The answers exist today. But few are aware and even fewer see it possible, to create awareness and in depth education about the alternatives, in time to save humanity to causing our own extinction.

    Forget Mars, we are not taking eight billion people to go and live happily ever after. Invest in Mother Earth, in making better choices and in securing life for future generations to do better … to benefit from our mistakes, by applying the lessons we learned the hard way.

    I live in an experimental existence and one of the luxuries I enjoy is time. I use this time to meditate and to explore consciousness. When we meditate, we learn from within … there truly is such a thing, as in Jesus’s words “the answers are within”. Humanity Towards Sustainability was born as a result of experiencing the world beyond the constraints of time. I have experienced the world in two ways. One vision was devoid of life, we did manage to destroy the planet in a nuclear confrontation. The second vision was a beautiful harmonious world and a restored Mother Earth. I experienced the reasons for these differences, the choices that had to be made for our species survival, and the survival of the natural world.

    That is the origin of my motivation, to create awareness of the alternative without causing panic or contribute to further division. We are all made of the same elements, we all rely on the same sustainable planet and its air and water qualities. We rely on healthy “nutrient” rich foods for evolution to continue its refinement of our species. We are harming this process with genetically modified food and sterile agricultural topsoil from pesticides. Change is possible, we do not need to fight it or fear it, we need to create a system in which we are no longer in competition against each other, but work shoulder to shoulder on building a new existential platform from which harmony will flow.

    Humanity Towards Sustainability has designed a strategy by which to commence this awareness campaign and help us explore the means towards a better tomorrow. But to achieve this, Humanity Towards Sustainability requires a “Founding Sponsor”, or a group of such. Which present day corporation agrees with the idea that change is needed? Who has the vision that we can do better and who is willing to invest in our journey towards a future – a life giving sponsorship?

    Time will tell. I will approach some of those organizations that are amongst the sectors that are benefitting from our present system, but that may not have a future in a world beyond the monetary system. It will be an interesting few months between now and Christmas, but if Humanity Towards Sustainability is successful to secure such a sponsorship, then that is the best Christmas present for the natural world and our species.

    For enquiries:

    [email protected]

  • HTS Up-date:

    by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody

    20th Feb’24

    Since starting www.humanitytowardssustainability.com a lot has happened and it is time for an up-date.

    Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) started as a passion for life. Life beyond the limitations we have all become so accustomed to. They say money makes the world go around, but in fact it is in the name of money, that the natural world is being raped.

    The global political system is an antiquated system that is no longer sustainable. It is not our species that is unsustainable, but the system that manages how our species exists. Consumerism and all.

    In June’23 I planned to turn HTS into a magazine, thus giving this subject a platform. What I discovered as a consequence was the massive efforts and investments into Greenwashing. By Sept’23 I decided to stop what I was doing and have a re-think.

    For HTS to move into the magazine sector from that original starting point, meant that it would rely on paid advertising. This didn’t sit so well with me after my discovery of the wide spread deception of Greenwashing in that sector.

    How was I going to contribute to a better tomorrow?

    During silent meditation, I experienced a vision of an alternative to the current global political system. This experience has shown me the potential for a healthy planet, in harmony with all.

    We can live meaningful existences and we can restore our planet at the same time. We can move beyond the limitations of the present monetary system and create a global society of equals – all getting paid identical regular forms of salary from a global public purse.

    Well, in early September’23 I sat down and just began typing one morning. I finished two weeks ago. The result is a book in which I give it my best shot to share this experience with the readers.

    The title of this book is:

    “Humanity Towards Sustainability – Humanism The Great Transition”. The book takes the reader from the origin of land-theft, to the present day global chaos. It demonstrates via cause and effect, the logic of why and where humanity went so wrong.

    The book also allowed me to highlight the vision of a modern world in which we enjoy comforts and technology, but have no rich or poor. A world in which everyone is a financial equal and in which we have just one global currency and law.

    This book allowed me to share with you much more than the HTS Magazine would have ever allowed me to. So, I am most grateful to how things worked out.

    Perhaps the HTS Magazine will become a means to communicate with like minded people from around the world. Perhaps it becomes the vehicle to share ideals and ideas about humanities future. Only time will tell.

    The world is in a most vulnerable and precarious time. Now more than ever do we need to carefully consider the consequences of all our actions. We also need to evaluate the actions, as presently engaged in by the global system. We are not spared the consequences of bad choices.

    We can do so much better and the most frustrating thing about that is, it actually is much easier to establish a global system that restores our planet, than it is to continue business-as-usual.

    You can order your copy of the book on Amazon now. It is available in most countries but at present it is only available in the English language format

    Like most author’s, I believe that this book should be read by every person on this planet. But in the case of “Humanity Towards Sustainability – Humanism The Great Transition”, it has nothing to do with ego or riches, but with the experience that is life on Mother Earth.

    To purchase a copy of “Humanity Towards Sustainability – Humanism The Great Transition”, by Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody – click the link to Amazon.

    Thank you for stopping by.

  • Peace is simple.

    Manipulation by vested interests is the world’s biggest problem.

    by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Humanity Towards Sustainability

    07th Aug’23

    Saudi Arabia was host to delegates from forty countries this weekend, exploring Ukraine’s road to Peace.

    Not invited was Russia.

    Geopolitical events since the end of the Cold War have led to the present bloodshed. The situation for both, Ukrainians and Russians, is a most horrendous example of human nature.

    War propaganda is helping to manipulate the younger people into taking sites, whilst older people remember the promises and treaties, formed between America – NATO & Russia.

    Today, PEACE should be our first and foremost target.

    Enough destruction has taken place.

    Our actions have consequences, we call this the law of “Cause & Effect”.

    Stockpiling weapons in a country bordering Russia for many years – what might cause & effect look like today? I guess we can all see clearly what that looks like.

    PEACE also is a consequence of Cause & Effect.

    Saudi Arabia and other countries before them, have engaged in actions to explore ways leading to an end of atrocities and slaughter of innocent civilians and soldiers on both sites.

    Thus far, no convincing suggestion for a Peace Plan has made any impact on the Battlefields. Meanwhile the slaughter and devastation continue.

    If this war, was a war, fought “exclusively” between “a free” Ukraine & Russia, there is “zero” chance, that this war could still go on – if not for the interest of external stakeholders to the outcome!

    It is easily concluded, that Ukraine, if left on their own accord in Feb’22 – as a free and independent country, Ukraine would not be fighting this war today.

    What the outcome would have been is highly speculative, but without the massive international infiltration of weapons and ammunition into the war zone, there would be no weapons or ammunition left for the Ukraine to fight with today.

    We also must remind ourselves, there was an option for Ukraine to avoid hostilities and join the status of Switzerland and Austria and become a Neutral Independent Country. This would have avoided the present humanitarian crisis in Ukraine as well as the global financial and food crisis.

    So as the picture emerges, the international flood of weapons and ammunition into this war zone, are the “actual fuel” that keep this war a war. And it is exactly that, which keeps the horror alive, when PEACE must “surely” be our united goal.

    To learn from the past, is to learn.

    We have no time to be held back by shame or guilt for past mistakes and wrongs, whilst loved ones are dying and injured and homes are destroyed. Instead, we must do all we can, to stop this obscenity and madness.

    So, where to from here?

    Perhaps we need a person in a position of power, entirely aware of the Geopolitical games being played.

    Consider the power, of Jens Stoltenberg.

    Jens in his role as Secretary General for NATO, facilitates and helps solicit as much military hardware, weapons and ammunition from the international community into this war zone as is possible.

    Jens, in that role, is in fact a key person that makes this war possible today. So who is behind Jens? The 31 states that make up NATO, Jens simply works for them.

    The plight experienced by Ukrainians is a massive crime against humanity. It can stop.

    What can NATO do for PEACE?

    NATO – or the 31 countries have a powerful position from which they contribute to this war. If Peace – meaningful Peace, is the true target, these 31 countries have the power to allow it.

    Jens Stoltenberg is in a position that can bring an end to the madness.

    If Jens, as a human being, was to focus on ways to arrive at a peaceful solution, I doubt we’d have to wait long for the weapons to fall silent.

    But Jens is NATO, an organisation that only exists because of War’s. Weapons and expansion are the sign of health and prestige in NATO land.

    Yes, Jens has a tough gig. But imagine if Jens woke up and decided, humanity is more important than his professional career.

    Jens could truly go into history as one who broke the system, causing peace by empathy of the reality on the ground – not the Weapons accumulated to kill and shock.

    Peace is derived from the consideration for the concern of every party – including a consideration for the entire human species.

    If our planet hasn’t been suffering enough under human civilisation, the environmental impact from military conflict is a massive additional blow to our planets health.

    The Last Generation have every reason for concern, when we consider present day global affairs and the system facilitating such.

    Our intelligence has led to the discovery of heat seeking ammunition and weaponised inventions beyond the comprehension of most. Yet, we are still too primitive to understand the basic ingredients for a peaceful existence.

    As a species and a Global Community, we must address the problems that stem from “vested interest groups”.

    No war starts without vested interests at its core, often hidden deep in the rotting foundations of our corporate and political systems.

    Today, our planet is very fragile. Consequences of human exploitation have caused the extinction of many species – such exploitations are still taking place in our every day life’s.

    War is a political deflection and brings economic benefits to some – whilst ignoring the price we truly pay for such.

    Jens, you have the power to change the trajectory of human history. Instead of driving the next global arms race – turn NATO into an environmental organisation that recycles military hardware and turns these into products that actually benefit humanity.

    Humanity can no longer sustain conflict and war. Global Demilitarisation & Education, not weapons, are the key ingredients for lasting peace.

    If NATO are too short-sighted to see this opportunity for positive change, perhaps it is time the UN wakes to its duty of care. Ukraine deserves better, as does Humanity as a Collective.

    Humanity Towards Sustainability is a Global Awareness project. We are focused on sustainable existence for all life forms and the restoration of our planet.

    You may share this article by copying the link here.


  • UK – dirty Fossil picks wrong Energy Solution.

    by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – HTS


    Rishi Sunak’s is the present UK Prime Minister – and one of the wealthiest people in the UK.

    Wealth of such magnitude is often achieved on the back of the exploitation of a flawed system.

    Now as Prime Minister, we get to see Sunak in action.

    As Europe is plagued by another summer of Climate Catastrophise, in the form of raging wild-fires throughout many of the famous Mediterranean holiday hotspots, one country is demonstrating its exploitation of our planet as usual.

    Climate Science is ignored when it comes to selling Oil and Gas Licences in British Waters.

    Exploiting our planets health in exchange for wealth is nothing new – it is – as we know today, the reason we are seeing temperatures ill suited to humans. It is also why we see wild fires out of control and have a youth population living in fear that our planet will not sustain them for the natural duration of human life.

    Here is a link to a News-article on the story as it breaks – click here.

    How should the World respond?

    In a responsible world, we’d see a reaction in line with the crime. A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY NO LESS.

    To blame Russia is to treat the global citizens as ignorant, sorry Sunak but that boat has sailed. Given the progress in Renewable Energy solutions the UK could have easily taken a Green path to energy security.

    The UK is apparently breaking its own laws by following Sunak’s announcement.

    Perhaps this is the time when a country should be slapped with Trade Sanctions.

    Geopolitical interests are quick to respond as we have seen to often in the past. Trade Sanctions are popular when it comes to US interests.

    However, this is not a US Geopolitical interest. This is a global Humanity and Climate emergency, that will effect all – not just the UK.

    If we can get our governments to guide the UK back to sensibility, that would be a great way to stop this massive investment in Fossil fuel and allow the UK to find renewable alternatives.

    We are better than that – we must take responsibility for our actions and consider their impact on future generations.

    Humanity Towards Sustainability is a Global Awareness project, supporting environmental restoration and innovative ways of sustainable living. Health be4 Wealth.

  • Humanity Towards Sustainability Magazine

    By, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Founder


    Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is in the process of launching a new magazine in the Environmental, Corporate, Geo-Political and Health Sector. A publication with a difference, a publication driven by passion and purpose, targeting an audience to trigger Global Change.

    Why would one start a hard-copy publication today?

    Because the digital world has shown itself to be a most unpredictable business platform, littered with victims of click-fraud, hacking and many other forms of cyber-crime. HTS will do it the old-fashioned way – on recycled paper of course – but with a genuine audience of actual humans. This may not give us the immediate numbers as offered when adding click-bots and fake accounts, but HTS will deliver a product that is sought by readers today and advertisers alike.

    Motivation & Goal:

    When viewing today’s global affairs, we see a World managed into self-destruction.

    We don’t have to turn back time, to address and counter, the cause of our demise. At any time, we can restore a path in line with “Harmony” as the guiding principle for “Sustainability”.

    Lao Tse – the Father of Taoism, taught humanity about the existence of the ideal flow, the perfect path or the Tao – the middle way. A leaf shall flow with the stream, it can’t swim against it – neither should we.

    When we learn about Cause & Effect, we realise the significance of each and every action, as action is “Always” followed by Consequence.

    Humanity Towards Sustainability has been established to counter today’s negativity and manipulation on many levels – simply by creating a platform that allows readers to view events from a perspective of logic.

    As we have the evidence for the negative consequences on many of civilisations past actions, we also have evidence of positive consequences. Therein rests our greatest opportunity.

    The Last Generation does not have to be the last generation.

    Many mainstream news engages in a reporting style which is attention grabbing at the cost of integrity. Consequences of such reporting are wide spread fear, anxiety and depression.

    Hope vanishes, whilst doom and gloom flourish. Can we really blame the Last Generation Protesters for their actions, or should we lay the responsibility on the cause of their anxieties and fear?

    There is a better way.

    There is a simple formula that will bring change. A reporting style that is focused on increasing human awareness. Awareness of the available solutions to counter today’s, seemingly insurmountable environmental and Geo-political problems. HTS will adhere to a positive and educating reporting style, consequently triggering “Hope” instead of doom and gloom.

    Nature is in a state of constant change, it is a constant state of evolution. Humanity is, like all other life forms, a temporary species. How long we can remain sustainable, will depend on how we create the next moment.

    The solutions are rather simple to restore harmony in Nature and on our planet!

    Unfortunately, many such solutions are not yet on the table. Why? They lack profitability.

    Many of todays Leaders within Industry and Politics, are of a generation that achieved much and brought us technology and science of mind-boggling functionality. Science and technology that are now being applied to fight wars and exploit humanity instead of being applied for the “Common Good”.

    Change is coming.

    Younger generations are less materialistic and more life-style and environmentally orientated. A new wave of Spiritual exploration is spreading across the globe, changing habits in media consumption and creating a new challenge for the advertising industry.

    HTS is creating a communication channel of mixed media, with a hard copy publication as its initial lead product. Further channels are planned down the track, as and when we reach financial milestones. One of these includes a Global retail network – themed and educational, allowing a different level of interaction with an ever-growing audience.

    Individuals born in the 90’s and later, are emerging and securing seats in Boardrooms – soon they will be confronted by a sense of frustration caused by outdated policy and laws. As they seek to improve the system, they need our support. They need media channels that are not held back by vested interest or political pressure.  

    Imagine a publication that engages with the issues concerning the protests of “The Last Generation” movement.  Imagine a media platform explaining the benefits of “Health vs Wealth” to a broader community. HTS is rolling out that Media Platform as we speak. Open “dialogue” with the decision makers of tomorrow – today.

    At present wealth and power prevail over integrity. Do we wish to remain in a system that divides in so many ways?

    It will take projects like “Humanity Towards Sustainability”, that trigger change.

    In a world in which Leaders can cause our global destruction, we “should” expect a level of intelligence that realises “Weapons do not create Peace” – only dialogue can.

    Finding an alternative solution to every problem is easier than to design heat seeking ammunition. Unfortunately, ammunition and weapons happen to be a more profitable commodity when compared to Peace. Serve the Economy at any cost, is today’s motto.

    This motto points at a reality, so deeply disturbing, so deceptive and harmful, that it is time to introduce better solutions. HTS will do just that.

    About The Humanity Towards Sustainability Magazine:

    HTS is establishing a global communications channel that views global affairs from a perspective of possibilities, not profitability. We have needs as a society and we need industry and mining, but we can do so in a way that is responsible and geared towards harmony with Nature.

    Whilst starting as a hard copy Magazine in Australia – with the goal to grow internationally via Licencing models, HTS will establish a digital platform for its readers, subscribers or other – to allow interaction on breaking news, environmental features, political observations, human health improvements, technology and science reviews on all fronts, whilst engaging in community building.

    HTS is about Harmony, about increasing human awareness of the natural solutions to today’s consequences of our species past mistakes. Nature as understood by Indigenous people for millennia, is a living form of creation, in which all species have a specific role – all acting interconnected as one, including humans.

    Life today can be lived in harmony, by applying a combination of past and present wisdom and technology.

    Modernisation is increasingly focused on sustainability; we are making amazing progress in so many fields – HTS will promote such innovations and partner with organisations for the benefit of all.

    HTS Media is a project driven by my “Passion” for nature and all life forms, driven by the fact that today, we are not sufficiently aware of, or implementing solutions to address and “Counter”, the Environmental and Geo-political threat we experience.

    Every contribution from external organisations will bring us a step closer, will increase the sensation of “Hope” amongst those fearing for the future. HTS has a big task ahead, but this task, when carried by many, becomes an achievable goal we can all be proud to be a part of.

    As with all Start-ups, funding is a key “Need”. HTS offers individually tailored sponsorship and advertising opportunities to organisations that wish to support our mission, whilst also wishing to reach an ever-growing audience of people seeking truth and a better path towards a sustainable existence.

    “I am Nobody. Together we are. Therefore I am.”

    Yours Sincerely,

    Troy (K) Eichelberger, Nobody – Founder

    E: [email protected]

    PO Box 177, Maldon, Vic 3463, Australia


  • Growing into the depth of the “Self”.

    by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody

    12th Nov’22

    Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody – Founder: Humanity Towards Sustainability

    This article is written with the intention of sharing my explorations of consciousness, so others may benefit. My unfolding into “Awareness” is a continuing experience. As such, I shall continue to share as and when I feel it is meant to be so.

    Four years ago, I entered into an experimental existence. I left behind the city and the limitations of human functionality, in the search of a reality beyond that which is socially acceptable.

    One way to look at my experiment, was to explore the possibility of applying cause & effect, to discover our “Happy Place”.

    Some unusual events and discoveries in the years prior triggered my curiosity.

    I witnessed instances and played a leading role, in cases of natural healing. Cases that I could only describe as Miracles at the time.

    Whilst I had zero medical training, I began to feel energy within me that would take over. Energy that guided me to sense and experience the body of others. Today, I know this to be “Intuitive Healing”.

    What was going on inside of me? I had to find answers.

    One has to question one’s sanity.

    Whilst deep within I was most comfortable with the changes I experienced, my quest for answers commenced ….. and so I ended up at our present home – the Farm.

    Silent Meditation became the cornerstone for my research.

    Arriving at the farm, I entered a phase of more intense learning. In the early days out here, during meditation, I’d keep seeing a Monk. He was wearing burgundy and orange robes and sitting in a Cave in a rugged mountainous terrain.

    Initially I thought I simply created this image by my active thought. You know, these thoughts we can’t always control and they pop up during meditation – the one’s we gently brush away.

    Well, this wasn’t one of those. The Monk kept appearing each time I sat down into Meditation.

    Finally I experienced his energy through my own body. No words spoken, but our dialogue commenced as an experience. To me, it seemed like a medical exam of sorts.

    This Monk silently explored who I was, as I sat in meditation and sensed his calm but inquisitive probing.

    Our meeting during meditation didn’t seem planned, it seemed as if we were both surprised to see each other. For a few weeks he remained in that phase and I realised this was related to my future learning.

    One day the Monk did not arrive during my meditation. I was somewhat disappointed as I began to accept him as some kind of spiritual mentor. Instead an Eagle appeared in my mental image.

    As I watched the image of the Eagle, I observed rugged mountain terrain once more – but it clearly was a very different region to that of the Monk. In my meditative sensation, it felt as if the Eagle was flying across peaks in the Andes Ranges. I had never been there, but that is what it came across as.

    Again, as is typical with meditation, I thought I am simply having creative thoughts and I brushed away the thought of the Eagle. As I managed to settle back into mental silence, my experience took on a new intensity, I had not lost the connection to that Eagle – I now looked through it’s eyes, looking down and observing the land below. I now simply allowed the experience and have no idea how long it lasted.

    To this date, I have no explanation to the meaning of the Eagle experience and the Monk never returned to my meditation. Not in the original image that is.

    Somehow, the experience with the Eagle concluded, what I feel now was my initiation. The initiation to a deeper learning that one can only experience by de-activating all thoughts.

    We enter Collective Consciousness – a depth of wisdom beyond the written records.

    The next phase of my learning, guided me to meditate under the stars – allowing their energy to enter mine. This also only lasted a few weeks. Weeks during which I sensed I underwent some internal adjustments – opening new energy flows and sending vibrations through my being as I sat in mental silence.

    It was during this phase that I received a message. It was coming in fragmented and took something between six to eight weeks, before I received it in its entirety. The full message appeared like a neon sign, it read:

    “I am Nobody. Together we are. Therefore I am.”

    Dissecting this statement and understanding its deeper meaning, continues to this day. It carries the simplest of logics – yet its message is easily overlooked. The “I” has no power, it is not naturally sustainable. Division of any form, reduces the number of individuals – whilst unification increases our strength by each individual that joins a group.

    Humanity can be experienced as ONE. It’s power is Akash, or the Source of “All Wisdom”. Procreation of our species, requires the merging of both sexes. None is of more or less importance, we simply have alternative roles to perform.

    Logic or truth, as many accept it, often originate in a from mass manipulation.

    Many religions share simple truths – yet it is so simple, we can easily miss it. The truth is within – finding the path to unlock this truth, is the key to wisdom beyond external influence. Trust yourself, learn to decipher “Your Truth Within”.

    I will continue to share and expose my soul from time to time. There are times when learning requires a change in my routine, like at the present time. What that means, I can never answer until it organically unfolds.

    Urges of change arrive and pass. Something is shifting and it feels good – I’ll share again when I know more.

    My social media time will be limited for a while it seems, silence is required in the present phase.

    Much Love & Light to All.

    Troy (K) Nobody

  • Opening ourselves to a Logic beyond limitations.

    22nd Sept’22

    by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody

    Networked into Oneness
    See the “reality” beyond our limited perception.

    Logic is the most powerful tool, by which to design and frequently adjust, our brain’s default settings.

    We are often told, that that which we perceive, is an illusion. But are we shown a “logical alternative”?

    During a recent meditation session I was lucky to experience this alternative. I will aim to share this and hope my words will allow you to translate this experience into a meaningful share from which we all may learn something.

    Human Cells are the hardware of the largest communications network on this planet.

    All life forms have one thing in common – a cell structure that is utilising ONE source for cell creation. Nature!

    All cells – human, animal, plants etc – are derived from the same five elements. Elements that are constantly recycled and renewed – elements that have been in circulation for eternity.

    Imagine a tree that fell ten’s of thousands of years ago.

    The decaying wood becomes topsoil. The soil from this tree is now feeding the roots of new plants. Plants that carry fruit for example.

    Whoever consumes the fruit, now shares the original cells from that tree. The discarded fruit may be eaten by a bird and planted further afield by its droppings.

    When a tree burns, residue and carbon go up as smoke, only to return to earth as rain – feeding large regions and making it into our Rivers and Oceans.

    Without going any further into the detailed distribution of our shared cells – allow yourself to picture the cycle of life. Picture the reality of your own cells.

    You, by the combination of your “Cells”, contain traces of Every Living Organism within that which is your physical body.

    The experience I had during my meditation, gave a new meaning to this cell structure we all exist by.

    All cells are like miniature batteries.

    Cells have a positive and a negative pole on their ends and they hold a currency, an electrical charge. This charge, like any other electrical charge is detectable by its pulsation.

    A pulsation ever so minute, ever so undeniably present.

    As we are made up of fifty-three trillion cells (Scientists debate between 30 to 100 trillion), just imagine the charge that is within the human body. We are expelling the energy we store in these cells and each time we eat, we add a whole new supply of charged cells.

    One of the logical steps once we realise this, is to re-evaluate our food intake. These days I look at food as a function, not entertainment. Raelene has the gift to turn functional food into both – I am hopeless in the kitchen, but no longer see taste as a deciding factor.

    What else stares at us when considering this constantly changing “network of cells”?

    The word Network!

    Remember, we all carry cells that are present in every other life form, past & present. This goes back to the Buddha, to Dinosaurs and the ancient Mammoth etc

    What is the reason behind this system? Creation has not left anything to coincidence.

    The reason is that we “must” exist with the realisation and consideration of our “interconnected” destiny.

    When I speak, my cells give this action sound. Whilst your cells will give energy to your sensory system – energising your focus to receive and translate my sound into meaningful words.

    This function is only possible because of the compatibility of our cells – they recognise each other as we function within the identical frequency range. If we were exposed to a sound beyond our frequency range, we could not hear anything – no matter the decibel of that sound.

    Now lets consider this Logic and explore Collective Consciousness.

    Can our sensory system read energy frequency? YES, because that is what sound represents. But what if there is no sound? What if the only frequency we can sense, is the pulsation from an idle body’s cell structure?

    Have you ever felt the presence of a person entering a room without hearing them? Perhaps you could even sense the identity of this person? It is one hundred percent possible and explainable.

    You see, whilst your cells constantly change and renew your entire physical body – your DNA is your unique frequency. It revolves around your individuality. It adds a specific signature to your cells pulsation frequency. We can say your DNA is setting the tone, and it is that specific tone that allows a person to correctly recognise your presence.

    The function that assists us in recognising such frequencies, is our sensory system. Think about the hair on your body – each charged with differing sensory functions. Your skin and pores form outlets for nerves to be subjected to the finest of frequencies. Frequencies we can learn to recognise.

    Nikolas Tesla trained his hearing and senses to become alert to thunder and lightening within a radius of 150 miles. He did not see the human limitations as a reality worth subscribing to.

    The Frequency range in which our cell network operates, allows for all our interactions.

    Our eyes function by translating signals – signals that show no reason for the image we perceive. Yet, the world is in harmony with the pictures we commonly can agree on.

    Now imagine an image sending out a frequency beyond our cells frequency range. I doubt we would notice it at all. Such frequencies beyond our range are simply not on our radar of possibilities – they do not exist to us. Which does not mean they do not exist in a multiverse that may operate in its own frequency range.

    Our Ancestors are the combination of all past life forms – we are a part of that. We are ONE.

    Telepathy is something we can all learn, just like playing Tennis for example. What stops us, is our perception of what “IS” and what “ISN’T” possible.

    To increase our functionality all we have to do is flick that switch and remove our attachment to limitations. Nikolas Tesla was – and still is – seen as a genius. You too can be a Genius, it is totally within you – within each and every one of us.

    Self Consciousness is the existence in Suffering.

    We humans are not the most intelligent species, unless we hold a patent on the word intelligent. We are exposed to a form of learning, by suffering the consequences of our and our species, actions.

    Cause and effect govern our experience. The lessons we learn sit deep in our “Being” – “Cell-Deep”, that is.

    Evolution functions by designing the best and most sustainable version of a species. Not all species remain relevant in the entire process of evolution. New species are discovered whilst others become extinct.

    Our relevance on the entire ecological process comes into play. To exist within an interconnected structure, as is Nature – each species plays a significant role. Each having to consider their impact on the “Whole”.

    Humanity is in its infancy and is learning the lessons our cells will carry to our future “Self’s”.

    Unfortunately, our actions at present are beyond consideration for the rest of Creation. We are a self obsessed lot, causing headaches to each other and threatening the collapse of all life.

    Collective Consciousness is the Saviour for our planet and our species.

    As we learn from our present mistakes, we store data into cell memory. This data will one day function as instinctive knowledge we “all” share. It will prevent us from destroying our planet and everything on it.

    Unless this time is near, we may experience a great reduction in our numbers prior to the change from Self Consciousness to Collective Consciousness. The infrastructure is in place for us to open our awareness and access this wisdom. Wisdom contained in our cells – wisdom contained in each and everyone of us.

    To date we have experienced three phases of Consciousness – Single Consciousness, Conceptual Consciousness and at present, Self Consciousness.

    Perhaps each of these levels of consciousness exist to this day. Is a multiverse possible?

    If Collective Consciousness takes us into a different frequency range, then there is nothing to suggest that the prior phases of consciousness don’t also exist on a different frequency range to our present one.

    That means we are presently existing in one of these dimensions, but all co-exist. Do we progress from suffering to a more peaceful and loving existence, or do we repeat some earlier lessons?

    Possibilities are not limited by our acceptance. Possibilities exist besides that which we think.

    To learn about our potential, we must first overcome all we know and take for granted. We can learn so much by the practise of doing nothing. The daily practise of silent meditation.

    As the mind enters the state beyond active thought, we expose our system to the wisdom and energies within our cell-network. We strengthen our connection to the frequencies within our entire range and as a result, our mind opens – just like the Lotus flower. From mud comes Lotus – from suffering we grow.

    We can take note of the possible consequences of our actions, on the inter-connected realm we exist in. To make the world a better place, is not the job of others. It is a role we share and a role that will bring much magic to us.

    Unconditional Love is much more than a phrase. It is the logic stemming from our awareness of our existence within each other – by way of our shared cell network.

    “I am Nobody. Together WE are. Therefore I am.”

    Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is a global awareness project – aiming to help restore our planet & Gift life to future generations.

    Much Love to All.

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  • Self-Realisation. Grow by Observation.

    16th Sept’22

    by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody

    Grow by Observation
    See Yourself as an Alternative to that which is.

    Who is your Idol?

    It is common for individuals to model their persona on people who are considered popular.

    This approach is actually stopping you from reaching YOUR Potential, YOUR Destiny. It stops you from making head-way on your journey of self-discovery.

    As we mature, we begin to consider values beyond those which aid our external façade.

    To make the most of our journey, we take the opportunity to explore more of that, which we actually are. We question the limitations that have fenced us in for so long. We finally can open our mind to the potential we are.

    Self-Realisation begins when it finally dawns on us – that we are so much more than that which we accepted for so long.

    Each of us is made up of our own individual experiences. Our entire past forms the context by which we interpret life as we see it.

    Not one of us can have the identical experiences that make the “Self” that we are.

    It is the result of these individual experiences which form the neuron pathway connections in the human brain. If we draw a map of the connections in your brain, they will not match those of another.

    Now it is really important that we understand this in the correct context.

    It is these different neurological connections that come into play as and when we interpret the external world around us. Not one of us comes from an identical viewpoint.

    As a result there is confusion and conflict that continue to harm our experience in the physical world.

    Self Consciousness is a phase in human development, that teaches us many lessons. Duality is a challenge that, once understood, will explain so much to us – about us.

    Suffering will be seen in a new awareness, as the concept unravels.

    Each life form is an alternative to that which we are. Each individual represents a different experience that makes up the entire catalogue of that which is possible. Together, the combination of each single experience ever experienced by any life form, makes up the library of all knowledge.

    Such knowledge will lead us into the next phase of human existence – the phase of Collective Consciousness. Our present day limitations will no longer hold us down.

    Start into the Transition and Wake your true Hero – Your Higher Self.

    There is a reason you are who you are and I am who I am. We are meant to be unique!

    Our greatest challenge, holding us back from reaching our potential, is our Ego function. Much has been written about this, I will not add to that in this article but you can find it throughout my book – “Pathway to Self-Realisation, A Collection of Ramblings”.

    As we learn to understand and function with our refined and tuned Ego, we realise a clarity in all that is. We see reason for the wrongs and feel no personal attachment to the things that once seemed so important to us. We are cutting out the flaw of interpretation and realise the opinion of others is based on their interpretation, created on a platform so different, so “Unique” from our own.

    Love who You are and model yourself on that which Your organic Self wishes you to be.

    There is a saying, “Dance as if no-one is watching”.

    I have come to the conclusion, that is exactly how we should live our lives. When we reach a maturity that guides us from within, we will always know what is right and what is wrong – for the person “WE ARE”, our own and unique alternative to those around us.

    Find yourself. Listen to the inner guidance and begin your true journey, as You.

    What stops you from becoming your Higher Self at all times? Choice!

    We set ourselves personal goals from time to time, with the aim to move closer to becoming something we see as better, than that which we presently are.

    Is that the best approach to improve ourselves?

    In many ways we would have to say YES – goals are beneficial. However, there is another way to look at a reality beyond excuses.

    I see it like going from an Apprentice to becoming a Statesman. The goal of becoming a Statesman, to me means reaching my best Self – from a mental and health perspective.

    Along the journey of learning I see myself inching closer to the goal ……HOWEVER ….. I now also start to see another logic opening up. Whilst I set goals to change, by practising that which arrives as my inner knowing, I actually see that I am making a choice.

    The choices I make are setting me on the path towards my goal – but why do I not simply exist as that which I already can be?

    If we feel something is not healthy – why can’t we simply remove our emotions and stop its consumption or practise?

    The Apprentice is dealing with these questions and learning – the Statesman simply acts and changes without hesitation – knowing always, the means by which to reach the best outcome within the shortest timeframe.

    Choice is replaced by action, the action into “Our Own Perfection”.

    Therein is the difference between the Apprentice and the Statesman.

    The Statesman already residing within You – let your Inner Guru come alive and leave limitations and unwarranted suffering behind. Life is a Miracle – as are YOU.

    Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is a global awareness project – aiming to help restore our planet & Gift life to future generations.

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  • Time & The Multiverse

    by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody

    5th Sept’22

    Time & The Multiverse
    Time is an illusion of our existence beyond the “Now”.

    Time is not what we perceive it to be. The Future has already taken place, but we are yet to experience it.

    Imagine if time was not ticking away on a one directional trajectory. The human brain is catering for one billion neuron pathway connections, for every action we take. This translates to a billion possible variations in all we do.

    Quantum Physicists today explore the existence of a Multiverse – or additional “realms” we all act and collect experiences in.

    Until recently I struggled with the “concept” of predicting future events correctly.

    A few weeks ago, during silent meditation, I experienced the unfolding of this concept – it’s logic revealed itself.

    We see time in the wrong perspective, we accept time to be a moving experience when it is not always so. Time applies itself in different forms, to suit different natural concepts, which together form the “Magic of Creation”.

    The concept of being able to “accurately” observe all events from the past to the present moment, has a logic. You see, all actions expel energy which can be measured by its frequency – which we then can translate via our sensory system (when we train it to do so).

    For example – if we have a thought, we expel energy. This energy will leave a specific frequency – unique to this thought. Add your unique DNA code, which also is a frequency, and we now have not only the data to translate the thought, but the DNA also leaves the signature of the author of such thought.

    Energy is stored in the Atmosphere and is almost identical to todays wireless internet in the way it can transmit. Humidity and ionisation of the atmosphere are the key components for this to work.

    So, How can this concept apply to events into the future?

    Time as we perceive it at present, is not understood in its correct sense.

    However, the presently accepted concept of time allows our brain to digest events in the realm we perceive to exist. This concept of time cannot be applied if we are in fact experiencing an existence in a Multiverse.

    You see, the multiverse is possible and far more likely than an existence in one exclusive consciousness – or one realm.

    Our brain structure leads us to the realisation of a Multiverse.

    In fact, it is the most plausible explanation for the billion neurons per brain-cell, each allowing a unique neuron pathway connection, each allowing a unique version of our experiences in the present moment.

    This is where time comes in to play its role, and this is why we arrive at the conclusion of time as we perceive it – which represents us with the flawed illusion it is.

    Time as we perceive it today, may well protect our brain function in the phase of Self Consciousness, allowing a singular experience as a self. When in reality, the comprehension of the Multiverse is perfectly tailored to a species, able to exist in a state of Collective Consciousness – functioning with a brain power, equal to the highest performing networked super computer.

    The Future is merely an event we are yet to experience in the moment of Now.

    The future as we consider it today, has already happened.

    We are simply experiencing a variation of the now in a sequence, so our cell memory can learn from each possible experience and its accompanying outcomes. Each experience is stored in cell memory for humanity to shape itself into its best possible version.

    The future as we see it, is each one of the billion variations of our neuron pathway connections.

    So, you see that the future is not an unknown but is already a programmed neuron pathway variation in our brain structure.

    I give you a practical example:

    Think of the path of any seedling.

    When planting a tomato seed, all going well, we can conclude that this seed will become a tomato. We also know that the seed relies on many conditions to survive.

    It is these conditions that create the variants. In one realm the seed will become a tomato, whilst in another variant – or realm, it will experience hail or draught and will not survive.

    There are many “Already Known Variations”, predicting the future of each seedling.

    These outcomes are already known. How can we know what has not happened as yet?

    From our past experiences we have collected data which now predicts the future of such plants. It tells us where and when to best grow them. It also tells us how to apply “best practise”, to assure the plants health.

    We can protect its life path from weakness by adding water or feed it compost for healthy roots. There are many variants once more – variants we already have the memory to predict well into the plant’s future.

    As we experience variants of our present moment, we learn to improve our path just like that of the above tomato.

    Whilst we host a billion neurons per brain cell today, this is likely to be a growing number. For now we must experience and learn from each moment.

    The Future is bright if we take the steps to learn and select the best variants for each situation.

    As we evolve into Collective Consciousness, we will shift into an existence of Peace & Harmony.

    Our Planet and All Creations are waiting patiently for us “humans” to grow up. Unfortunately we hit a snag – our Ego has become dysfunctional.

    Greed and Selfishness have emerged amongst our most destructive forces.

    The invention of Wealth and our monetary system are the core feeding grounds for this existential threat to All. Consequences such as discrimination and exploitation have led to much suffering on this planet.

    We are ready to move on. Let us Open our Minds to a Reality beyond this Realm. Everything is possible, everything already in place – find the pathway to make this world a better place for You and me.

    Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is a global awareness project, aimed at restoring our planet and gifting life to future generations.

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