Humanity Towards Sustainability Magazine

By, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Founder


Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is in the process of launching a new magazine in the Environmental, Corporate, Geo-Political and Health Sector. A publication with a difference, a publication driven by passion and purpose, targeting an audience to trigger Global Change.

Why would one start a hard-copy publication today?

Because the digital world has shown itself to be a most unpredictable business platform, littered with victims of click-fraud, hacking and many other forms of cyber-crime. HTS will do it the old-fashioned way – on recycled paper of course – but with a genuine audience of actual humans. This may not give us the immediate numbers as offered when adding click-bots and fake accounts, but HTS will deliver a product that is sought by readers today and advertisers alike.

Motivation & Goal:

When viewing today’s global affairs, we see a World managed into self-destruction.

We don’t have to turn back time, to address and counter, the cause of our demise. At any time, we can restore a path in line with “Harmony” as the guiding principle for “Sustainability”.

Lao Tse – the Father of Taoism, taught humanity about the existence of the ideal flow, the perfect path or the Tao – the middle way. A leaf shall flow with the stream, it can’t swim against it – neither should we.

When we learn about Cause & Effect, we realise the significance of each and every action, as action is “Always” followed by Consequence.

Humanity Towards Sustainability has been established to counter today’s negativity and manipulation on many levels – simply by creating a platform that allows readers to view events from a perspective of logic.

As we have the evidence for the negative consequences on many of civilisations past actions, we also have evidence of positive consequences. Therein rests our greatest opportunity.

The Last Generation does not have to be the last generation.

Many mainstream news engages in a reporting style which is attention grabbing at the cost of integrity. Consequences of such reporting are wide spread fear, anxiety and depression.

Hope vanishes, whilst doom and gloom flourish. Can we really blame the Last Generation Protesters for their actions, or should we lay the responsibility on the cause of their anxieties and fear?

There is a better way.

There is a simple formula that will bring change. A reporting style that is focused on increasing human awareness. Awareness of the available solutions to counter today’s, seemingly insurmountable environmental and Geo-political problems. HTS will adhere to a positive and educating reporting style, consequently triggering “Hope” instead of doom and gloom.

Nature is in a state of constant change, it is a constant state of evolution. Humanity is, like all other life forms, a temporary species. How long we can remain sustainable, will depend on how we create the next moment.

The solutions are rather simple to restore harmony in Nature and on our planet!

Unfortunately, many such solutions are not yet on the table. Why? They lack profitability.

Many of todays Leaders within Industry and Politics, are of a generation that achieved much and brought us technology and science of mind-boggling functionality. Science and technology that are now being applied to fight wars and exploit humanity instead of being applied for the “Common Good”.

Change is coming.

Younger generations are less materialistic and more life-style and environmentally orientated. A new wave of Spiritual exploration is spreading across the globe, changing habits in media consumption and creating a new challenge for the advertising industry.

HTS is creating a communication channel of mixed media, with a hard copy publication as its initial lead product. Further channels are planned down the track, as and when we reach financial milestones. One of these includes a Global retail network – themed and educational, allowing a different level of interaction with an ever-growing audience.

Individuals born in the 90’s and later, are emerging and securing seats in Boardrooms – soon they will be confronted by a sense of frustration caused by outdated policy and laws. As they seek to improve the system, they need our support. They need media channels that are not held back by vested interest or political pressure.  

Imagine a publication that engages with the issues concerning the protests of “The Last Generation” movement.  Imagine a media platform explaining the benefits of “Health vs Wealth” to a broader community. HTS is rolling out that Media Platform as we speak. Open “dialogue” with the decision makers of tomorrow – today.

At present wealth and power prevail over integrity. Do we wish to remain in a system that divides in so many ways?

It will take projects like “Humanity Towards Sustainability”, that trigger change.

In a world in which Leaders can cause our global destruction, we “should” expect a level of intelligence that realises “Weapons do not create Peace” – only dialogue can.

Finding an alternative solution to every problem is easier than to design heat seeking ammunition. Unfortunately, ammunition and weapons happen to be a more profitable commodity when compared to Peace. Serve the Economy at any cost, is today’s motto.

This motto points at a reality, so deeply disturbing, so deceptive and harmful, that it is time to introduce better solutions. HTS will do just that.

About The Humanity Towards Sustainability Magazine:

HTS is establishing a global communications channel that views global affairs from a perspective of possibilities, not profitability. We have needs as a society and we need industry and mining, but we can do so in a way that is responsible and geared towards harmony with Nature.

Whilst starting as a hard copy Magazine in Australia – with the goal to grow internationally via Licencing models, HTS will establish a digital platform for its readers, subscribers or other – to allow interaction on breaking news, environmental features, political observations, human health improvements, technology and science reviews on all fronts, whilst engaging in community building.

HTS is about Harmony, about increasing human awareness of the natural solutions to today’s consequences of our species past mistakes. Nature as understood by Indigenous people for millennia, is a living form of creation, in which all species have a specific role – all acting interconnected as one, including humans.

Life today can be lived in harmony, by applying a combination of past and present wisdom and technology.

Modernisation is increasingly focused on sustainability; we are making amazing progress in so many fields – HTS will promote such innovations and partner with organisations for the benefit of all.

HTS Media is a project driven by my “Passion” for nature and all life forms, driven by the fact that today, we are not sufficiently aware of, or implementing solutions to address and “Counter”, the Environmental and Geo-political threat we experience.

Every contribution from external organisations will bring us a step closer, will increase the sensation of “Hope” amongst those fearing for the future. HTS has a big task ahead, but this task, when carried by many, becomes an achievable goal we can all be proud to be a part of.

As with all Start-ups, funding is a key “Need”. HTS offers individually tailored sponsorship and advertising opportunities to organisations that wish to support our mission, whilst also wishing to reach an ever-growing audience of people seeking truth and a better path towards a sustainable existence.

“I am Nobody. Together we are. Therefore I am.”

Yours Sincerely,

Troy (K) Eichelberger, Nobody – Founder

E: [email protected]

PO Box 177, Maldon, Vic 3463, Australia