Today we See. Sustainability is Paramount.
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger - Nobody
We see that our World is suffering the human footprint, see Mother Earth struggle against her demise.
Global systems, operating as Governments and Corporation, require a spit and polish.
The systems of old, have revealed their cracks for some time. Today these cracks have turned into massive structural decay.
Our Planet is calling on Humanity for Help.
Global systems need to reflect our answer to this Call.
In going forward, our ulterior motive for change, must be the "Health" of our planet.
Humanity have a duty to mature and step up to the task. The task our species was designed to perform.
Humanity as a Collective, must unite as a species with a common motivation:
"To serve and protect Mother Earth & All Creations."
Wealth was the precursor that threw Humanity of course. It created a world of ignorance.
Had Humanity chosen Health us the ultimate goal, corruption and crime may be unknown concepts.
If we explore projects with the ideals of a functioning society, we align such with sustainability in mind.
Change is ours to create, it will not arrive on its own. Change starts with each of us.
As we create a Healthy System, going forward, we transition. This transition carries Humanity's greatest Hope.
The Hope to Restore the Health of our only life sustaining platform - our Planet. Our Mother Earth.
Health of our species takes on many meanings to many people.
Equality of all, is a "Key Priority".
Discrimination of any sort, has divided us for too long.
Un-equal Wealth distribution has created much suffering. Suffering in ways we do not always see that easily.
To restore our Planet, we must restore the values of our society. We must unite.
Tomorrow is a new day, a new opportunity to move a step closer to empowering each other.
As a Collective Humanity is unstop-able.
Much Love & Light to All
Troy (K) Eichelberger - Nobody
Can we propose a Cease-Fire and restore Peace in the Ukraine?
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Humanity Towards Sustainability
Power comes with Responsibility – War demonstrates its “Failure”.
26th June 2022
G7 Leaders are meeting in Germany this weekend.
The key focus is on the Ukraine conflict. The UK opened with an additional loan guarantee of over $500 million to Ukraine.
This makes the UK loan guarantee to Ukraine, in access of $1.5 Billion. America, Germany and many more countries around the World, are also sending massive military and financial aid to Ukraine.
Without such obscene financial support, would there actually be a war?
Conflict is not solved by an endless supply of weapons and military aid. However, this war is kept going – against the will of the global community.
Are the G7 Leaders taking note of that, or are they acting with no regard for us?
Diplomacy was never given a genuine chance in this conflict.
Ukraine and its people, are being exploited and killed, to meet geo-political interests.
Today in Germany, those G7 Leaders can make a change to the people of Ukraine.
This War could enter into a “Cease-fire” immediately.
By genuine dialogue.
NATO’s role in this conflict has been, publicly played down. Yet, NATO is the key problem for Russia.
Why did Mr Biden refuse to enter into diplomatic level talks on that subject?
Russia did state, security concerns over NATO encroachments towards the Russian Borders.
If NATO had no intention of Russian aggravation, this security issue would have been easily solved.
Perhaps this question can be put to Mr Biden during the G7?
In fact this question should be put to Mr Biden and the answer tested against logic.
The citizens of Ukraine and the global community have a right to hear Mr Biden’s answer.
Why not explore the restoration of Peace?
If there is a genuine will for Peace, it is easy to achieve.
NATO Members can “REQUEST” the restoration, of security assurances given to Russia almost 30 years ago.
Perhaps this is another question Mr Biden would be able to explain to the global community.
Perhaps Mr Biden could become the first NATO Member, making this Request.
NATO forces meanwhile, are engaged in a training exercise in Lithuania – another former Soviet State. German soldiers are trained there to prepare for an imaginary Russian attack – further provoking the situation in a conflict zone.
Does that show of ignorance by NATO, tell us the true story?
The Consequences of PEACE.
Rising inflation costs and food shortages plague the World. Living conditions are decreasing.
The world is watching the failure of its political and monetary system.
Meanwhile, our politicians seem eager to keep this war from ending. Funding seems endless, as streams of tax payers money flow into the conflict zone.
There is so much money being made by some. Investigative journalism may one day uncover the direct and in-direct flow of these funds.
Shareholder registers and company structures may one day be reported on. Today, such a report would be too dangerous to consider.
Mr Biden promised to demonstrate the functionality of a Democracy.
I would so love to trust in those words again. Democracy is a system, whereby the Government implements the will of the people.
Is this conflict the will of the people? NO.
Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is a Global Awareness project.
Society deserve better than the present global situation. Greed and the present monetary system, are the cause for our demise.
To restore our planet, we must restore our system. “Equality” makes for a good start.
Contraception Under Review – Yep, I couldn’t believe it when I read this in the World News today …..
Same Sex Marriage Under Review – I just checked, it is 2022 and it is not the 1st of April.
……. but GUNS for all.
…… and YES, they still have the Death Sentence.
Which Country’s Supreme Court made these announcements?
I give you one clue, whilst I know everyone will think they know the answer here – it was NOT the Taliban.
Do WE, the global community deserve better?
It is time we wake from our nightmare and restore the global political system that allows such draconian acts.
We are being managed into our own extinction and the present day Captains can’t see the Iceberg.
Consider this as an alternative.
Equality for All – Globally.
True equality is a game changer – it includes equal wealth for all.
Once we remove the motivator for wealth creation and exploitation of people and nature – we can drop our borders. War’s will be a memory of the present draconian system – a system that functions purely on the “exploitation” of all it can get its hands on.
Our planet can’t carry such fools any longer. Unless we bring Change – we will go down without even a fighting chance.
The monetary system has failed, as has democracy, capitalism and communism …. we need to start fresh and consider past lessons carefully.
We need to restore our planet and gift life to future generation – for we have taken that away on our watch.
Please support Humanity Towards Sustainability – we are in this together. Share our content and waked to the sound opportunities we still have.
The below gives us an interesting insight in our Political priorities today.
From an article on the ABC Australia, by Samantha Hawley.
these are snippets:
According to the Center for International Policy (CIP) — a US-based group monitoring US military spending and weapons — Congress has approved $US54 billion ($70 billion) in aid to Ukraine since the invasion on February 24.
If you look at the scale and magnitude and speed, it’s really staggering,” Hanna Homestead, an associate from CIP, told ABC News Daily.
“When you think about comparing that to some other things in the US budget, our space agency NASA’s budget is only $US24 billion ($35 billion).”
“We only allocated $US1 billion ($1.44 billion) to climate finance, which has really important effects in countries all over the world.”
Last week, the US pledged another $US1 billion ($1.44 billion) in weapons and aid for Ukraine, amid an urgent call from Kyiv for more advanced arms.
“There are a lot of concerns around tracking and making sure these weapons end up where they’re supposed to belong and don’t fall into the wrong hands.”
CIP is also concerned about the possibility of weapons trafficking.
“Ukraine in particular has a history of an illicit arms trade that really took off actually in the 1990s after the fall of the Soviet Union. And these arms were in Ukraine and have actually ended up in places all over the world,” Ms Homestead said.
So far the US congress has approved funding until September.
“Restoring Mother Earth & Gifting Life to future Generations”.
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Our journey to establish a unified and loving global society has never been more crucial to our survival.
Energy communicates with us in many ways. We receive guidance by subtle signs. Stress arrives as we miss those subtle early signs or warnings.
If we continue to ignore energy, chronic disease sets in.
To heal, we must retrace our steps and correct our path.
The creation of the monetary and political system, as we know it today – is such a step we must correct.
We can’t succeed in the restoration of our planet, whilst continuing with a wealth distribution system, that triggers its destruction – and ours as a consequence.
Many here realise the need for the global communities to unify in our and our planets salvation.
It will take all our combined passion to improve our living conditions and that of nature. Together we grow in reach and improve our efficiency.
The efficiency to prepare for our survival against all odds – against the financial motivation by “some” to do otherwise.
Not all wealthy and powerful people, are immune to ignorance.
During meditation last night the following arrived:
One tree is a part of the forest, but the sum of all trees ARE the forest.
Years ago the first part of this message arrived also during meditation:
“I” am Nobody. Together “WE” are. Therefore I AM.
After my meditation the message was clear:
God is in each and every one of us, but “ALL” of us together ….. ARE God.
Our purpose is to unite humanity, to give us the power to restore our planet and all creations.
“Together WE Can”.
As Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global project, it belongs to the global community. One person can’t fund such a project, nor complete the tasks required.
Please read through our website and if you support our vision – come on board and join us in this task.
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Claiming Your Voice Interview with Nikool McIndoe & Troy Nobody, Founder of Humanity Towards Sustainability – Nov’21
This interview took place just over six months ago.
For those curious about human functions, this interview will be an eye opener.
As we discover the true power we are, limitations dissolve.
The Humanity Towards Sustainability vision unfolds through Collective Consciousness. Silent Meditation leads us to our “inner teacher”, it becomes the gateway to our potential.
“I am Nobody. Together We are. Therefore I am.”
Enjoy the Journey.
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Responsible Manufacturing & Consumer Behaviour – Change is Opportunity.
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by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
12th June 2022
China is the manufacturing hub of our planet.
Western Governments have embraced the exploitation of Chinese workers and delivered substantial wealth to “some”.
Global Manufacturing is a key problem that requires our urgent attention.
Not only do we exploit Chinese workers, we burn immense amounts of fossil fuels to deliver these products to our local stores.
The emissions output, between the factory and our homes is at a level, that our planet will not sustain any longer.
Is Carbon Pricing going to put an end to that? No, it merely adds to the end price a consumer will pay.
Carbon Pricing is not environmental protection, it is lip service and cost justification.
We have to look at some more realistic measures to improve our carbon foot-print.
Regional Manufacturing and responsible product choices are a sound alternative.
We must look past the financial incentives and consider our and our planets health.
The actual cost for off-shore manufacturing is simply acceptable.
Instead of Container-ships, planes and freight trucks circling our planet, we can return to local manufacturing and drastically reduce pollution output in the process.
Why do our governments not see that?
Are logic and efficiency no longer acceptable in the political arena?
A return to local manufacturing brings many benefits.
Skills and jobs are essential to a viable society.
Harmony requires Balance.
Consider the potential political leverage a country is entrusted with, when producing the vast majority of consumer products for a global population?
Are we exposing ourselves to future blackmail?
With the deterioration of our present day political system, international conflict is on the increase.
The ignorance at which our system functions, is evidence of our species deterioration in many ways.
Instead of operating with international “good-will”, today’s politicians see themselves as immune to our criticism. Immune to general intelligence.
Widespread propaganda and manipulation of truth is presented as “News”.
How did we end up in such a poor position?
Between Investors, Unions and Politicians, the needs of local workers and residents are ignored.
Whilst corruption is at plague levels, the middle classes are being decimated.
Humanity is at a cross-road.
We have to adjust to our planets health condition and take responsibility.
Lip service will no longer suffice.
Should products that lack quality and purpose, continue to be produced?
When we walk through discount stores, or evaluate online retail products etc, consider our global landfill problem.
Many of the goods sold today, should never have been produced. Whilst they add zero value to our existence, they add to our environmental challenges.
It does not have to be that way.
Until our system considers the environmental problem created by such useless items, we can vote with our “NON” purchase of these products.
The amount of trash, adding up from such useless items, is something we can reduce to zero.
As our oceans are filling with rubbish and plastic, we watch on, when the answers are so simple.
Stop buying and supporting such products that are not fit for use.
Any semi awake politician can see that simple solution, but they don’t get in the way of wealth creation.
We have reached the point when we must say enough.
Wealth creation has been too costly for our planet.
Today, the super wealthy take space trips for their leisure. What is the environmental cost they bestow on the rest of us?
We need to wake up and realise the complete disregard for logic under the present system.
Our planet is our only home.
We do not need to tolerate such blatant disregard for life, as that demonstrated by our present system on a daily basis.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global awareness project.
Please help us to make a difference.
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About a week ago, my partner shared the lyrics of a song with me.
The song was titled “Mother Earth”. So, I was curious.
Well – listening to “Mother Earth” by musician and artist, “Karliene”, was an Event for me.
The song “Mother Earth”, takes us on a journey. It confronts humanity – confronts greed and embraces our inter-connected ONENESS with “all”. It is the most perfect match, with the Humanity Towards Sustainability global project.
As you listen to the song, you meet the soul of the artist. Karliene’s passion leaves no doubt.
Well, I contacted Karliene with little expectations.
After reading through the HTS website, Karliene loved the idea. Karliene too, could see the amazing synergies between her lyrics and our vision.
Humanity Towards Sustainability are proud to share – we now have the most perfectly synchronised song – adding music to our message.
Enjoy the powerful visuals, whilst listening to Karliene’s beautiful voice and lyrics of wisdom.
The present global system is causing human extinction – Unless …..
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
6th June 2022
According to leading environmental scientists we have about thirty years remaining, before our own extinction.
Our Biosphere is fragile. It presently is host and regulator, to a exact mix and flow of gases, allowing us to draw breath. A key component is Helium.
You may or may not know it, but helium is the gas we use to fill balloons that fly high if we don’t hold on to them. Its characteristic is to rise.
Well, that is actually a problem for humanity. You see, if Helium follows its natural course, we’d be dead.
Luckily the present mix of gases and the present global temperature, create a unique trap. A trap that stops Helium from escaping our atmosphere and instead it forms the life-line for all species that must draw breath to exist.
Remember, I said the Biosphere is fragile.
Human action has damaged much of our planets life sustaining qualities. Species have become extinct and many more are on the brink ….. including our own.
Global warming suggests we will not be able to maintain the required conditions to trap Helium for much longer. We must do all we can to avoid this from happening.
Unfortunately we are not doing much to make sufficient impact.
Global affairs show a complete failure. Greed and the monetary system as we know it, have driven us to the proverbial cliff.
Instead of pulling the brake and applying global changes, our present system is giving us lip service, whilst continuing to support our destruction.
Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) suggests an alternative to our existing system.
It requires a massive change to the way we know life, a change that will not be popular amongst the Elite.
As the Elite are the ones funding the present political system, it is difficult to see political will to engage in such change.
You see the change as per the Humanity Towards Sustainability concept, will only serve the people – the peasants in other words.
Little consideration is given to the fact, our entire species is in this predicament equally.
Humanity Towards Sustainability sees a window of opportunity to restore the conditions in our biosphere. Thus, maintaining the conditions to trap Helium so we may draw breath.
If we are to work on a thirty year time frame, we must engage in action as soon as possible.
Over the next ten years, HTS is dedicating itself to creating global awareness of the limited opportunity as we see it.
There are many wonderful people dedicated to point out the global destruction and the promotion of restorative steps.
Unfortunately, many of these wonderful projects are not addressing the real issue – human greed.
HTS sees a need for far more drastic change to our life as we know it – a change to our wealth distribution and the present monetary system.
To protect our environment in a sustainable manner, we must remove the motivation for wealth creation all-together.
People shall enjoy equal wealth – equal status and equal opportunities.
Resources, businesses, properties and all types of assets, individually owned today – will become collective property. No – this is not a form of communism.
Communism failed as it did not remove the motivation for wealth. Corruption grew.
Under the HTS concept, we will have free, exclusive – living rights in our homes. We will construct housing for the homeless and up-grade dwellings to achieve environmentally sustainable homes around the planet.
Equal wages will bring challenges. Challenges that can be overcome by incentives to motivate workers to accept the various jobs a functioning society must fill. Reduced working hours for difficult jobs is one example.
In ten years HTS see a cut-off point.
Much of the global top soil can be turned into a functioning cooling system once more. Within twenty years we can drastically change the impact of a renewed focus on vegetation and agricultural soil handling.
This will result in temperature stability and the organic restoration of our ozone layer. Carbon will once more be absorbed the natural way. Fungi networks will flourish and food nutrients will return – organically.
If we are lucky, there will be alternatives to the HTS concept in ten years from now.
If such alternatives do not exist, humanity will be in a position to choose.
Our choice will be between the existing system or our species future.
If humanity elects to engage with the HTS concept, our transition will begin.
We will not succeed to restore our planet if we isolate the environment from its inter-connected relationship with all species.
HTS is aware of the challenge today. This project is changing the human footprint if we follow it.
In a sense it is not a human and environmental crisis, as much as it is a guidance. Humanity took the wrong turn a long time ago.
We are not the Masters of anything, but we are an equally important part of everything. This realisation must be clear to all of us, if we wish to make good for our past.
Humanity was blinded by our individual status and wealth for too long. Self-Consciousness is a burden, as it functions in a mental state of duality.
Throw in an over active ego and it is easy to see how we arrived at this point.
If you agree with the HTS concept and realise the way we can create a future, please support Humanity Towards Sustainability.
Bookmark this page and share it to your social networks.
Please consider a Donation and hep us turn the HTS vision into a global reality.
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Unconditional Love & Humanity Towards Sustainability
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Give the Gift of “Unconditional LOVE” to “ALL” creations.
Join us for a Global Group Meditation to coincide with Solstice.
For the last couple of years, I have organised Global Group Meditations to coincide with every Equinox and Solstice – this year is no different.
In Melbourne, the actual time of the Sun changing course will be at 19.13pm on Tuesday the 21st of June’22.
Our meditation however, aims to make participation as simple as possible – no matter where you reside.
This event will commence on the 18th of June (your local time) and finish at midnight on the 21st of June’22.
How to participate?
It is as simple as sitting down in silent meditation – at your home, your favourite spot or any location you may choose.
For the duration of the event, sit as many times as you are comfortable to do so and add to the global ring of energy we aim to create – sending vibrations of Unconditional Love and healing across the planet.
Simply guide your mind to the meaning of “Unconditional Love”. Explore its meaning and in doing so, you release vibrations of love into the atmosphere.
In addition to past tradition – we have added a new component.
Our planet and all creations are in need of Love today.
As a society, we have a task ahead when considering environmental and social harm. A task we must approach as a species, if we wish to restore our world in a meaningful and balanced manner.
So, as an experiment for this event, I ask you to rotate your meditation focus.
Besides our focus on the meaning of “Unconditional Love”, let’s try and add a second focus.
Our second focus is to sit and explore the meaning of “Humanity Towards Sustainability”.
This is not self promoting – this is to allow us to explore the simplicity by which we still can heal our planet and society.
You can rotate between these two subjects, or sit on one for one meditation and sit on the other for your next session. I’ll leave that for you to decide and feel what best works for you.
The Highlight of the event is our combined Session.
No matter how many times you have sat in meditation during the event – there is one key time, when we shall all aim to sit at once. That is the actual moment of the Solstice.
To work out the exact time in your location – simply do a Google search – type in:
Solstice June’22 in …(write your location or nearest capital city here and click enter) – this will tell you the time at which you should join in for the key time.
Whilst this event has been a regular one for me, it is the first one since launching Humanity Towards Sustainability.
As such, I thank you all for supporting the HTS global project and participating in this event.
I’d love you to read through some of the content on our website.
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“The Power of Natural Light, is the Power of Creation.”
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
3rd June 2022
With the first ray of light, reaching our planet, life emerged.
Light from the Sun, transformed Earth.
Earth, just like all species, relies on inter-connected relationships. These become clear, when observing the rotational sequences of our planets Solar System. Even our calendar is a consequence of that rotation.
As the sunlight changes over the course of a year, so do the plants feeding off its light. Seasonal produce is a clear indicator.
The four seasons, provide change. As daylight decreases during winter months, we also change our natural food intake.
A healthy diet is closely connected to the seasonal food resources, grown naturally in your region.
The energy of Light, plays an infinite role in our existence, survival and our origin.
Beyond our food needs, natural light also nourishes us in other ways.
Vitamin D is a well known benefit to humans’, directly obtained from responsible exposure to sunlight.
Many plants can be observed growing towards the sun. They do so, naturally – knowingly.
Our natural life seems to revolve around “light” in so many ways.
Have we truly exhausted all of our options, to employ natural energy sources for all of our needs?
Today, we once again have an excuse to rape Mother Earth for her resources. As a consequence of the artificially created international conflict, European countries are able to justify new Energy Exploration projects.
Energy Exploration of such a magnitude, will add to the devastation our environment is already suffering. Life sustaining environmental features will be further decimated.
Humanity will move closer to its expiration date.
A logical question is “ignored”. Why are we not revisiting an Invention by Nikolas Tesla?
Between 1901 and 1917, Nikola Tesla was working on an energy tower, known as the Wardenclyffe Tower.
The Wardenclyffe Tower – also known as Tesla Tower, was supposed to create wireless energy and communication to every home around the world. Tesla had discovered the means to free and clean energy.
Light played a major role in Tesla’s considerations. The invention was considered a vision into the future.
Not only was it addressing our global energy needs, Tesla’s invention also addressed human and environmental health.
Humanity was given an opportunity of no equal.
Why is the Wardenclyffe system, not the energy system we use today?
It is rather simple. We are a primitive species. If we had to name one of the most devastating flaws of humanity, it would be Greed!
Unfortunately, we do take that one to a level of self-destruction.
Funding was halted on the Wardenclyffe project, when Tesla successfully demonstrated its functionality.
So, what was the problem you ask?
Tesla’s invention was not commercially viable. It appears there was no return to be had on the investment.
The invention’s, clean-natural energy, could have supplied the world population with free wireless energy. As you may realise, “free” is not attractive to an investor.
Such was the mindset in 1917. Today, it is the year 2022.
The destruction and harm to our planet is no longer a secret.
Todays’ environmental disaster was caused by human greed & ignorance.
For the sake of “wealth management”, we once again overlook Tesla’s invention. An invention Humanity would benefit from greatly. As would our planet and all creations.
The health of our planet, is not a priority for the “failing political system”, we commonly suffer today.
How long to we watch on in silence? How long can we suffer such wealth & power hungry fools at the wheel?
It is time we grow a voice of reason. A voice in support of our continued existence as a species on “this planet”.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global project, creating awareness about the simple solutions we can “still” employ today, to protect life beyond tomorrow.
“I am Nobody. Together We are. Therefore I am.”
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