Humanity Towards Sustainability Update

2nd October 2024

Troy (K) Eichelberger – Founder

Over two years have passed since getting started on creating a concept to add a positive contribution to our collective future.

Humanity Towards Sustainability is a passion driven project and as the name suggests, our continued existence, here on Mother Earth, depends on our global awareness of our species ability to restore sustainability. We simply can not continue on the current path, with the current global system of governance and finance. A genuine effort to transition is detriment to the potential of future generations of our linage, our grandchildren and their children. We are that close to the cliff that we can sense the risk of our global actions.

Time is valuable. As a species we face a common threat, but our divisions are growing ever deeper, when it is clear that we need to restore harmony … if we wish to restore the conditions for life to continue.

It is unrealistic to assume we can restore our planet whilst continuing on the current economic model of competition and exploitation. It is also unrealistic to think we will change this overnight. Our present situation is one we need to transition away from, but without causing shortages in the energy sector for vital services and our daily needs. It is not realistic to shut down industry sectors that we may see as the worst contributors to our global nightmare … as they all have a played a role in keeping us secure and enabling modern day development.

But it is realistic to say, let us find a way to demonstrate that we do care about what happens to the generations that come after our own.

Mistakes make for good teachers and mistakes we have made, but we now must sense our global responsibility and learn from these mistakes … as a global community.

One of the key lessons, our biggest mistake to date, is the consequence of the global economy and the monetary system. It demands us to compete and it rewards the winners with lifestyles that become the envy of others. Wealth is derived in many ways that are harmful, that are the reason why we are now existing in a system that has allowed us to overshoot consumption many times beyond that which our planet is capable of providing in a sustainable range. We have already lost thousands of species, global warming is increasing much too fast … as a result of our competition.

Is it reasonable to ask corporations to be less productive or competitive? Not in the present system. And so, we must realize, that as long as we rely on financial growth to improve our lifestyle … we are heading towards our own destruction.

To transition away from the present system is our answer to many current global problems. But to do so in an orderly fashion, the alternative must be attractive to all … the rich and the poor. The shareholders, the politicians, the religions and ideologies.

The answers exist today. But few are aware and even fewer see it possible, to create awareness and in depth education about the alternatives, in time to save humanity to causing our own extinction.

Forget Mars, we are not taking eight billion people to go and live happily ever after. Invest in Mother Earth, in making better choices and in securing life for future generations to do better … to benefit from our mistakes, by applying the lessons we learned the hard way.

I live in an experimental existence and one of the luxuries I enjoy is time. I use this time to meditate and to explore consciousness. When we meditate, we learn from within … there truly is such a thing, as in Jesus’s words “the answers are within”. Humanity Towards Sustainability was born as a result of experiencing the world beyond the constraints of time. I have experienced the world in two ways. One vision was devoid of life, we did manage to destroy the planet in a nuclear confrontation. The second vision was a beautiful harmonious world and a restored Mother Earth. I experienced the reasons for these differences, the choices that had to be made for our species survival, and the survival of the natural world.

That is the origin of my motivation, to create awareness of the alternative without causing panic or contribute to further division. We are all made of the same elements, we all rely on the same sustainable planet and its air and water qualities. We rely on healthy “nutrient” rich foods for evolution to continue its refinement of our species. We are harming this process with genetically modified food and sterile agricultural topsoil from pesticides. Change is possible, we do not need to fight it or fear it, we need to create a system in which we are no longer in competition against each other, but work shoulder to shoulder on building a new existential platform from which harmony will flow.

Humanity Towards Sustainability has designed a strategy by which to commence this awareness campaign and help us explore the means towards a better tomorrow. But to achieve this, Humanity Towards Sustainability requires a “Founding Sponsor”, or a group of such. Which present day corporation agrees with the idea that change is needed? Who has the vision that we can do better and who is willing to invest in our journey towards a future – a life giving sponsorship?

Time will tell. I will approach some of those organizations that are amongst the sectors that are benefitting from our present system, but that may not have a future in a world beyond the monetary system. It will be an interesting few months between now and Christmas, but if Humanity Towards Sustainability is successful to secure such a sponsorship, then that is the best Christmas present for the natural world and our species.

For enquiries:

[email protected]

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