Our Mission

Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is dedicated to contribute our share towards the journey of humanity, towards a healthier level of sustainability.
As a collective, the power of united humanity is unmatched. Our planet has a chance. Environmental restoration is essential to our very survival as a species.
Equality, sustainability, and biodiversity are the foundation of a healthy and viable planetary system.
The current monetary system has caused the destruction of social and environmental systems. I don’t have a crystal ball, but for sustainability to grow into a reality, our present system will undergo much change.
Change that will become reality in line with increased awareness amongst the voting populations.
We have many opportunities to improve upon the current systems. That is not a failure of the old system as such. It more is a sign of evolution and transition.
Failures and mistakes must simply be understood, as the challenges from which we learn. To fail is to have tried. To do make the same mistakes over and over is another story.
Join our cause and help future generations.
“I am Nobody. Together We are. Therefore I am.”
Sustainability equals Harmony.
Troy Nobody.