
Humanity Towards Sustainability – Introduction.
Humanity Towards Sustainability’s mission is to increase global awareness for innovative new technology and actions in the sustainability sector.
Doing so, we aim to contribute towards and increase the speed at which such technology and programs are implemented.
Our core motivation, is to dedicate our efforts to restoring our planet.
Harmony is the ultimate state to aim for, not wealth.
At the outset of every action we engage in, we must set harmony as our ultimate goal.
In that detail rests the “sustainable” path to our future.
By carrying our common passion for biodiversity of the planet into action, we will plant the seeds of Hope.
Reaching Sustainability is today our only way, that will secure life on our planet for future generations.
As of this present time, the rate of global environmental destruction has surpassed that which many of us could ever imagine or visualize.
Global consumption today shows that for humanity to be sustainable at its current rate, would require the resources of not ONE – but FOUR planets equal to Earth.
In North America this number is at FIVE, based on consumption.
We can see that Western consumption is not merely unsustainable – it is a Crime against Humanity.
We have reached a critical tipping point in the efforts to sustain life.
Food supplies are shrinking, whilst food requirements are increasing with the growing global population.
Nutrition in our food is lacking vitality due to pesticides and by-products during food production/ processing.
Seeds are chemically altered to achieve greater yields, whilst health impacts are ignored.
The air we breath, the Water essential for Life and the very Soil upon which All Life depends, are contaminated to Excess with Toxins.
Chronic disease among industrialized human populations is the most obvious sign by which we can visibly perceive humanity’s decline in health.
We, as humans are perceptibly sliding into a rapid decline.
Many preventable, chronic health conditions are now common and accepted as the result of aging or other factors. It doesn’t have to be this way.
People have become accustomed to accepting these conditions, many of which are directly related to our loss of connection with a more natural life.
Our exploitation of Nature is NOT the way to reverse the damage. Our food quality is lacking in vital nutrients.
Consider the great increase in the chronically ill population suffering from:
asthma, cancer, dementia, diabetes, both type one and two, early-onset arthritis, food allergies, heart disease, kidney failure as a result of overconsumption of pharmaceuticals, digestive problems, attention deficit syndrome, autism, depression, and anxiety, to name just a few of the chronic ills that currently plague us.
We can still reverse the health of our planet, but it almost seems as if the word “Still” is not understood by many from private and public sector.
Mars is NOT an option for humanity at large.
Mother Earth is not the property of the planetary oligarchs. Their rapacious extractive economic models have bought us to the state in which we now find ourselves.
The human appetite for domination of Nature is our demise.
Earth is a living planet, a creation of the interplay of pollinators and bacteria of the large seed spreading mammals who in turn are balanced by their predators.
The actual intelligence at play in nature gives us a clear picture of what awaits humanity. We are now experienced as a harmful virus by nature.
A virus that can become neutral by achieving sustainability with nature once more and therefor remain an acceptable link within the chain of creation.
The alternative is our present path. We talk restoration, but increase pollution.
We are a species capable of intelligence.
Now is the time to free this intelligence.
Change is our “Only” option if we want future generations to survive and live healthy and meaningful life’s.
Genetically engineered seeds are more pest resident we are told.
But just like processed foods, these seeds to not grow produce that is ideal, or natural, for human consumption.
The global topsoil once was the home to a global network of fungi, minerals and bacteria – all working in unison to cool our planet. and protect life.
Today this network of fungi is destroyed and soil that was once rich in nutrients and cool to the touch, is sterile sand, bleached by chemicals.
There are simple solutions we can implement, to restore our soil and achieve bumper harvests.
It will take a different approach to farming.
One many soil experts are already trying to implement.
The problem is that farmers fear the financial consequences, if they change from the present way and temporarily interrupt their harvest cycles.
We realise, we must transition into this change carefully.
The biggest problem for the framers, is that they have large financial obligations to service. A missed crop opportunity could see them loose their land.
This system is broken and leaving society increasingly vulnerable, as global food supplies are under threat.
Farmers carry enormous responsibility. They face financial stress, whilst at the same time having to come to terms with the impact of climate deterioration on their crops.
At this critical point, farmers should be able to put all their attention into growing healthy crops.
Why are Profits and the Economy still given the highest PRIORITY.
We now have the environmental evidence, of the true cost of such a system.
Today many workers are forced to operate as modern day slaves. Society at large are Chained to loans and other credit facilities.
Whilst many understand the benefits of healthier solutions, the vast majority can’t afford these.
Junk food that contributes to obesity and chronic illness, is not a preferred choice. It is a last resort, as healthy food has become a luxury for many.
Western countries are experiencing the consequences, as Public Health services are under immense financial pressure today.
As a species, we have taken too many shortcuts for too long. Even today, we still continue to ignore the obvious consequences.
We fund wars instead of our own survival.
Our priorities are perplexing.
The monetary system as we know it, is our largest Security THREAT.
Human wisdom has been ignored in favour of Profit for too long.
The last century has seen an obscene decrease in our environmentally responsible & humanly ethical approach.
Humanity is obsessed with wealth creation.
Greed is an addiction more toxic and harmful than any other known drug.
Whilst it enriches the culprits, it destroys, harms and threatens all life on our planet.
The United Nations have a program named, Sustainability Development Goals.
Unfortunately these 17 goals are drifting further and further away from being sustainable. Here is a link for those interested – click. The pictures are pretty, whilst the actions seem hampered by conflicting UN interests.
Sustainability CAN equal Profitability in the longer term, by giving us just that, a Longer Term.
Today we have the luxury of hind-sight.
We can clearly see the destruction of the balances within nature. We can also see the deterioration within our own species health.
The HTS project, includes a vision to increase awareness of Ethical and Sustainable Investments.
To achieve this, we will share advice from many experts and decision makers in the field.
The potential of investing our compulsory Superannuation contributions, with Ethical Investment Funds is a massive opportunity. Click the link for more on Ethical Investment.
Together we can open the doors towards a brighter future for humanity.
A cleaner, greener and sustainable way forward.
The Humanity Towards Sustainability Introduction turned into a much longer article than I that which I had in mind. I wrote and re-wrote this piece many times and keep editing as I re-read it. Why?
Because there is so much to say and share on this subject, that it is easy to allow our passion free flow and wear out the keys on the laptop.
For those of you that read this far.
Thank You and Welcome to the Humanity Towards Sustainability website.
“I Am Nobody. Together WE Are. Therefore I AM”.
Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Humanity Towards Sustainability