Meditation to end pollution.

by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Before launching Humanity Towards Sustainability, I was writing and sharing many articles with a focus on “Self Realisation”.
Self Realisation became a known term through the work of Yogananda Paramahansa.
A key principle of self realisation, is our ability to connect to our internal sensory system and amplify its functionality.
Today this is harder than ever. Why you ask?
Mental Pollution is at an all time high.
Information Technology (IT) is a field humanity have only just been introduced to.
This new era, the digital age, carries some amazing benefits by which the world connects. We can break the barriers of physical distance.
However, as we exist in a state of duality, we must learn to manage the downside of this technology.
Duality is the key to most of our problems today. In its principle, duality demonstrates that everything exists because of its opposite.
The downside with the digital age, is the constant stream of digital information.
The Human brain is suffering from an overload of irrelevant incoming information streams.
We balance this mental pollution, by ignoring large chunks of information.
However, our brain is programmed to analyse incoming information. So, we now begin to condition the brain into a lower sensitivity range.
In fact, we are programming our own ignorance.
It is vital we realise the impact of such programming.
When we compare our functionality, to the neurological structure we have within, we realise that we function well below capacity.
As living standards deteriorate and our planet struggles, ignorance is “NOT” a sound option.
Humanity needs a wake up call. We have begun to deteriorate and the world is collapsing around us.
The extinction of species on our planet has increased substantially in the last century. Perhaps, if we drew a graph, we could spot a correlation between the rate of extinction and the rate of our ignorance.
If we observe the demise in nature and consider climate change, we soon realise a massive “Truth”. We can clearly understand, that the species becoming extinct, have very similar life sustaining needs to those of humans.
Are we next?
If we continue on our present path, our time here is becoming “very limited” indeed.
Human’s must learn to connect to themselves, to be in a position to connect to Mother Earth.
How are we to understand this sentence?
It is a fact that we are functioning well below our sensory capacity. You see, telepathy, remote viewing and the likes, are not magical gifts. These are functions we all host, but very few have enabled.
For the human species to survive, we must increase our efficiency. Must improve our sensory system and with it, we will gain in our functionality.
Meditation is the most powerful tool we have.
Let me give you a little example to trigger your mind into action.
Two thousand years ago, a Yogi would go into a cave to meditate. He takes no books, simply sits in silence, slowing down all active thought. His goal is to dissolve all recognition of a “self”. Dissolving his ego so to say.
As the Yogi reaches the neurological state of a dissolved ego function, the Yogi enters a state of “Collective Consciousness”. This state allows the Yogi’s sensory system to “Fully Engage”.
You see, just like you – the Yogi is a combination of fifty-three trillion cells. Cells, that combine as ONE when the Ego is in the “On” mode, but enjoy individual functionality, when the Ego is dissolved or switched off.
As human cells are individually charged and hold power, they also are alive with memory and networking abilities. Human cells are made up of the same basic elements as all living organism’s in the Natural World.
We share cells with each other and we share cells with trees and birds, insects and fruit. There is nothing that we recognise as living, that doesn’t share cells with our own cells.
Well, back to our Yogi.
As meditation allows this particular Yogi to switch on the sensory functions of these individual cells, our Yogi can now utilise the network of “All Existing Cells”.
So, this particular Yogi has mastered the art of meditation at its ultimate level.
Using meditation to increase our human functions, is the means by which we learn the meaning of existence.
Many people today practise yoga or engage in regular exercise to improve or maintain health. That is a great start, but why not take it up a notch?
If we prepare the healthy body, we also improve our mental prospects and potential. Nutrition is our means to provide fuel to our system and even de-calcify our neurological structure. Mental Clarity improves.
Meditation is taking you on a new level. Our functionality can be massively increased, just like that of the Yogi we just met.
Akashic Records are a reality.
These are the records of all past and present neurological pathway connections. The result of this, is a mental ability like the present internet, but without our need for a computer or any external device.
To restore our planet is rather simple. Waking our species to see that, is far more challenging.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a “Collective Global Project” to do just that. However, “WE” have to do this “TOGETHER”.
I have written much about meditation and self realisation in the last few years. This path of meditating, learning and sharing, has led to the HTS project. We are ready today.
Imagine a species joining together as ONE, sharing a common goal. Who can ever stop us?
Mother Earth is our only stage, is our only life sustaining natural system, we have to take care of her.
Unconditional Love grows into a reality, as we wake to the meaning of the “Collective”. Meditation will help many to see this for themselves.
As humanity embarks on its greatest challenge, which is to restore our planet and gift life to future generations – Meditation will help pave the way.
(Please enter your Payment methods data on the settings pages.)Much Love & Light to All
Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Belinda Birch -Gillham
This is awesome Troy ,looking forward to talking part in the global group meditations to come. Congratulations my friend 🥳 Namaste 🙏🌎🧘❤️🌞
thanks so much for leaving a comment here Belinda – …. and YES, the next Global group meditation is happening again for the Solstice in June. In addition to our usual meditation focus of “Unconditional Love”, I may add something with regards to this project “Humanity Towards Sustainability” – unconditional love already serves Mother Earth and all creations, but assisting ourselves in truly experiencing the meaning of this – is a key to our solutions going forward. Namaste my dear friend 🙏🌞🧘❤
Kitty Morgan
I am ready to meditate and focus on global unity
Hey Kitty – thanks so much for stopping by. Global unity is such a beautiful vision …. one that truly can become our reality. A unification of the global population and a transition into a borderless world …… an equal wealth spread amongst all to remove the motivations for corruption and crime …. a world without a need for border protection and military alliances ….. that will be the world that fosters intelligent humans. Humans that realise that we must serve our planet – assure its sustainability and drop all relevance to the word “economy”. Money is an illusion, invented by greed – we can trade and live by means of common logic and responsibility. Education will lead our species into a future of purpose ….. if we roll up our sleeves and start implementing the required steps. We must bring humanity together – shoulder by shoulder we shall reach this new era. Thanks again Kitty – have a great day and feel free to email me if you have any project ideas or would like to participate in any way. 🙏🌞🧘❤