Are You Okay? Are We Okay? Is our Future Okay?

by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Today, humanity is tasting the consequences of our past.
We have longed for a peaceful and happy experience.
The actual experience couldn’t be further from this modest goal.
Stress is a condition, shared by most dedicated workers around the world. It doesn’t have to be that way, but in the system we have, that is how it is.
Life expectancy has already peaked, we are now in the phase of decline. Our food no longer contains the nutrients of days past. Our life-style has been hi-jacked by technology in many ways.
Do we really seek happiness?
How does such happiness look in real life?
Does it require security and some levels of comfort? A steady means to nutrient food for your family perhaps?
A bed to sleep in and some warmth on cold days?
Imagine a simple, but fulfilling existence. Imagine you wake up in the morning, looking forward to what the new day brings. Many no longer can remember waking like that.
Poverty is a consequence of the system we presently support around the world.
That system is based on “Wealth” creation.
That system is at the core of humanities great suffering, is at the core of our planets great suffering.
Do we not all realise this today?
We see so much waste, crime, corruption, dishonesty and war …. all committed under the flag of “wealth creation”. All committed, because in the present system, our security depends greatly on our financial position.
We can implement endless projects to clean and restore our planet. However, as long as we support the present concept of “wealth creation”, we can not expect our clean up to make much difference to our planet.
Companies and their shareholders are targeting constant growth.
Governments are working to serve one thing, “the economy”. Which by the way is not alive or real in any way. The economy is merely the international level of ‘wealth creation” at all costs.
If we look back at human history and the financial markets, we can easily spot the problems we created in the name of wealth creation.
Today is the year 2022. Are we about to wake to this, the “actual” motivator behind so many of our problems?
Imagine if we replaced the word “Wealth” with the word “Health” overnight?
What would happen?
Imagine our elected politicians and public servants, turning up at work and rolling up their sleeves. Ready to give the same genuine approach, to “Health Creation”, as they did in the past for “Wealth Creation”.
Would we change our range of available consumer products? Would we still have toxic and pointless products sitting on our shop shelves, if we had to consider the pollution they create?
How would we approach poverty and mental health?
Would it be possible to change our global government budget priorities?
If we made the “health” of our people and our environment, our number one priority, our budget changes could easily manage positive programs to reach this outcome.
All we have to do, is drop our budget components that are presently serving “Wealth” projects.
A happy society is one that exists in peace with its neighbours and the global society.
Do we need military equipment to bring peace? No!
What is needed is a genuine interest for dialogue and common solutions to our needs. That is actually not so difficult to understand. Ask a five year old.
Today, our system has peace keeping forces stationed with tanks and machine guns. Not much peace is created with these strategies, but wars do break out.
War creates “Wealth” – obscene wealth for the select few – not you, not me – just “them”.
Are their son’s and daughter’s at the front?
How is war impacting on our “health”? How is it impacting on our environment?
Not at all well I can tell you.
So, lets go back a step.
As I suggested at the start, we can replace the word “Wealth” with the word “Health”. What will happen?
In war, nobody can say we are not risking the health of others.
So, war is no longer an action a “healthy-system” can tolerate.
The biggest downside of not going to war again, is that some poor rich people are not getting even richer. My sympathy for their position is rather limited.
The up-side of not going to war is also easy to ascertain.
First – all the atrocities of war and international conflict will cease. People do not need to suffer, as the world uses “health” as our number one priority in all we do.
Do you understand the financial cost of a military, a military alliance or the daily cost of war?
If we as a species, reached the intellect to act in peace, we as a species could be proud of the growth we have accomplished.
Today’s system is the system we elect, allow and tolerate. Humanity can not continue in that way.
There is no future for a species, such as we have demonstrated to be.
Our planet is suffering and its life sustaining elements are deteriorating daily. This is the exact reason why species are becoming extinct and have been made extinct.
Life is fragile on our planet.
Nature is a combination of life forms – all in need of healthy functionality.
If we continue on our current path, humanity’s days are numbered.
Our species future is something we should consider as a most valuable treasure.
“Health” is the only means, by which a species can remain strong.
To restore the health of our species, we must restore the health of our planet.
Whilst we can and must all do our share, we also must start to realise the bigger picture.
Society must change its way.
To change our way, means to change the global system.
Together We Can!
Read through the Humanity Towards Sustainability introduction page for a peak pre-view on some of the solutions we can consider going forward.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global project, creating awareness about the simple solutions available to restore Mother Earth and All its Creations.
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Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody