Humanity is entering a Transition. Meet your Skilled Self & grow.

By, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Silence ……harmonise ……. “Be”.
My past life …..well, I am grateful to all the challenges and experiences that guided me to this moment.
Realising that set rules and red lines are a hinderance in our personal growth, we soon see the benefit of opening ourself to existing in the moment of “Now”.
As we reach this moment, we are free – we are energised to embrace new means of observation and learning. We are no longer ….. that which holds us back.
My personal spiritual journey, led me to the inner sanctum of human abilities. Learning via meditation took me on the most amazing journey. The journey of Self Realisation.
One of my self-set goals, was to figure out a way, to engage my “Skilled Self” to train my “Unskilled Self”. The Skilled-Self is often known as our Higher-Self.
Before I could figure out a plan of attack, I realised that was not required. “Faith” is taking us on the journey – all unfolds as we set aside the noise of our brain and listen to that inner truth.
There is a saying: “Listen to the little voice inside”.
When we do something bad, we get a strange feeling – we know we did wrong, even if we don’t know why. Our “Skilled-Self” is our connection to “Collective Consciousness”.
Collective Consciousness contains the data of all wisdom – “Past & Present”. We get mere glimpses and random downloads. As we practise, we improve.
Last night, as I sat in Meditation, I saw the improvement I have to accomplish, if I wish to reach my goals. I was shown the work I “Can” do.
I saw the excitement of a young salesman, a clumsy boy in the toyshop. That is me today. I have to mature as I learn.
A few weeks ago, I launched a global project “Humanity Towards Sustainability”. The vision and concept require a massive change to how humanity exist today. A daunting task.
What will it take to achieve such lofty goals? Dedication and honesty with one’s self.
In our state of duality, everything exists because of its opposite. Light exists because we know of darkness.
When we understand that this concept of duality, plays with our entire existence, we can soon learn how to apply it to serve us.
To me, the Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) project, is a continuation of my unfolding purpose. I see it is my service to purpose, whilst in return, “purpose” guides me via the Collective.
During meditation I experience learning in a form of sensation – often accompanied by images. I now need to flow from the existence of an excited, but clumsy salesman, to an Elder or Statesman.
I see my weaknesses – many of them, but I also see the answers to address these weaknesses and turn them into strength. Duality gives me these answers. We can’t expect change if we approach things in the same way as we always have.
We must approach our comfort zones and question these.
Comfort zones are attachments. Attachments are the evidence of our ego. It is “my” like or dislike. The “my”, refers to the “I” – yet the reality is that we must aim to function on a level “Above the “I”. We dissolve our ego to flow into the Collective – in that state, we can see the solutions.
As I see my flaws, I see the steps I can take to grow beyond these. It is a challenging road – nothing comes to us for free.
Will I be able to turn myself into the person that can lead Humanity Towards Sustainability HTS) into a success for our planet and all creations?
I am committed to give it my best. The rest will come as it is meant to.
For some years now I have written about my experiences and have shared these in the aim to help those with less time for such self-exploration. What I write may help some of you – that is the goal.
However, as a side effect, my learning has also continued. In Neuron-science, there is a simple explanation for this. We can structure our brain, by activating specific neuron regions. These active regions, will become the focus of new neuron growth ….. we are opening a neuron library.
Mind over Matter …… energy comes before matter ….. manifestation at a self-less level, is programming our reality. Faith in what we do, will keep us on track to success. Doubt will lead to weakness and can block our ideal path.
To restore our environment, takes healthy and willing minds.
Processed foods and fluoride added to drinking water, toothpaste etc – we have hurdles to overcome – before we reach our peak health again.
To grow the most effective global family of HTS volunteers, we can never overlook that. The physical and mental improvement of humanity, will remain a massive part of the Humanity Towards Sustainability project.
To transition into the new era of freedom and equality, “Self-Realisation” paves our path towards “Collective Consciousness” as a species.
Last night I experienced the global solution that replaces our monetary system – can replace this overnight if we had the political will to do so. Last night, I experienced the global solution to move humanity from going to war with nations. Borders were no more.
The economy ….. that elusive little thing. We are its slaves – we set our political goals and budgets around that …. Thing.
To take us into the new era, we will replace that thing. Let us drop our focus from the economy, to sustainability. Money is an illusion created by greed. If we all have the same wealth level – we have no need to focus on it or serve it – it will serve as a means to “Be”.
Whilst I experienced the solutions of a border-less world, I also experienced the beauty of diverse cultures. The names of countries remain, our cultural traditions will not be limited by freedom of movement.
Territorial protection is no longer serving any purpose. There is nothing to control or protect – once the world belongs to all creations equally. We function as ONE species – flowing into a higher functionality and celebrating Peace with all.
At some point, I am likely to write a book on the entire experience from that meditation – it will form the base for the policies we develop to welcome the New.
Join the Humanity Towards Sustainability project and help us harmonise existence.
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Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody