Extreme heat, War & Political Ignorance.
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
18th July’22

We write the year 2022, temperatures in the UK reach 40 degree Celsius.
A temperature that was predicted to hit the UK by 2050, unless we change course.
Such high temperatures in the UK, were long recognised as a warning to mankind.
The environmental damage caused by, our “Present Form”, of energy consumption would mean the end for life on our planet – we were told.
Many species have been destroyed by the “Irresponsible”, human way of life. Many more are on the verge of extinction today. Humanity is not immune to that.
The present Heatwave is an “Un-Natural Event”!!!
If we consider that which we know about Climate Change and hold it up against that, which we observe on the global stage – we can spot the problem from a mile.
Political Mismanagement at its worst.
Not one Bullet had to be fired in Ukraine, if “Diplomacy” was truly given a chance.
There is no Innocent party.
Much of todays News, are mere “War Propaganda”. Their spin is far removed from the facts, which unfortunately, the public will never know.
As Rockets rain down on numerous battlefields around the World, our planets health drastically speeds up its deterioration.
The Human and Environmental Disaster we experience today, is the “Direct Consequence” of our Leaders Actions.
Whilst our global population is being herded into the looming Energy and Food crisis, inflation is taking the problem to another level.
To add to the perplexing situation, Reserve Banks around the world are lifting interest rates. These rate hikes are further adding to the pain for the global community.
Whilst we are being given vague explanations why it has to be so, it goes against all fiscal logic. The monetary policy that triggers such rate hikes, is not based on a boom felt by the community. This boom is only felt by the Elite that is getting richer as the community is being bled dry.
The Weapons sector is booming. The Pharmaceutical sector is booming. Shareholdings of many Political Leaders are booming. Will they suffer the same food and energy crisis? No.
Crime rates are likely to spiral out of control as a result. People will do many things to survive and protect their families from hunger.
The fight for our survival is triggered by instinct. So no surprise there – surely Governments are aware of this, if even we, can figure it out. History too points us to this simple conclusion.
Humanity is about to experience a crisis on many fronts. A crisis that never needed to occur.
Do the “Facts” support this Crisis – or is it an “Artificial Crisis”?
Why is there a Gas shortage in Europe all of a sudden? Is it because there is no gas, or is it because our Political Leaders have gone mad?
The gas that worked perfectly well last winter, is no longer acceptable to our Political Masters.
Coal power and new fossil fuel explorations are their preferred solutions according to German News.
REMEMBER – across Europe, fires rage from the worst heatwave on record.
Environmental Scientists are surely observing this picture and advising our Leaders. If that is so, we must ask a big Question:
Can Politicians be made liable for their actions against the survival of “Humanity and all Species”?
Scientific evidence will clearly show beyond doubt, that todays political actions are in fact criminal actions against human life and most harmful to our entire planet.
Is this a Human Rights case?
Can we lodge a petition with the Human Rights Court, to finally bring an end to this madness and save ourselves?
As much as there is no gas shortage, we don’t have a food shortage.
What we have is a conflict our Leaders are engaged in, against our interests. A conflict that holds us hostage to their decaying morals and often criminal activities.
How can we look at our Grandchildren and not feel pain?
Humanity has to unify. We have to engage and engage beyond the political arena, for that theatre has sadly failed us and our future generations.
Weapons do not bring Peace. Neutrality Does! Diplomates engaged in this conflict know that too, but they run with an agenda that has no regard for human life.
Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is a Global Awareness project, aiming to bring about positive change and give Humanity a Voice.
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Gillian Douglas
Could a feasible idea be for HTS to collaborate with like-minded organisations and/or charities to search among their members as to whether they have potential politicians? If they were to stand for election, would there be enough support? I have always thought that like-minded groups would benefit from closer relationships. The future of humanity is synthesis into a united whole and that could be a start.
Hi Gillian,
thank you for taking the time to comment here. I agree 100% – HTS is focused on improved outcomes for humanity and our planet. To achieve such outcomes in a sustainable and peaceful manner, the unification of the global community is paramount. To demonstrate the power of such a unification, would be possible by uniting like minded groups. The recent World Unity Week event is a great example of this ideal – yet, it may take some time to find the way forward for groups to discover the most relevant and effective means, by which we can do this. At this point in time, HTS is in its infancy – our financial position is presently non existing – reach and technology will grow as we mature. I do have some key time frames in mind to adhere to. In my view, we have ten years, to create a massive global awareness campaign – informing the world of the alternative to the present system. If we succeed and gain the change to the system, needed to establish a sustainable path forward – this gives us about twenty years to change the condition of much of the global top-soils …… which in turn, will restore global temperatures as the fungi network in the soil functions as our planets cooling system. Further more, the increase in vegetation, by restoring top soil, will become once more sufficient to absorb masses of carbon – thus repairing the hole in the ozone layer, which currently harms human DNA structure from exposure to the sun. You see, this becomes a 30 year project if possible in this time frame – thus giving us a chance to save and protect not only humanity, but many species threatened by extinction. The key to sustainability is to remove the triggers for “greed” ….. exploitation is the cancer that is coming to haunt us – we must develop a new system, one that caters to equality of all. Including wealth equality and a world without borders and discrimination. Weapons and military history must become a thing of the past – harmful products and manufacturing must transition or cease. We have much opportunity, what we “lack today” is the “Realisation” that we can do this. I speak to many people, they agree with this concept – but so many say it is not possible to achieve. With such a mindset, humanity will perish ….. and that is not a choice we should accept as finite. Creating awareness of the solutions, not merely the problems, is the best way I can see forward. Your idea of political engagement is a most important step in that process.
Gillian Douglas
Yes. New, different politicians are needed. I have experience of this through repeatedly writing to my MP. In reply I just get his views on how he is doing so much good, and he does appear to be a basically good person. However, he is never going to change his opinions and all that can be done is raise his awareness that people are unhappy about certain aspects of politics. This goes for most politicians I think. They know that they have to tow the party line so that the gravy train can continue. Perhaps if members spot the politicians that are open-minded and genuinely atruistic, and share the names around to enable the relevant people to support them, it might be a ‘drop in the ocean’ towards helping. I am thinking of Green Party MPs and Andy Burnham as the only ones that come to my mind at present, but other people may now more. Andy Burnham is no longer an MP, but I would imagine he is doing a good job as a mayor. I am speaking about UK of course.
I feel that it will become more popular for Political figures, to engage in earnest and against Party lines – especially Independents and some Passionate Greens etc ….. – once the “Awareness” about the necessity and simplicity, of the available solutions becomes more common knowledge. This increase in awareness will put pressure on the Parties, as they will find deception more difficult. Presently public opinion is micro-managed, by political spin doctors and their instructors. This strategy of mental mass manipulation, will weaken, in fact it already has started to crumble, but they are sticking to their delusions and serve the vested interests at all cost. It will be up to the “aware” community, to present sustainable and realistic solutions ……. these we must share and our voice will grow to a level, politicians may be very tempted to jump on board and trigger the Change we need. Sustainability is not possible in the present global system – but is simple if the system Changes and functions for the community …. instead of those that feel they are more deserving than the masses. I have contacted the Greens here in Australia on a number of occasions – thus far the only response has been a swag of generic emails asking for support and volunteer work ….. one day they may engage in a conversation …. if not, as you say, the Greens are not the only option. As awareness grows, forming our own global political party is a real possibility. It is not a preferred option, but may become our best way forward.