• Equality holds the Key to Humanities survival.

    by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody

    13th August 2022

    Equality Humanity Towards Sustainability
    Equality – The Key to our Species survival.

    Equality should never be perceived as a privilege.

    Discrimination and the self entitled attitude by some, has long plagued the evolution process, of not only us, but all life forms on this planet.

    Humans are by far the greatest threat to the existence of “All Creations”.

    The problem is amplified by our competitive drive and general ignorance to exploitation, in the name of progress.

    We fail to see the primitive and immoral actions we commit daily.

    Much of these actions are true crimes against our own – crimes we often commit in service of “employment & career”.

    We wash our hands in innocence – when in fact we enable atrocities in exchange for wages or profit.

    A closer look at the concept of “Equality” will open our eyes to the solution.

    The class-system has created a concept that encourages our personal ambitions to rise in our social standing. This idea of our social standing, is a most harmful weapon against the greater well-being of “all”.

    “Respect & Honour” are like a drug to some. We are easily manipulated when our Ego is stroked.

    Instead of criticising the system, allow me to take you on a journey beyond destruction.

    During our education, we have learned about shapes and sizes. We can work out the centre of an object by applying such lessons.

    Now, the exact centre of any object, is the point at which we can balance such and it will be self supporting.

    The object is resting on its centre – harmonised within the physical laws of gravity.

    So, how do we deal with a number like “Infinity”?

    Why is that relevant?

    We have learned that the Universe is constantly self creating and changing in size – it is understood to be “Infinite” in that regard.

    Consider the fact that we can find balance and harmony, when we can establish the centre of an object.

    With the aim to locate its point of balance & harmony, how does the size “infinite” help us to locate the centre of the Universe? Why is it important?

    Because at its centre, we find balance and harmony. At its Exact Centre – we find “OURSELVES”.

    No matter where you are – “YOU” are the Centre of the “Infinite Universe”.

    Is this a coincidence? No.

    Each one of us – every living organism – “All of Creation”, will find themselves at the exact centre, at all times.

    As the universe is constantly growing, we remain in that centre – no matter where we go.

    Shall we explore if this phenomena holds a deeper meaning?

    Are we balanced and in harmony with all? No.

    Why not if we are in the exact centre?

    Because we do not accept a “reality of ourselves” at the centre of the universe.

    Instead, we follow a system that portrays a perceived reality. A reality in which we are not that which we actually are.

    Self Consciousness, the present state in which humans function, is a state of “duality”. To manipulate our reality is rather simple.

    To create a truth, which is the opposite of reality, is simple, as everything exists because of its opposite.

    How do we avoid such a flawed existence? We consider the centre of the opposites – being the “Middle Way” or the Tao.

    I have written much about our “Unskilled & Skilled Self”. Many use different terminology – referring to our Higher Self or a level of becoming “Enlightened”.

    The Unskilled Self, is that which is the raw product. The original form or the seed, from which the actual potential sets out.

    The Skilled Self, is the human beyond Ego.

    When we finally reach that point, we are ready to function in the state of “Collective Consciousness”. We will be connected to Source – we will understand the balance and harmony, as we are at its centre.

    We are all “Equal” at birth.

    Only man-made concepts have assisted the illusion of our many differences. This illusion has brought upon us much destruction. We are governed into a system of artificial discrimination, when it doesn’t serve the well-being of our species, nor our planet.

    Exploitation at the level of many global political and business systems, is a sign of “Insanity”. We do not have to support our own demise. Our young deserve much better!

    Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global awareness project – aiming to help restore our planet & Gift life to future generations.

  • The Unification of all species is “Complete”.

    by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody

    6th August 2022

    Unification of all Species
    DNA traces of “Every” life form are found in each of us.

    Peace is a state of Harmony that is triggered by an “Awareness” beyond the Self.

    The Creation of all life forms is based on five identical elements. Elements that are constantly changing form, and together demonstrate to us the cyclic pattern life truly is.

    A falling leaf in autumn, is not at the end of its journey.

    In fact, the remnants of the leaf will be consumed by nature – or Creation, and the broken down elements will become living cells in another life form once more. That is the cycle of all life.

    The DNA of the leaf will appear in many future life forms, as it has in many past ones.

    If it falls under a fruit tree and is consumed by the roots, the leaf’s broken-down elements will be traceable in those consuming the fruit one day. Birds, Bee’s, humans etc

    We are internally united into ONE.

    Seeds of such fruit will be distributed around our planet. Birds often travel over vast distances as they migrate over the colder months. Bird droppings plant these seeds and create vegetation on remote islands for example.

    Whales and many other species play similar roles, carrying and sharing, DNA traces on a massive scale around our beautiful planet. Tides and trade winds further compliment this integral part of life, further participating in the “complete unification of all species”.

    All “natural whole-foods” we consume carry past DNA traces, taking us back to the first life form.

    Our Ancestors are the entire catalogue, of “All Living Organisms”, who existed before us – not merely humans. Their DNA is present within each of us.

    This is a deep connection that we hold with all living species. A connection we are slow to comprehend and live up to. Collective Consciousness is the wisdom of all such life forms.

    Our ancestral DNA make-up, equips us with the combined strength of the past, in our present moment.

    Cell memory is the fabric of “inner learning, it contains wisdom beyond books – it is Akash, Divine Knowledge, Source or whatever name one can reflect with.

    From a structural perspective, we can conclude that the “Unification of All Species” is complete.

    In fact it is the model upon which creation is possible.

    For eons humans have understood the consequences of unification vs discrimination.

    For the ease of managing a herd, one should keep the numbers of a herd down to controllable levels.

    Control is the ulterior motive to create division or discrimination amongst groups.

    Such a scenario limits the individual potential and development, when compared to a freely sharing and unified species. A species “aware” of its true functionality, when connecting to each other via our inner cell-based structures. (think telepathy)

    We humans are living in a self created struggle, blind to our true purpose and potential.

    Neuroscience, in specific the field of Neuroplasticity, is providing a scientific platform to that which we “Can Be”. The human brain is the most under-utilised organ.

    Our brain is able to re-configure itself and re-map our present neuron pathway connections, simply by entering a new acceptable logic.

    We do not need to understand the specific neurological structures, as is the goal of a scientist. We simply need to learn more about who we truly are and what is possible with the functions we already have.

    Logic triggers our neuron connections. To change our brain, we can change the logic by which we accept a certain fact or story. We have a billion options to consider any fact – that is how many neurons our brain carries per brain cell.

    A basic understanding we’d all benefit from, is the consequence of mental programming.

    As we observe the consequences of division and discrimination, we can also study the triggers leading to groups being divided. These triggers are often dressed as “NEWS” or such, when in fact, these triggers are serving a more sinister purpose.

    Group manipulation is based on mental programming. Mental programming can be a targeted form of manipulation, or it can be as innocent as “forming an opinion”.

    In a state of Self Consciousness, we have a problematic relationship with “Truth”.

    You see, there is a thing called “Duality” – that exists in everything we can perceive. Anything beyond the purity of “Observation” that is.

    Duality is best understood as a contradiction of “Everything”. Everything we perceive, can only be perceived because of its “Opposite”. Large exists because “Little” exists – light & dark – wet & dry – long & short etc ….. you get the picture.

    Can you see now how easy it is the divide groups with two opposing arguments? Neither can be blamed for supporting their idea – neither part is wrong.

    Political parties are todays most prominent example of this problem in society.

    The big problem for humanity is its lack of “Self-Awareness”.

    Whilst I can understand and write about this subject, living by it is a completely different ball game.

    The trickiest hurdle is the human Ego function. The Ego is that which blinds us from the shared existence we actually are.

    Whilst we are a constantly changing organism, made of approx fifty-three trillion cells, our Ego controls the standard by which we host such cells.

    Cells are constantly disposed and renewed, constantly reminding us that we are just a living part of everything. Yet – we are not awake to that simple fact of our own existence.

    Not only do we ignore the potential of being one with all past and present life forms, we also see control beyond our own sphere as prudent and socially admirable.

    In that pursuit for Self-serving rewards, lies our existential problem.

    We are closed in, our windows to the reality of our existence are shuttered down. To change our path, we must change our “Awareness” of reality.

    The reality of life is – that together with all life forms, we form a functioning organism as ONE.

    United by our cell structure, but divided by our fickle minds, we have a far way to go.

    Unification is a fact of Creation, it is complete as can be – our unification is one we must find from within ourselves now.

    We must do better if we are to survive as a viable species, contributing positively to the evolution of ONE.

    Much Love & Light to You All.

    Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global awareness project – aiming to trigger Change and the Sustainable restoration of our planet & society, whilst “gifting” life to future generations.

  • Understanding Consciousness & Higher Human Functionality. Our Collective Purpose.

    by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody

    29th July’22

    Why Consciousness is Key
    Understanding ONENESS on a Conscious level.

    Human functionality is not limited by our perception.

    Wisdom grows by our experiences, not merely by the books we consume. Now that will seem pretty basic to most readers, but – define an experience – and be open to a “reality” beyond the norm.

    What is an “Inner Experience”? Think Meditation for example.

    There are simple mechanics that apply to the human design. Often such mechanics are converted into technology.

    It is commonly accepted that the Neurological Connections, available to the human brain, are more powerful than any super computer.

    An easy way to highlight this power, is by pointing out that we have ONE Billion Neurons per Brain-Cell. Each of these Neurons can form a unique connection in our brain, which means we actually have a billion alternative ways, to do anything we do.

    Some of these alternatives would be terrible, whilst others are pure Genius.

    With the aim to operate a functioning brain, we have a self regulating filter, that reduces these alternative ways, to a limiting menu of merely two hundred, instead of one billion options. Further more, these two hundred alternative options are now limited to “YOUR” past learning.

    When we refer to the brains neurological capacity of the One billion alternative options, at which we can perform any given task – we must wonder.

    Why would nature create a brain, massively over catering for a species needs? Or has it?

    No – Nature has bestowed us with a brain, able to function “AS THE INTER-CONNECTED BEING WE ARE”.

    You see, humanity has a sensory system that is almost completely ignored.

    Each human cell, is made of recycled elements going back to the dawn of creation. In fact, all of creation share cells, made of identical elements.

    Each cell has a positive and negative electrical charge. Now it gets interesting!

    As the human is made up of fifty-three trillion constantly changing and recycled cells, we must wonder about the electrical charges and their purpose.

    Allow me to simplify a typical human interaction and the role our cells play in that.

    Outgoing energy leaves via the positive end of a cell, we propel it toward its target. This could be a spoken word, addressed at the person next to you.

    On the receiving end, the listener catches the signal, which enters via the incoming port, the negative pole of a cell. This completes the function of our communication with an external source.

    So the outgoing energy is propelled via the positive charge, whilst the incoming is received by allowing a external connection. My positive cell is connecting to the receivers negative cell – thus closing the electronic cycle.

    Communication is not limited to speech. In fact, our entire sensory system functions on this same electronic cycle.

    With humidity and ionisation richly present in the Earth Atmosphere, we enjoy the perfect conditions to host all sorts of signals and messages.

    Our cells constantly send and receive signals stored in thin air.

    Telepathy is performed on exactly such a level of communication. The strengthening of the sensory system allows us all to learn such functionality – but few realise this.

    This article is aimed at demonstrating our “true” interconnected existence, so I will refrain from going too deep into the functionality. Instead I’d like to showcase the reason why humanity functions in such a manner.

    The Ultimate Human Functionality is reached, when we function as ONE – which is Possible Today!

    Now as we have established that our cells are created from recycled elements, are constantly renewing and old cells expelled, we zoom in on the purpose of our seemingly over capacity brain.

    As long as we function as the “I” – or the mere “Self”, our limited capacity at two hundred alternative options to perform any task, seems fine.

    One massive benefit, to function on a level beyond these, is that we enter options beyond our present experiences or learning.

    This is the power of “Collective Consciousness”.

    Our near infinite neurological connections, are there for good reason.

    Human cells have the ability to communicate with cells of any other organism, as they are made of identical elements, belonging to a network of recycled materials and consumed as life sustaining nutrient.

    That cell structure is the basic building block of all creations. We all share a part of each other – not merely our species but all of creation.

    So, as humans learn to strengthen their sensory system, we open our mind to learning beyond presently accepted means.

    A well known and tested means to start on this path, is Silent Meditation.

    When we arrive at a level that allows us to sense and experience our connected existence, life as we know it does change. Our horizon opens beyond our limiting state of Self Consciousness and throws us deep into the pool of creation.

    As we learn to dissolve our ego and come to terms with the fact that a part of us, is in every other life form, we begin to realise the human potential. Brain capacity is tailor made.

    What stops us from connecting to our external cells?

    I may sit in meditation and let go of the attachment to a “Self”. Thus opening my sensory system to zoom in on energy streams floating in the atmosphere.

    You could call it “Brain Surfing” – just let the wave take you without resistance. Allow random energy streams to connect to your incoming ports – your negative poles in your cells.

    As you allow the brain to enter a state of self regulation, it frees itself to move beyond the limited two hundred options. You are now practising a state in which your brain is open to form its own limitless neurological connections.

    To protect Mother Earth and all creations, becomes our purpose – we now can finally experience ourselves as ONE with ALL – for that is what we truly are.

    Environmental restoration is a logical step – it is the human purpose to protect our planet and all creations. To do so, is to protect the “Self”, as we are all of that – a part of every life form.

    Unconditional Love is simple to comprehend from that point of view.

    Todays global political systems truly harms our very existence.

    We have much to learn and many critical changes to implement. Understanding our true functionality is a big part of that journey.

    How can we create a sustainable future, if we do not know how to connect to that which we are?

    Awareness of our functions is the gateway. Practising and sharing our experiences as we learn, forms the chosen path.

    May we walk each other towards the light of wisdom – for it resides in everything equally.

    Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global awareness project, aiming at environmental restoration and sustainability – whilst gifting life to future generations.

  • Democracy Joe & The Wild West

    Democracy Joe
    Complete Control & Democracy – The Wild Wild West …..

    by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody

    24th July 2022

    When Taxpayers money is employed, should the taxpayer have a say? Should Government Spending take the needs of its community into closer consideration?

    Today the World is a more dangerous place than ever. Much of our political news, focus around the funding of international conflicts and the creation of economic sanctions. Sanctions that are harming the global community at large.

    When we consume Global News, we read propaganda that serves to divide the global community and cover up the “Crimes”, committed by Politicians against humanity.

    Greed is a most dangerous condition, one running rampant, amongst the “so-called” Elite.

    We refer to the President of the USA, as the Leader of the “Free World”.

    Where is this Free World?

    It was recently stated, at the Start of the G7 Meeting in Bavaria – that they still have a functioning Democracy in that world. Joe Biden apparently has achieved this since his time in Office.

    If Joe can do it in that Realm, perhaps he is too exhausted from all that good work …. and so he does the exact opposite in the World we find ourselves in?

    In our Realm, we observe an extreme drive for Global Control at All Costs. Joe Biden is a key player in that drive.

    Victor Orban, Leader of Hungary, recently said – the only way to stop the War in Ukraine, is by bringing Russia and the USA to the Negotiating Table. He suggested the EU position itself between the US and Russia and desist from taking sides.

    Living conditions in the USA are deteriorating, whilst Joe Biden delivered US$ 8.4 Billion in Weapons during the first 5 months of this conflict.

    This Leader of the Free World, is sending his weapons around the planet and causing extreme human suffering on a massive scale.

    What motivates someone to commit such atrocities?

    A complete delusion of reality and a lack of care for anything, beyond his personal ambitions. Are these the qualities of a Democratic Leader or a Villain?

    The Wild West is famous through its often romanticised Movies. Unfortunately there is nothing romantic about the antics of the Wild West today.

    Our planet is managed into oblivion and we are nearing the end of the road.

    To continue on the present path is not possible. This is based on a number of factors, the main one being the “will-full” destruction of our planet.

    For the sake of our survival, the time to think and act is now.

    Environmental restoration is “possible” …….. BUT – We have two main “hurdles”.

    Greed & the Global Political System.

    Both these hurdles can be overcome, by changing the direction in which we move forward from here.

    Sustainability is the key to make any effort count.

    As long as we are attached to the present monetary system, we will not succeed.

    Greed must be wiped out entirely.

    To achieve this, we must design a new system of “wealth distribution”. Something that is in fact far simpler, than to consider many of the alternatives.

    There are variable views on the time we have left on this planet, the common consensus is frightening. Unfortunately, it is not frightening many of our Politicians.

    Change is a constant. Nature is a clear demonstration of this natural occurrence.

    Today, it is imperative that we bring Change to the System that has become our demise.

    The Health of our planet and all species, must be at the forefront of any new system.

    As we replace the Cancer that is our present global system, we must open our hearts and unite the global community.

    We have much opportunity for a bright “future”, but the time to make this happen is fleeting.

    Are you giving up like so many? Why not become a part of the Change? What have we got to loose when our planet is in such decay?

    Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is a global awareness project, aimed at triggering Change. Change that will allow the sustainable restoration of our planet and “Gift” life to Future Generations.

    Our legacy is terrible, but knowing that we can do something about it, and not doing all we can, is even worse.

    Recommended reading: Sustainability Means Health over Profit.

    Bookmark this page and share the HTS content if you share our passion.

  • Extreme heat, War & Political Ignorance.

    by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody

    18th July’22

    Eu Heatwave and War
    Once upon a time ….. When Leaders still cared.

    We write the year 2022, temperatures in the UK reach 40 degree Celsius.

    A temperature that was predicted to hit the UK by 2050, unless we change course.

    Such high temperatures in the UK, were long recognised as a warning to mankind.

    The environmental damage caused by, our “Present Form”, of energy consumption would mean the end for life on our planet – we were told.

    Many species have been destroyed by the “Irresponsible”, human way of life. Many more are on the verge of extinction today. Humanity is not immune to that.

    The present Heatwave is an “Un-Natural Event”!!!

    If we consider that which we know about Climate Change and hold it up against that, which we observe on the global stage – we can spot the problem from a mile.

    Political Mismanagement at its worst.

    Not one Bullet had to be fired in Ukraine, if “Diplomacy” was truly given a chance.

    There is no Innocent party.

    Much of todays News, are mere “War Propaganda”. Their spin is far removed from the facts, which unfortunately, the public will never know.

    As Rockets rain down on numerous battlefields around the World, our planets health drastically speeds up its deterioration.

    The Human and Environmental Disaster we experience today, is the “Direct Consequence” of our Leaders Actions.

    Whilst our global population is being herded into the looming Energy and Food crisis, inflation is taking the problem to another level.

    To add to the perplexing situation, Reserve Banks around the world are lifting interest rates. These rate hikes are further adding to the pain for the global community.

    Whilst we are being given vague explanations why it has to be so, it goes against all fiscal logic. The monetary policy that triggers such rate hikes, is not based on a boom felt by the community. This boom is only felt by the Elite that is getting richer as the community is being bled dry.

    The Weapons sector is booming. The Pharmaceutical sector is booming. Shareholdings of many Political Leaders are booming. Will they suffer the same food and energy crisis? No.

    Crime rates are likely to spiral out of control as a result. People will do many things to survive and protect their families from hunger.

    The fight for our survival is triggered by instinct. So no surprise there – surely Governments are aware of this, if even we, can figure it out. History too points us to this simple conclusion.

    Humanity is about to experience a crisis on many fronts. A crisis that never needed to occur.

    Do the “Facts” support this Crisis – or is it an “Artificial Crisis”?

    Why is there a Gas shortage in Europe all of a sudden? Is it because there is no gas, or is it because our Political Leaders have gone mad?

    The gas that worked perfectly well last winter, is no longer acceptable to our Political Masters.

    Coal power and new fossil fuel explorations are their preferred solutions according to German News.

    REMEMBER – across Europe, fires rage from the worst heatwave on record.

    Environmental Scientists are surely observing this picture and advising our Leaders. If that is so, we must ask a big Question:

    Can Politicians be made liable for their actions against the survival of “Humanity and all Species”?

    Scientific evidence will clearly show beyond doubt, that todays political actions are in fact criminal actions against human life and most harmful to our entire planet.

    Is this a Human Rights case?

    Can we lodge a petition with the Human Rights Court, to finally bring an end to this madness and save ourselves?

    As much as there is no gas shortage, we don’t have a food shortage.

    What we have is a conflict our Leaders are engaged in, against our interests. A conflict that holds us hostage to their decaying morals and often criminal activities.

    How can we look at our Grandchildren and not feel pain?

    Humanity has to unify. We have to engage and engage beyond the political arena, for that theatre has sadly failed us and our future generations.

    Weapons do not bring Peace. Neutrality Does! Diplomates engaged in this conflict know that too, but they run with an agenda that has no regard for human life.

    Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is a Global Awareness project, aiming to bring about positive change and give Humanity a Voice.

    Please help support our cause by sharing HTS information to your network or News platform.

    “I am Nobody. Together We are. Therefore I am.”

  • Energy – The Tao and Politics

    by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody

    10th July’22

    Energy - The Tao and Politics
    “Harmony” is our “Ultimate State” of existence. It’s energy is the TAO.

    Lao Tzu is recognised as the Father of Taoism.

    A simple way to understand Taoism, is to apply the example of a flowing stream. The ideal way to master the stream, is to flow with its energy – not fight against the current.

    When we become one with the flow of the stream, we are flowing in the ideal energy – the Tao.

    How can we apply Taoism today and how can it help us?

    We begin by considering the deeper meaning of “Energy”.

    Whilst the example of a flowing stream gives us a mental image that may be easy to understand, its daily application may still present as a struggle.

    Energy in our earth’s atmosphere, is recognisable as energy frequencies.

    Now imagine the air we breathe, being filled with an infinite amount of data streams. Data that is decipherable by its energy frequency.

    For us to discover the ideal flow and follow the Tao, we must first learn to identify it.

    The best way to describe this challenge is to point you to internet search engines.

    Imagine we have to search the internet for information. The search engine will apply codes to locate specific information amongst all the data in existence on the web.

    The human sensory system works in an identical way. In fact, wireless technology and Cloud storage, are technologies, present in the human sensory system.

    For humans to discover the ideal path and follow the Tao, we must learn to go within. Silent Meditation is a means by which we can practise to strengthen our inner functionality.

    How does this apply to Politics today?

    As global affairs are clearly demonstrating today, humanity is not existing in “Harmony” with itself or Nature.

    Our species have lost their “Way”. Governments around the World are creating situations of conflict, in their pursuit for “Wealth & Power”.

    Why is it so?

    They act outside the Tao.

    To establish the foundations of a sustainable existence, we must change course.

    Harmony is only possible, if we act with the awareness of our “Inter-Connected” existence. Wealth & Power only serve our selfish needs.

    But we must aim to serve our “Common” Needs.

    Consider the present global Energy crisis.

    The reason for this crisis is not a shortage of energy. The reason is that Political Leaders push for an expansion of their sphere of influence. Some see the facts one way, some another – but that is hardly the point.

    None are willing to explore the simple path of “Common Ground”. Vested interests are preventing us from finding “harmony”.

    There is plenty of Gas available to supply all of Europe. There are also simple ways, to see the path to restore Peace and move forward with “Common” interests.

    The global community is not as divided as the global Political Elite.

    Politicians have a duty to serve the interests of the “People” that pay them. That is actually one of the greatest triggers for our global problems.

    Politicians are accepting political funding from the wrong people. Today our laws are still catering for the ongoing corruption that is directly to blame for our woes.

    Does Russian gas know it is Russian? Gas is a global resource that belongs to Mother Earth and the global community – just like all resources.

    To establish harmony and create a sustainable society, we must consider the “collective-power” we all hold.

    The “Common-Interest” ideology, is the way to unify the world in Peace and restore the health of our planet.

    Democracy today, demonstrates zero interest to serve the “Global Community & our Common Goals”.

    Taoism demonstrates the simplicity by which we can address and solve global problems. What we lack today, is Political Good Will.

    There are increasing signs the present systems days are numbered.

    Nature and our species, can no longer afford to maintain the Selfish destruction many Governments participate in.

    The exploitation of humanity has reached a critical point, we must change course. A revision of the global system is overdue.

    Democracy and Communism have failed. The Tao may well be the “middle way” amongst those.

    Wealth has blinded us and enslaved many.

    A system that gives equal wealth to all, shall form the basis of creating global harmony.

    There will be no place for military and weapons, as there will be no need for global borders.

    We must find and support such political figures that are dedicated to a “Common World Vision”.

    The artificially created crisis is not suffered by those that cause it. We, the people who voted for them, we suffer greatly today.

    Many are no longer showing an interest in Politics.

    That too is causing problems. To improve our existence and restore our planets health, we must consider politics in a new light.

    The process of separating communities has weakened us. Humanity must realise its need to unify and exists in peace. The “health” of our planet and all species, governs our own.

    Our exploitative ways were never sustainable – the consequences have taken us “all” to the cliff of extinction today.

    Enough is enough.

    Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global awareness project. The HTS vision, is to restore our planet and give humanity a future worth living for.

    Please help us to support this vision and bring about the Change we all deserve.

    You may also be interested to read – Spirituality & Human Purpose. Click here.

  • Reality Check: What is wrong with the Global Political System today?

    by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – 2nd July’22

    Reality Check
    Modern Slaves – Public Exploitation Gone Too Far.

    Public exploitation is a crime against Humanity.

    Over the last few years, the deterioration of living standards has been felt by many around the World.

    Global communities suffer from an ever increasing range of shortcomings.

    Two global events are blamed for much of the consequences.

    One of these allowed Governments around the world to test security measures against its public.

    We all remember the global lock-downs and related public measures – removing even our right for personal medical choices.

    At the time I expected Global Share Markets to collapse.

    However perplexing it was to any logic, but markets actually rallied during lock downs.

    The reason markets could rally, was that a small number of listed companies made massive gains.

    The Elite got even “richer”.

    The lack of tested and efficient medicinal research, didn’t stop the global Governments forcing citizens into treatment options against their “free will”.

    Scientists and Medical Professionals speaking out against such steps, were discredited and ridiculed by “ignorant politicians”. Politicians that were ignorant of the scientific subject, but awake to the financial consequences and windfalls for some.

    Once the political course was set, the exploitation of the global community found few hurdles.

    As the choppy ride of this event subsides, another startling situation is holding the Global Communities to ransom.

    Ukraine is an artificially created international conflict.

    Ukrainians are being slaughtered for reasons beyond the general accepted information, available through the Mass-Media.

    It is no different amongst the Russians – the people did not start this War.

    International conflict starts by manipulating citizens into “so called Patriots”. Countries in reality have no actual existence – people do.

    Vested Interests & Human Exploitation caused this War in Ukraine.

    The global financial crisis many are feeling today – the present food shortages which are supposedly getting much worse – the energy shortages facing many European countries before another heating season – all these are completely “self managed”.

    “Self Managed” by our sub-serving Political Actors – for they are not Leaders.

    We are told about the massive problems heading “our” way and already many of us feel these today.

    Did you know that such shortages are not actually caused by Ukraine vs Russia, but by the way countries, not involved in this conflict, make sure Ukraine is funded into a position that makes an end to this conflict extremely unlikely in the short term.

    The biggest loss will be felt amongst the people of Ukraine, whilst the true target is to inflict financial and military harm to Russia. Ukraine is the means to that and they are manipulated into this scenario.

    One US company that is making massive gains from this conflict, is Raytheon.

    Not surprising, one of the largest shareholders in Raytheon is the US investment juggernaut – Black Rock Finance. Black Rock are known financial consultants to the US Government.

    Also of interest, Black Rock is amongst the largest shareholders in Pfizer. Aren’t they picking the right shares? Insider trading anyone …..??

    During the Iraq war that toppled Saddam Hussein, Donald Rumsfeld was US Defence Secretary and a beneficiary of Halliburton. Halliburton was given the contract to re-build Iraq Oilfields and distribute its Oil products, before the Bush administration officially decided to invade.

    Even more disturbing is the fact that Dick Cheney was the Vice President during that time. Dick Cheney was also CEO at Halliburton between 1995 and 2000.

    It goes much deeper. However, I think we can clearly see the picture of vested political interest in the name of wealth creation.

    Serving the people, is not lucrative in a majority of todays political systems. Exploiting humanity is too lucrative to overlook.

    So, what are we – “Humanity” – going to do about it?

    Many are aware of this corrupt reality, but feel it is impossible to stop.

    Is that really a viable direction for humanity?

    Instead of improving living conditions and reducing violence, we experience the opposite.

    What is taking place in the guise of law and political propaganda, is a threat to the health and freedom of humanity.

    Evolution has stopped. Wealth has motivated the vast majority of un-natural death amongst humans and nature.

    Our planet and our species, will not survive such a system for much longer, nor should we allow it to continue.

    Perhaps the most dangerous pandemic today, is “greed” amongst those in power.

    How do we solve this global dilemma?

    Can we explore means to better vet candidates for such roles of power?

    The monetary system urgently needs to be overhauled. We must explore ways to make the present idea of wealth, a past memory of our dark ages.

    Equality amongst all human’s will lead to a lack of crime and corruption. The challenges of productivity can easily be overcome, by considering incentives, such as reduced working hours for equal pay amongst all.

    Humanity will always be faced by new challenges, but must never again be faced by artificial challenges.

    The present increase in the exploitation of humanity, may well be the best thing that could have happened.

    In this obscene feeding frenzy from the last two global events, the Pandemic and the Ukraine War – present Leaders and their henchmen have become too arrogant. They have dropped their masks to a level, that allows us to see the truth a little clearer.

    Today, Media Censor-ship and political propaganda are a means to corrupt the minds of the masses. Everything has been bought to orchestrate complete domination over humanity.

    Law in its essence, is a concept of protecting us from a wrong. Not so.

    Going to Court today is little different than going to a Casino. Justice has grown into such a complexity, it branched away from logic and attached itself to “itself”.

    Lawyers that reap the rewards of a legal system, regulate a system, that offers endless sub clauses and laws to win any case.

    Litigation is another growing weapon against innocent citizens, to be dragged down and participate in a system lacking logic – and ….. “justice”.

    From a point of psychology, it has been “claimed” that humans best learn with something called the “whip” effect.

    We learn by being harmed or threatened.

    Whilst this is widely accepted, the effect is a “violent oppression” of individuality.

    Many laws and regulations under our political system, are protecting the governments “right to oppress” its citizens.

    Laws to ban political protests were seen around the world in the last two years. Yet our “Western Leaders” claim a blind dedication to “Democracy”.

    As Court Justice, is no longer a reflection of ethical justice – Democracy is no longer the system that represents the free will of the majority of the people.

    Today “Democracy is limited” to the “will” of the elite.

    Amongst those, wealth generation is growing fantastically at present. They no longer feel obliged to tolerate a middle class.

    Each cent we spend for increased energy costs, food costs, weapons purchases, ammunitions requirements to “service the lucrative” conflicts around the world …… they get richer.

    The tax payers purchases of mass quantities of questionable pharmaceutical products bought Private Jets and luxury Yachts for those idling in comfort – away from the public eye.

    What will you do?

    If we continue on the present path, we soon find ourselves in a worse situation than we even think possible today.

    To say a “Change” is overdue, is an under-statement.

    Observing the improvements humanity achieved in technology and other areas, it is reasonable to understand that we can’t remain in a political and monetary system that once served rulers in the middle ages.

    Progress is a natural path. When we find problems, our nature is to fix these. This is no different.

    The missing link we see, is our unification.

    The present system excels because of the way they manage the masses – they break them up into groups that cause separation.

    Today we need unification, so we can develop and implement the “New Humane” global system.

    Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global awareness project, aiming to assist humanity in finding a path towards each other.

    We seek global volunteers and funding, so our project can reach a level of influence to pave the way.

  • G7 – A Missed Opportunity for Peace.

    The chilling realisation – “Western Interests”.

    G7 Summary
    The G7 Meeting in Germany’22 – demonstrates a complete lack of Reality.

    by, Troy (K) Eichelberger

    27th June’22

    During yesterdays G7 meeting in Elmau – Germany, Leaders smiled for the camera’s of the waiting Media.

    As a financially suffering, global community, gets to enjoy the pretty pictures from the Castle-like Hotel and exclusive surrounds, Leaders will soon be jetting out of Germany on private Jets again.

    If we had some reasons to celebrate after said meeting, this would not seem as obscene as it actually is.

    The Leaders of the USA, France, UK, Japan, Canada, Germany and Italy have ignored the global financial plight. A plight that is the consequence of political failure and corruption on many fronts.

    Inflation and Food shortages are not hampering their waste of public funds.

    Mr Biden missed an opportunity to be remembered for restoring Peace.

    Instead, he will be remembered for his part in the present conflict, by those that look beyond the White House propaganda – sold as News.

    NATO is the combination of its Members will – the US leads the directive.

    NATO’s breach of their security assurances to Russia, is in fact a contractual breach by its members.

    Ukrainians are being sacrificed, as the West funds and manages this war from afar.

    So, what was achieved at this years G7?

    Did this luxurious get-away deliver hope for the people?

    After some further and incredibly generous funding guarantees for weapons, another massive amount of $600 billion was agreed to counter China’s silk road.

    These funds are to be invested between now and 2027.

    You see, as the rift with Russia continues to be further inflamed by rhetoric from the likes of EU’s Van der Leyen, China emerged as an even greater threat to Western interests.

    At this point, I am stumped.

    What actually represents Western Interests?

    In my naivety, I would suggest “Western Interests” must relate to the people that live in western countries.

    So, this doesn’t flow with me.

    Do the people not want Peace in the west?

    Why are we constantly engaging in confrontation and competition?

    The official political rhetoric and the consequent actions do not create harmony between the so-called East & West.

    The Global Community wishes to unite. We seek Peace and harmony.

    Much of our global wild life is facing extinction and is listed on the endangered species register.

    When we wake to the reality of our inter-connection with all species, we soon discover – our own extinction is a logical sequence.

    We too need fresh air and water.

    Fruit and vegetables available in our super markets, lack vital nutrients today. That is a result of the over-use of pesticides in the last century.

    Human health is declining at a rapid rate as a direct result. Chronic disease is at pandemic levels.

    Why is the World Health Organisation not calling an emergency on Cancer? Perhaps that would harm “Western Interest”?

    Global food conglomerates, Pharmaceutical companies and Agricultural procedures would emerge as the culprit.

    It is no secret why chronic disease such as cancer, dementia, heart disease and many more are at pandemic levels.

    In fact, it is big business. …… wait a moment.

    That’s it, this is the global problem, the so-called “Western Interest” – big business.

    Given our present political system, Leaders become leaders because of the funding the receive from “Big Business”, to run their election campaigns.

    Leaders elected in such a way – which is the majority these days, don’t answer or serve the people. Such elected Leaders serve their source of funding. The Big Business.

    Now we know who represents “Western Interests”.

    Companies producing weapons and ammunition have a great interest to see the Ukraine conflict continue.

    So the G7 Leaders, are truly serving Western Interests, as they ignore the plight of the global community.

    Interestingly, Joe Biden’s son has held a most lucrative Senior position at one of Ukraine’s largest Energy Companies – since …. just prior to the ousting of the elected Ukrainian President – Viktor Yanukovych.

    The Biden family have a rather interesting position in Ukraine, when one looks at it that way.

    Perhaps they are merely dedicated to serving Western Interest? History may reveal the facts one day.

    Today, we need Leaders that represent our interests for a change.

    Global Poverty is exploding in numbers under the present system.

    Living conditions are deteriorating for the people – not the Leaders and the Western Interests. These are well cared for – by your taxes.

    Has it gone too far by now? The global community can not take one hit after another. The problem is not food, money or energy – the problem is the management of such.

    Humanity will transition into a new system, or expire under the excuse of Western Interests.

    If there was anything I could say to these Leaders?

    Please help humanity, grow towards sustainability and harmony – or step aside for those that will. We must wake up before its too late!

    Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global awareness project – focused on sustainable, environmental and social restoration.

    Read more to discover the HTS concept, by clicking here.

    HTS is a global community project – funded by public donations. Please help us grow.

  • G7 Meeting – Germany’22

    Can we propose a Cease-Fire and restore Peace in the Ukraine?

    by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Humanity Towards Sustainability

    G7 Hope
    Power comes with Responsibility – War demonstrates its “Failure”.

    26th June 2022

    G7 Leaders are meeting in Germany this weekend.

    The key focus is on the Ukraine conflict. The UK opened with an additional loan guarantee of over $500 million to Ukraine.

    This makes the UK loan guarantee to Ukraine, in access of $1.5 Billion. America, Germany and many more countries around the World, are also sending massive military and financial aid to Ukraine.

    Without such obscene financial support, would there actually be a war?

    Conflict is not solved by an endless supply of weapons and military aid. However, this war is kept going – against the will of the global community.

    Are the G7 Leaders taking note of that, or are they acting with no regard for us?

    Diplomacy was never given a genuine chance in this conflict.

    Ukraine and its people, are being exploited and killed, to meet geo-political interests.

    Today in Germany, those G7 Leaders can make a change to the people of Ukraine.

    This War could enter into a “Cease-fire” immediately.


    By genuine dialogue.

    NATO’s role in this conflict has been, publicly played down. Yet, NATO is the key problem for Russia.

    Why did Mr Biden refuse to enter into diplomatic level talks on that subject?

    Russia did state, security concerns over NATO encroachments towards the Russian Borders.

    If NATO had no intention of Russian aggravation, this security issue would have been easily solved.

    Perhaps this question can be put to Mr Biden during the G7?

    In fact this question should be put to Mr Biden and the answer tested against logic.

    The citizens of Ukraine and the global community have a right to hear Mr Biden’s answer.

    Why not explore the restoration of Peace?

    If there is a genuine will for Peace, it is easy to achieve.

    NATO Members can “REQUEST” the restoration, of security assurances given to Russia almost 30 years ago.

    Perhaps this is another question Mr Biden would be able to explain to the global community.

    Perhaps Mr Biden could become the first NATO Member, making this Request.

    NATO forces meanwhile, are engaged in a training exercise in Lithuania – another former Soviet State. German soldiers are trained there to prepare for an imaginary Russian attack – further provoking the situation in a conflict zone.

    Does that show of ignorance by NATO, tell us the true story?

    The Consequences of PEACE.

    Rising inflation costs and food shortages plague the World. Living conditions are decreasing.

    The world is watching the failure of its political and monetary system.

    Meanwhile, our politicians seem eager to keep this war from ending. Funding seems endless, as streams of tax payers money flow into the conflict zone.

    There is so much money being made by some. Investigative journalism may one day uncover the direct and in-direct flow of these funds.

    Shareholder registers and company structures may one day be reported on. Today, such a report would be too dangerous to consider.

    Mr Biden promised to demonstrate the functionality of a Democracy.

    I would so love to trust in those words again. Democracy is a system, whereby the Government implements the will of the people.

    Is this conflict the will of the people? NO.

    Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is a Global Awareness project.

    Society deserve better than the present global situation. Greed and the present monetary system, are the cause for our demise.

    To restore our planet, we must restore our system. “Equality” makes for a good start.

    Learn more about HTS – click here.

    Please support our vision.

  • In the World News Today – 15th June’22

    Are We Okay?
    Just Follow the Sign – No Brains Required.

    Abortion Banned –

    Contraception Under Review – Yep, I couldn’t believe it when I read this in the World News today …..

    Same Sex Marriage Under Review – I just checked, it is 2022 and it is not the 1st of April.

    ……. but GUNS for all.

    …… and YES, they still have the Death Sentence.

    Which Country’s Supreme Court made these announcements?

    I give you one clue, whilst I know everyone will think they know the answer here – it was NOT the Taliban.

    Do WE, the global community deserve better?

    It is time we wake from our nightmare and restore the global political system that allows such draconian acts.

    We are being managed into our own extinction and the present day Captains can’t see the Iceberg.

    Consider this as an alternative.

    Equality for All – Globally.

    True equality is a game changer – it includes equal wealth for all.

    Once we remove the motivator for wealth creation and exploitation of people and nature – we can drop our borders. War’s will be a memory of the present draconian system – a system that functions purely on the “exploitation” of all it can get its hands on.

    Our planet can’t carry such fools any longer. Unless we bring Change – we will go down without even a fighting chance.

    The monetary system has failed, as has democracy, capitalism and communism …. we need to start fresh and consider past lessons carefully.

    We need to restore our planet and gift life to future generation – for we have taken that away on our watch.

    Please support Humanity Towards Sustainability – we are in this together. Share our content and waked to the sound opportunities we still have.

    Read more on the HTS concept – HERE.