The Humanity Towards Sustainability Concept.

by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
6th June 2022
According to leading environmental scientists we have about thirty years remaining, before our own extinction.
Our Biosphere is fragile. It presently is host and regulator, to a exact mix and flow of gases, allowing us to draw breath. A key component is Helium.
You may or may not know it, but helium is the gas we use to fill balloons that fly high if we don’t hold on to them. Its characteristic is to rise.
Well, that is actually a problem for humanity. You see, if Helium follows its natural course, we’d be dead.
Luckily the present mix of gases and the present global temperature, create a unique trap. A trap that stops Helium from escaping our atmosphere and instead it forms the life-line for all species that must draw breath to exist.
Remember, I said the Biosphere is fragile.
Human action has damaged much of our planets life sustaining qualities. Species have become extinct and many more are on the brink ….. including our own.
Global warming suggests we will not be able to maintain the required conditions to trap Helium for much longer. We must do all we can to avoid this from happening.
Unfortunately we are not doing much to make sufficient impact.
Global affairs show a complete failure. Greed and the monetary system as we know it, have driven us to the proverbial cliff.
Instead of pulling the brake and applying global changes, our present system is giving us lip service, whilst continuing to support our destruction.
Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) suggests an alternative to our existing system.
It requires a massive change to the way we know life, a change that will not be popular amongst the Elite.
As the Elite are the ones funding the present political system, it is difficult to see political will to engage in such change.
You see the change as per the Humanity Towards Sustainability concept, will only serve the people – the peasants in other words.
Little consideration is given to the fact, our entire species is in this predicament equally.
Humanity Towards Sustainability sees a window of opportunity to restore the conditions in our biosphere. Thus, maintaining the conditions to trap Helium so we may draw breath.
If we are to work on a thirty year time frame, we must engage in action as soon as possible.
Over the next ten years, HTS is dedicating itself to creating global awareness of the limited opportunity as we see it.
There are many wonderful people dedicated to point out the global destruction and the promotion of restorative steps.
Unfortunately, many of these wonderful projects are not addressing the real issue – human greed.
HTS sees a need for far more drastic change to our life as we know it – a change to our wealth distribution and the present monetary system.
To protect our environment in a sustainable manner, we must remove the motivation for wealth creation all-together.
People shall enjoy equal wealth – equal status and equal opportunities.
Resources, businesses, properties and all types of assets, individually owned today – will become collective property. No – this is not a form of communism.
Communism failed as it did not remove the motivation for wealth. Corruption grew.
Under the HTS concept, we will have free, exclusive – living rights in our homes. We will construct housing for the homeless and up-grade dwellings to achieve environmentally sustainable homes around the planet.
Equal wages will bring challenges. Challenges that can be overcome by incentives to motivate workers to accept the various jobs a functioning society must fill. Reduced working hours for difficult jobs is one example.
In ten years HTS see a cut-off point.
Much of the global top soil can be turned into a functioning cooling system once more. Within twenty years we can drastically change the impact of a renewed focus on vegetation and agricultural soil handling.
This will result in temperature stability and the organic restoration of our ozone layer. Carbon will once more be absorbed the natural way. Fungi networks will flourish and food nutrients will return – organically.
If we are lucky, there will be alternatives to the HTS concept in ten years from now.
If such alternatives do not exist, humanity will be in a position to choose.
Our choice will be between the existing system or our species future.
If humanity elects to engage with the HTS concept, our transition will begin.
We will not succeed to restore our planet if we isolate the environment from its inter-connected relationship with all species.
HTS is aware of the challenge today. This project is changing the human footprint if we follow it.
In a sense it is not a human and environmental crisis, as much as it is a guidance. Humanity took the wrong turn a long time ago.
We are not the Masters of anything, but we are an equally important part of everything. This realisation must be clear to all of us, if we wish to make good for our past.
Humanity was blinded by our individual status and wealth for too long. Self-Consciousness is a burden, as it functions in a mental state of duality.
Throw in an over active ego and it is easy to see how we arrived at this point.
If you agree with the HTS concept and realise the way we can create a future, please support Humanity Towards Sustainability.
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