G7 Meeting – Germany’22
Can we propose a Cease-Fire and restore Peace in the Ukraine?
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Humanity Towards Sustainability

26th June 2022
G7 Leaders are meeting in Germany this weekend.
The key focus is on the Ukraine conflict. The UK opened with an additional loan guarantee of over $500 million to Ukraine.
This makes the UK loan guarantee to Ukraine, in access of $1.5 Billion. America, Germany and many more countries around the World, are also sending massive military and financial aid to Ukraine.
Without such obscene financial support, would there actually be a war?
Conflict is not solved by an endless supply of weapons and military aid. However, this war is kept going – against the will of the global community.
Are the G7 Leaders taking note of that, or are they acting with no regard for us?
Diplomacy was never given a genuine chance in this conflict.
Ukraine and its people, are being exploited and killed, to meet geo-political interests.
Today in Germany, those G7 Leaders can make a change to the people of Ukraine.
This War could enter into a “Cease-fire” immediately.
By genuine dialogue.
NATO’s role in this conflict has been, publicly played down. Yet, NATO is the key problem for Russia.
Why did Mr Biden refuse to enter into diplomatic level talks on that subject?
Russia did state, security concerns over NATO encroachments towards the Russian Borders.
If NATO had no intention of Russian aggravation, this security issue would have been easily solved.
Perhaps this question can be put to Mr Biden during the G7?
In fact this question should be put to Mr Biden and the answer tested against logic.
The citizens of Ukraine and the global community have a right to hear Mr Biden’s answer.
Why not explore the restoration of Peace?
If there is a genuine will for Peace, it is easy to achieve.
NATO Members can “REQUEST” the restoration, of security assurances given to Russia almost 30 years ago.
Perhaps this is another question Mr Biden would be able to explain to the global community.
Perhaps Mr Biden could become the first NATO Member, making this Request.
NATO forces meanwhile, are engaged in a training exercise in Lithuania – another former Soviet State. German soldiers are trained there to prepare for an imaginary Russian attack – further provoking the situation in a conflict zone.
Does that show of ignorance by NATO, tell us the true story?
The Consequences of PEACE.
Rising inflation costs and food shortages plague the World. Living conditions are decreasing.
The world is watching the failure of its political and monetary system.
Meanwhile, our politicians seem eager to keep this war from ending. Funding seems endless, as streams of tax payers money flow into the conflict zone.
There is so much money being made by some. Investigative journalism may one day uncover the direct and in-direct flow of these funds.
Shareholder registers and company structures may one day be reported on. Today, such a report would be too dangerous to consider.
Mr Biden promised to demonstrate the functionality of a Democracy.
I would so love to trust in those words again. Democracy is a system, whereby the Government implements the will of the people.
Is this conflict the will of the people? NO.
Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is a Global Awareness project.
Society deserve better than the present global situation. Greed and the present monetary system, are the cause for our demise.
To restore our planet, we must restore our system. “Equality” makes for a good start.
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Lynn Masson
I believe changing the dialogue will require more of us to change from within . This situation may have to burn down its own bridge to get to the heart of the matter. Chaos in all corners of our world and in all Layers of our lives, ringing its bell… and causing all heads to turn. well I’m done with that … not going to be moved by that but change the one within first to see how I can step forward to invision conflict ending within me.
Visualize conflict ending with these wars…. we can direct our minds and heart to understand why these conflicts arise in our own duality as it’s played out around us, so we all can have a part to play in ending conflict 🙏👁 seeing our own first 🙏♥️🪷🌈
Challenging times ahead but I feel putting old habits to bed 🛌 !
Love this journey Of yours Troy, here to bring peace wherever we think 🌈🪷🙏 peace my friend 😎♥️🦅
Hey Lynn, the vision of peace is all embracing. For individuals to live a life that allows such inner work, will see society on a higher level – one beyond violence. But this is a world we must first create. Our ideals and equality will reach such a level if we realise that WE CAN. It will take a united society to look for our common interests and well-being, as if looking for our own. Collective Community Spirit is reflected in Ubuntu – that we can establish around the world 0 good will shall flow from that. Thank you for stopping by Lynn – Namaste my friend.