Hope is the “Seed”, turning dreams into “Reality”

by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Humanity Towards Sustainability – if you could enter my headspace and explore the “Big Picture” vision, you’d find a World that is in Harmony.
Restoring our environment and our living conditions, is a task that can’t be separated.
As in our co-existence with nature, organisms do actually adapt to each others needs.
The human species, needs to return to its direct connection with nature – realise itself in it – not controlling it. Nature is the whole of all creations. Equally so!
We have to change how we prioritise our goals and how we discover our true ideals.
When I envision the future for humanity, I envision a species that see’s itself as ONE equal species. Not any one of us, is above another.
True equality is at the core of humanities needs. Feeling equal to each other, is of utmost importance in establishing a peaceful species going forward. As ONE.
How do we reach such a point of equality?
We can design a new system, one replacing the present monetary system.
A financial model, to pay an equal amount of monthly income to all and reduce unemployment, is very realistic.
Our weekly hours can drop, whilst less popular jobs will enjoy substantially reduced hours. This in turn will also address present unemployment rates, as new jobs are created by such reduced hours.
To create a functioning financial model, is going to erase many stress related chronic diseases.
Crime and corruption will lack present day motivators – as financial equality engulfs our existence.
The new system will provide equal opportunities across all sectors. We will no longer wish to be in someone else’s shoes. Humanity can evolve to such a level, we have the tools to stop poverty now.
This financial system, is actually a rather simple model to implement.
Remember two things:
1 – The word “Economy” is merely a word. It is not giving us any life sustaining nutrients. However, it does wonders for supressing the masses.
2 – Money is not growing because of the economy, nor is it backed by Gold Reserves. Money is printed and tightly controlled by the present system. It finds its way to a select few, instead of being equally distributed.
All we have to do, is change our present “money distribution” model.
Imagine a system that prints a certain amount of money, that covers its running costs and gives each citizen a sum equal to US $250k, per year? Sounds too good to be true?
It is actually far simpler to implement such a system, than to stay with the present system of discrimination and corruption. You see, simple is best – it does actually work in that way.
Governments no longer have the headaches of our present global tax systems.
Taxes will no longer be paid by the people, but by a “self funding” system.
The present structure of business ownership has to be changed in such a system. However, the benefits will outweigh the negatives.
This is “Not Communism” – it is a completely new system. One that is designed with the health of our planet and our species, as its core motivation.
We can exchange the word economy with the word sustainability.
The health of our economy, is of zero “actual value”.
Discrimination has served the old system well. It has no place amongst an intelligent species.
When a community is divided, it is easily controlled.
As we prepare our transition into a new era, we have to remove the blindfolds. We must move towards each other with an open heart and do what is in the common interest.
When humanity is ready to walk arm in arm, as ONE, the future will smile on us.
To restore Mother Earth, we must take many steps. Steps that we shall take as a Collective. Steps that will lead us to a sustainable existence, in harmony with “All”.
Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is a Global project.
Our vision is to restore Mother Earth & Gift life to future generations.
Join our global family of Volunteers. Make suggestions and help us move into the new era.
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Much Love & Light to All
Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Carolyn Peters
Many thanks to Troy Eichelberger for putting together this ground breaking initiative.
thanks so much Carolyn and a big thank you for the email you sent to me this morning. I have just replied and now see this comment – Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global community project and most grateful to accept your initiative to Volunteer. HTS is in the early stages of a massive task, we are not short of ideas, but all has to be done in the right flow and with the limited resources we presently have. I’ll catch you again really soon. Thanks again Carolyn.