Energy – The Tao and Politics
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
10th July’22

Lao Tzu is recognised as the Father of Taoism.
A simple way to understand Taoism, is to apply the example of a flowing stream. The ideal way to master the stream, is to flow with its energy – not fight against the current.
When we become one with the flow of the stream, we are flowing in the ideal energy – the Tao.
How can we apply Taoism today and how can it help us?
We begin by considering the deeper meaning of “Energy”.
Whilst the example of a flowing stream gives us a mental image that may be easy to understand, its daily application may still present as a struggle.
Energy in our earth’s atmosphere, is recognisable as energy frequencies.
Now imagine the air we breathe, being filled with an infinite amount of data streams. Data that is decipherable by its energy frequency.
For us to discover the ideal flow and follow the Tao, we must first learn to identify it.
The best way to describe this challenge is to point you to internet search engines.
Imagine we have to search the internet for information. The search engine will apply codes to locate specific information amongst all the data in existence on the web.
The human sensory system works in an identical way. In fact, wireless technology and Cloud storage, are technologies, present in the human sensory system.
For humans to discover the ideal path and follow the Tao, we must learn to go within. Silent Meditation is a means by which we can practise to strengthen our inner functionality.
How does this apply to Politics today?
As global affairs are clearly demonstrating today, humanity is not existing in “Harmony” with itself or Nature.
Our species have lost their “Way”. Governments around the World are creating situations of conflict, in their pursuit for “Wealth & Power”.
Why is it so?
They act outside the Tao.
To establish the foundations of a sustainable existence, we must change course.
Harmony is only possible, if we act with the awareness of our “Inter-Connected” existence. Wealth & Power only serve our selfish needs.
But we must aim to serve our “Common” Needs.
Consider the present global Energy crisis.
The reason for this crisis is not a shortage of energy. The reason is that Political Leaders push for an expansion of their sphere of influence. Some see the facts one way, some another – but that is hardly the point.
None are willing to explore the simple path of “Common Ground”. Vested interests are preventing us from finding “harmony”.
There is plenty of Gas available to supply all of Europe. There are also simple ways, to see the path to restore Peace and move forward with “Common” interests.
The global community is not as divided as the global Political Elite.
Politicians have a duty to serve the interests of the “People” that pay them. That is actually one of the greatest triggers for our global problems.
Politicians are accepting political funding from the wrong people. Today our laws are still catering for the ongoing corruption that is directly to blame for our woes.
Does Russian gas know it is Russian? Gas is a global resource that belongs to Mother Earth and the global community – just like all resources.
To establish harmony and create a sustainable society, we must consider the “collective-power” we all hold.
The “Common-Interest” ideology, is the way to unify the world in Peace and restore the health of our planet.
Democracy today, demonstrates zero interest to serve the “Global Community & our Common Goals”.
Taoism demonstrates the simplicity by which we can address and solve global problems. What we lack today, is Political Good Will.
There are increasing signs the present systems days are numbered.
Nature and our species, can no longer afford to maintain the Selfish destruction many Governments participate in.
The exploitation of humanity has reached a critical point, we must change course. A revision of the global system is overdue.
Democracy and Communism have failed. The Tao may well be the “middle way” amongst those.
Wealth has blinded us and enslaved many.
A system that gives equal wealth to all, shall form the basis of creating global harmony.
There will be no place for military and weapons, as there will be no need for global borders.
We must find and support such political figures that are dedicated to a “Common World Vision”.
The artificially created crisis is not suffered by those that cause it. We, the people who voted for them, we suffer greatly today.
Many are no longer showing an interest in Politics.
That too is causing problems. To improve our existence and restore our planets health, we must consider politics in a new light.
The process of separating communities has weakened us. Humanity must realise its need to unify and exists in peace. The “health” of our planet and all species, governs our own.
Our exploitative ways were never sustainable – the consequences have taken us “all” to the cliff of extinction today.
Enough is enough.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global awareness project. The HTS vision, is to restore our planet and give humanity a future worth living for.
Please help us to support this vision and bring about the Change we all deserve.
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