Equality holds the Key to Humanities survival.
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
13th August 2022

Equality should never be perceived as a privilege.
Discrimination and the self entitled attitude by some, has long plagued the evolution process, of not only us, but all life forms on this planet.
Humans are by far the greatest threat to the existence of “All Creations”.
The problem is amplified by our competitive drive and general ignorance to exploitation, in the name of progress.
We fail to see the primitive and immoral actions we commit daily.
Much of these actions are true crimes against our own – crimes we often commit in service of “employment & career”.
We wash our hands in innocence – when in fact we enable atrocities in exchange for wages or profit.
A closer look at the concept of “Equality” will open our eyes to the solution.
The class-system has created a concept that encourages our personal ambitions to rise in our social standing. This idea of our social standing, is a most harmful weapon against the greater well-being of “all”.
“Respect & Honour” are like a drug to some. We are easily manipulated when our Ego is stroked.
Instead of criticising the system, allow me to take you on a journey beyond destruction.
During our education, we have learned about shapes and sizes. We can work out the centre of an object by applying such lessons.
Now, the exact centre of any object, is the point at which we can balance such and it will be self supporting.
The object is resting on its centre – harmonised within the physical laws of gravity.
So, how do we deal with a number like “Infinity”?
Why is that relevant?
We have learned that the Universe is constantly self creating and changing in size – it is understood to be “Infinite” in that regard.
Consider the fact that we can find balance and harmony, when we can establish the centre of an object.
With the aim to locate its point of balance & harmony, how does the size “infinite” help us to locate the centre of the Universe? Why is it important?
Because at its centre, we find balance and harmony. At its Exact Centre – we find “OURSELVES”.
No matter where you are – “YOU” are the Centre of the “Infinite Universe”.
Is this a coincidence? No.
Each one of us – every living organism – “All of Creation”, will find themselves at the exact centre, at all times.
As the universe is constantly growing, we remain in that centre – no matter where we go.
Shall we explore if this phenomena holds a deeper meaning?
Are we balanced and in harmony with all? No.
Why not if we are in the exact centre?
Because we do not accept a “reality of ourselves” at the centre of the universe.
Instead, we follow a system that portrays a perceived reality. A reality in which we are not that which we actually are.
Self Consciousness, the present state in which humans function, is a state of “duality”. To manipulate our reality is rather simple.
To create a truth, which is the opposite of reality, is simple, as everything exists because of its opposite.
How do we avoid such a flawed existence? We consider the centre of the opposites – being the “Middle Way” or the Tao.
I have written much about our “Unskilled & Skilled Self”. Many use different terminology – referring to our Higher Self or a level of becoming “Enlightened”.
The Unskilled Self, is that which is the raw product. The original form or the seed, from which the actual potential sets out.
The Skilled Self, is the human beyond Ego.
When we finally reach that point, we are ready to function in the state of “Collective Consciousness”. We will be connected to Source – we will understand the balance and harmony, as we are at its centre.
We are all “Equal” at birth.
Only man-made concepts have assisted the illusion of our many differences. This illusion has brought upon us much destruction. We are governed into a system of artificial discrimination, when it doesn’t serve the well-being of our species, nor our planet.
Exploitation at the level of many global political and business systems, is a sign of “Insanity”. We do not have to support our own demise. Our young deserve much better!
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global awareness project – aiming to help restore our planet & Gift life to future generations.
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Gillian Douglas
I hadn’t been aware of this angle of looking at things before. It is very interesting. It is definitely time human beings started using the gifts nature has given them non-selfishly, and to use them for the good of all.
Human beings are the link between the lower mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms – and the higher spiritual kingdoms. At present they are thinking of the lower kingdoms as commodities to be used and abused for their selfish whims, and largely ignoring or denying the existence of the higher spiritual kingdoms.
The mineral kingdom has much beauty and stores vital elements. It should not be plundered and exposed to such harmful practices as fracking.
The vegetable kingdom has beauty, in appearance and scent. It is a vital food source. It should not be subjected to toxic chemicals and harmful growing processes.
The animal kingdom is one of sentient beings. They should not be treated with cruelty and seen as something there for human use or consumption. They provide companionship and can work, but should only be used for work when it suits their disposition, and it should be done humanely with love.
We humans have become selfish and pompous and are apt to
‘hide our heads in the sand’ to allow unacceptable practices to continue when we profit in some way from the result.
Mother Earth has been doing Her job for all creation and we should not continue with thinking that we can outwit or ignore Her. She will have the last word.
Hi Gillian – it is wonderful to observe the path of the Lotus flower – it has to start in mud. Human Awareness seems to follow the same concept. There is a saying “we are going from bad to worse” ….. yet, as duality has taught us – there is no good or bad as such, there just is …. experiences are just that, when we drop our urge to label or categorise them, we grow beyond the emotional attachment we place upon our experiences. As you mention the kingdoms, allow me to share something …… my view of the human journey in simple terms. Picture a Chess set – now in your mind pick out the King. What you see is a carved figure that started out as a wooden stick. The “carver” knew the end result, when the stick was still nothing but a stick. Its path was designed by the time the “Carver” commenced on that stick – yet the stick could not observe beyond its present form – each nudge taken out by the carver, changed the sticks self perception ….. it had no choice but go through the entire process of shaping and sanding and painting etc …… the human development is no different. We are that chess piece, we have to understand that we are all unfinished, but at different stages of the production. No piece, nor any human, is spared the journey …… no finished and refined piece, will ever forget the process – maturity will bring awareness. The finished piece may well support the journey of those struggling through the process, without understanding the purpose of their journey. The finished piece is a part of the entire set – each has its dedicated home square – its centre. As humans have within the universe. Awareness of our journey is the key to bring harmony and peace …. eventually.
Gillian Douglas
Hello again, Thank you for this interesting and pertinent angle of the chess pieces. It made me think of taking it a step further. Each piece receives different knocks, chips, breaks, discolouration etc throughout life, that changes them. We are similar and everything eventually goes through the ‘dust to dust, ashes to ashes’ experience. But we are all rebuilt into new entities and are given the chance to progress further. The secret appears to me to be, to make the most of every opportunity in order to shorten the suffering of everyone and everything. Love and Light, Gill