Opening ourselves to a Logic beyond limitations.
22nd Sept’22
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody

Logic is the most powerful tool, by which to design and frequently adjust, our brain’s default settings.
We are often told, that that which we perceive, is an illusion. But are we shown a “logical alternative”?
During a recent meditation session I was lucky to experience this alternative. I will aim to share this and hope my words will allow you to translate this experience into a meaningful share from which we all may learn something.
Human Cells are the hardware of the largest communications network on this planet.
All life forms have one thing in common – a cell structure that is utilising ONE source for cell creation. Nature!
All cells – human, animal, plants etc – are derived from the same five elements. Elements that are constantly recycled and renewed – elements that have been in circulation for eternity.
Imagine a tree that fell ten’s of thousands of years ago.
The decaying wood becomes topsoil. The soil from this tree is now feeding the roots of new plants. Plants that carry fruit for example.
Whoever consumes the fruit, now shares the original cells from that tree. The discarded fruit may be eaten by a bird and planted further afield by its droppings.
When a tree burns, residue and carbon go up as smoke, only to return to earth as rain – feeding large regions and making it into our Rivers and Oceans.
Without going any further into the detailed distribution of our shared cells – allow yourself to picture the cycle of life. Picture the reality of your own cells.
You, by the combination of your “Cells”, contain traces of Every Living Organism within that which is your physical body.
The experience I had during my meditation, gave a new meaning to this cell structure we all exist by.
All cells are like miniature batteries.
Cells have a positive and a negative pole on their ends and they hold a currency, an electrical charge. This charge, like any other electrical charge is detectable by its pulsation.
A pulsation ever so minute, ever so undeniably present.
As we are made up of fifty-three trillion cells (Scientists debate between 30 to 100 trillion), just imagine the charge that is within the human body. We are expelling the energy we store in these cells and each time we eat, we add a whole new supply of charged cells.
One of the logical steps once we realise this, is to re-evaluate our food intake. These days I look at food as a function, not entertainment. Raelene has the gift to turn functional food into both – I am hopeless in the kitchen, but no longer see taste as a deciding factor.
What else stares at us when considering this constantly changing “network of cells”?
The word Network!
Remember, we all carry cells that are present in every other life form, past & present. This goes back to the Buddha, to Dinosaurs and the ancient Mammoth etc
What is the reason behind this system? Creation has not left anything to coincidence.
The reason is that we “must” exist with the realisation and consideration of our “interconnected” destiny.
When I speak, my cells give this action sound. Whilst your cells will give energy to your sensory system – energising your focus to receive and translate my sound into meaningful words.
This function is only possible because of the compatibility of our cells – they recognise each other as we function within the identical frequency range. If we were exposed to a sound beyond our frequency range, we could not hear anything – no matter the decibel of that sound.
Now lets consider this Logic and explore Collective Consciousness.
Can our sensory system read energy frequency? YES, because that is what sound represents. But what if there is no sound? What if the only frequency we can sense, is the pulsation from an idle body’s cell structure?
Have you ever felt the presence of a person entering a room without hearing them? Perhaps you could even sense the identity of this person? It is one hundred percent possible and explainable.
You see, whilst your cells constantly change and renew your entire physical body – your DNA is your unique frequency. It revolves around your individuality. It adds a specific signature to your cells pulsation frequency. We can say your DNA is setting the tone, and it is that specific tone that allows a person to correctly recognise your presence.
The function that assists us in recognising such frequencies, is our sensory system. Think about the hair on your body – each charged with differing sensory functions. Your skin and pores form outlets for nerves to be subjected to the finest of frequencies. Frequencies we can learn to recognise.
Nikolas Tesla trained his hearing and senses to become alert to thunder and lightening within a radius of 150 miles. He did not see the human limitations as a reality worth subscribing to.
The Frequency range in which our cell network operates, allows for all our interactions.
Our eyes function by translating signals – signals that show no reason for the image we perceive. Yet, the world is in harmony with the pictures we commonly can agree on.
Now imagine an image sending out a frequency beyond our cells frequency range. I doubt we would notice it at all. Such frequencies beyond our range are simply not on our radar of possibilities – they do not exist to us. Which does not mean they do not exist in a multiverse that may operate in its own frequency range.
Our Ancestors are the combination of all past life forms – we are a part of that. We are ONE.
Telepathy is something we can all learn, just like playing Tennis for example. What stops us, is our perception of what “IS” and what “ISN’T” possible.
To increase our functionality all we have to do is flick that switch and remove our attachment to limitations. Nikolas Tesla was – and still is – seen as a genius. You too can be a Genius, it is totally within you – within each and every one of us.
Self Consciousness is the existence in Suffering.
We humans are not the most intelligent species, unless we hold a patent on the word intelligent. We are exposed to a form of learning, by suffering the consequences of our and our species, actions.
Cause and effect govern our experience. The lessons we learn sit deep in our “Being” – “Cell-Deep”, that is.
Evolution functions by designing the best and most sustainable version of a species. Not all species remain relevant in the entire process of evolution. New species are discovered whilst others become extinct.
Our relevance on the entire ecological process comes into play. To exist within an interconnected structure, as is Nature – each species plays a significant role. Each having to consider their impact on the “Whole”.
Humanity is in its infancy and is learning the lessons our cells will carry to our future “Self’s”.
Unfortunately, our actions at present are beyond consideration for the rest of Creation. We are a self obsessed lot, causing headaches to each other and threatening the collapse of all life.
Collective Consciousness is the Saviour for our planet and our species.
As we learn from our present mistakes, we store data into cell memory. This data will one day function as instinctive knowledge we “all” share. It will prevent us from destroying our planet and everything on it.
Unless this time is near, we may experience a great reduction in our numbers prior to the change from Self Consciousness to Collective Consciousness. The infrastructure is in place for us to open our awareness and access this wisdom. Wisdom contained in our cells – wisdom contained in each and everyone of us.
To date we have experienced three phases of Consciousness – Single Consciousness, Conceptual Consciousness and at present, Self Consciousness.
Perhaps each of these levels of consciousness exist to this day. Is a multiverse possible?
If Collective Consciousness takes us into a different frequency range, then there is nothing to suggest that the prior phases of consciousness don’t also exist on a different frequency range to our present one.
That means we are presently existing in one of these dimensions, but all co-exist. Do we progress from suffering to a more peaceful and loving existence, or do we repeat some earlier lessons?
Possibilities are not limited by our acceptance. Possibilities exist besides that which we think.
To learn about our potential, we must first overcome all we know and take for granted. We can learn so much by the practise of doing nothing. The daily practise of silent meditation.
As the mind enters the state beyond active thought, we expose our system to the wisdom and energies within our cell-network. We strengthen our connection to the frequencies within our entire range and as a result, our mind opens – just like the Lotus flower. From mud comes Lotus – from suffering we grow.
We can take note of the possible consequences of our actions, on the inter-connected realm we exist in. To make the world a better place, is not the job of others. It is a role we share and a role that will bring much magic to us.
Unconditional Love is much more than a phrase. It is the logic stemming from our awareness of our existence within each other – by way of our shared cell network.
“I am Nobody. Together WE are. Therefore I am.”
Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is a global awareness project – aiming to help restore our planet & Gift life to future generations.
Much Love to All.
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Cherylle BowersBailey
This is heart 💜 warming. I will be here as often as I can and always in the conscious form.
Hey Cherylle – thank you for your kind feedback. Today the internet allows us to learn so much, the data on the world wide web is immense …… but as with so many things today, we can’t always rely on the facts we find. Now imagine a network that we can trust 100% – a network that will constantly feed us with the most applicable answers to our questions. That network is already here – it is what we will know as Collective Consciousness one day. The data for this network is constantly up-date with every action and thought that takes place in our Universe – leaving its energy frequency as the record for all to access. Lies and deception will no longer function – complete transparency, respect and equality are the consequences of such an existence. Our communications on this subject will assist us in opening ourselves to this transition. We will slowly strengthen our sensory system to pick up on these signals. Whilst the internet suffers from online crime, our cell-network has a fool-proof security system …. it only functions in a state beyond the ego, beyond self related neurological activity, that is what silent meditation teaches us. The Higher Self can only be reached by letting go of our connection to the self – the Cell Network functions on that same level, is the function that is only possible to be utilised by our Higher Self. Peace and Unconditional Love prevail. Namaste Cherylle