Love – What is it?

by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Love is the most powerful resource. Yet it is the least understood.
Life Force energy emanates from the core of our planet. It sustains life in all species, including ours.
However, if we speak about love, beyond the romantic or family environment, many struggle to understand it.
Love is in each life form – it is that which connects all creations to ONE centre. So, it is no surprise we refer to our planet, as Mother Earth.
True love is. It knows no conditions, nor limitations.
Unconditional Love, is the basis of our realisation that we are ONE with all creations.
We are here for a purpose. No species was created for its selfish entertainment.
Every species has a purpose to fulfil. As each link of a chain makes the chain a chain, each species, reflects life to “all”.
Many indigenous tribes have learned from their dedicated observation of nature.
Their knowledge has been under-estimated for too long. The wisdom of those, that experience the connection to nature, surpasses that of western science.
Because through observation, indigenous tribes have always understood the environmental balance. The balance, that finds functionality in its variety. The combination of all species.
Western Science is split into many different specialty fields. It observes species at an isolated level – when in fact they miss its reliance on the entirety.
Love is that which connects and resembles this entirety. It resides in every organism – smile at it in those around you, know it is there – wake it and nurture it.
“I am Nobody. Together We are. Therefore I am.”
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