Advertising Guide

HTS Advertising Intro
Humanity Towards Sustainability Advertising Guide

by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Founder

29th Feb’24

The Humanity Towards Sustainability Advertising guide, is a reflection of who we are and why advertising with HTS is sharing our journey, by aligning your brand with our global awareness project.

Marketing opportunities that assist the Health of our Planet.

Top advertising positions are often impossible to secure and can be under contract for years in advance.

HTS is in its infancy.

By being amongst early advertisers in the HTS journey, you are much more than an advertiser, you are a valued partner in our quest for a healthier planet.

Ethical Investment. Innovation & Technology – ranging from Green Power Generation to the Automotive sector. Urban Development and Sustainable Architecture. Human Rights. Natural Health and Retreats & Destinations, all these and many more, will benefit from a global audience to this site.

A key to marketing success is consistency in your massage and brand. However, “persistence” delivers subconscious brand recognition and re-call.

One off advertising is perfect for time sensitive communications, such as Government notifications or promoting special events and Sales.

Long term ad campaigns on the other hand should be compared to a wheel that is gathering momentum.

Don’t expect miracles, when creating sustainability is the Charter.

We have some Advertising limitations.

HTS will not accept advertising from organizations that are will-fully harming our planet, or will-fully causing harm to any life form.

Our business model is based around a common goal, to serve humanity and our planet, in the best way we know today.

HTS seeks to develop mutually beneficial relationships with each and every one of our Advertisers, and or their Agents.

The strength of such relationships rests in our common goals.

We see an opportunity to jointly work on innovative marketing solutions, tailored specifically to the needs and budgets of each client.

Our core motivation is different to yours, but as a consequence your ads will shine.

For HTS to make a positive contribution towards the restoration of our planets health, we will focus extensively on growth in our “Audience” numbers.

We do not wish to be actively selling advertising, we wish to trigger positive environmental and social change.

HTS is creating a happy home for the right Businesses and Brands, thus turning our interactions into harmonious long-term partnerships and repeat clients.

Letting our advertisers down would be equal to sabotaging our own Mission.

Our goal is to establish much more, than to add an other media platform amongst many.

Our big picture is one beyond this generation.

Today the opportunity between our Advertisers and ourselves, is to establish solid foundations of trust and long-term partnerships.

This forms the basis from which the Big Picture is born and can one day, be experienced by future generations.

Some industries supply products, without which, we simply can’t function today.

HTS is not ignorant to the commercial realities industry face. Zero pollution is not realistically possible in many sectors today.

However, what is important to us, is a commitment from such industries towards investment and efforts to make improvements as and when this is feasible.

The higher our advertising revenue becomes, the greater our impact will become.

Humanity have begun the journey of restoring our planet.

The technology is available today, to commence a reversal in our pollutive ways.

Today’s greatest hurdle for our planet’s health, is the global political and corporate system. We serve an economy that demands constant growth. Such growth is only possible by an ever increasing exploitation of the natural world. By serving this insatiable appetite, our economy is causing our destruction, it motivates crime and corruption, when all we need is “harmony”.

It can’t continue like this for much longer. We either change or humanity will perish.

How can we change this?

By feeding the hunger for knowledge within the global communities.

Knowledge about our planets potential to heal. The knowledge that we “CAN” do more about it, than that which is sadly still seen today.

To fully understand the purpose of and motivation for HTS, you can read the book: “Humanity Towards Sustainability – Humanism The Great Transition, by Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody”. To order a copy you can visit Amazon in your part of the world. For Australia – click here.

To advertise in HTS is a means of turning your marketing budget Green.

By advertising with HTS, you do much more than merely book an ad. You help our planet.

Contact: [email protected]

Here is a link to our vision on sustainability – more.

“I am Nobody. Together we are. Therefore I am.”