An interview from Nov’21 – Troy (K) Eichelberger, HTS Founder & Nikool McIndoe.
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Claiming Your Voice Interview with Nikool McIndoe & Troy Nobody, Founder of Humanity Towards Sustainability – Nov’21
This interview took place just over six months ago.
For those curious about human functions, this interview will be an eye opener.
As we discover the true power we are, limitations dissolve.
The Humanity Towards Sustainability vision unfolds through Collective Consciousness. Silent Meditation leads us to our “inner teacher”, it becomes the gateway to our potential.
“I am Nobody. Together We are. Therefore I am.”
Enjoy the Journey.
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Thank you Nikool – we share a passion to serve and I am grateful for the opportunity of this chat. Many people do not realise the simple means, by which we can let go of so many of our perceived limitations – this interview may inspire them to delve in the potential of the Self. The human brain has a billion neurons per brain cell – this relates to us having a billion options for all we do …. many of no relevance, but also some of great power. Telepathy or remote healing are some of the “talents” people have, all people – yet we have to train and strengthen our sensory system to realise such talents with. Have a wonderful week Nikool – I hope to catch you again soon.
Nikool McIndoe
Such an amazing chat thank YOU Troy. Such a pleasure knowing you 🙏
Thank you Nikool – we share a passion to serve and I am grateful for the opportunity of this chat. Many people do not realise the simple means, by which we can let go of so many of our perceived limitations – this interview may inspire them to delve in the potential of the Self. The human brain has a billion neurons per brain cell – this relates to us having a billion options for all we do …. many of no relevance, but also some of great power. Telepathy or remote healing are some of the “talents” people have, all people – yet we have to train and strengthen our sensory system to realise such talents with. Have a wonderful week Nikool – I hope to catch you again soon.