Name Registration Completed:

“Humanity Towards Sustainability”

Hi All,

as mentioned in my recent posts, I was formalising naming rights for our global project.

I am happy to share with you – my preferred name was granted and “Humanity Towards Sustainability” is now officially born.

The next step before public action and engagement can commence, is the creation of the Humanity Towards Sustainability website.

I am building this site as we speak and expect it to be up and operational soon.

Our focus is the sustainability of our environment and all species.

Humanity is faced with major challenges today.

Challenges are our teachers, they bring out the best in us.

One of our downfalls is the broader understanding of wealth and our monetary system.

The present system, equals a modern means, by which we are enslaved.

The vast difference in wages is such a wonderful opportunity, by which we can begin the restoration of equality.

Imagine a workforce on a very similar income structure?

I am not at all talking communism like structures.

No, I am talking about a more intelligent means of wealth distribution. I am talking about a true means, by which we can remove poverty.

A means by which we can destroy, the monetary motivation underlying crime and corruption.

Home affordability will be another pleasant side effect.

Pensioners and unemployed will receive an income that allows them not only to meet their living costs, but to retain their dignity.

The funds are already in existence for such a society.

We merely need to re-structure our present attitude towards wealth creation.

Just think about all the great minds in society. The minds that never had an opportunity to receive a quality education?

Who’s son or daughter can study medicine and become a leading healer and physician – not influenced by the pharmaceutical industry, but only by their passion to heal people? Not many.

Not the son’s and daughter’s of the low income earners.

Yet, amongst those the talent and passion are no less.

They are just not given an equal opportunity to shine.

In a sustainable society, each of us is shining equally as bright.

Imagine a system in which losing your job does not mean you are unable to service your mortgage?

A system that makes housing affordable for all and not the luxury it is today.

Imagine such a society.

How would it be for the people to experience such a system of existence?

Now ask yourself, “how can this be funded”?

Why are we not living this way today?

We are a supressed species, not meant to be equal to our overlords. It is those overlords, that hold us captive to the present system.

Let them know – We have outgrown such a system!

It has brought too much suffering, is killing our own without a whim.

A system that is responsible for the extinction of countless species and soon our own, has surely shown its own complete failure.

Humanity are entering a new era, we must choose wisely.

We either pursue individual wealth and become extinct within the next generation or two …. or, we focus on our common needs.

Please vote for our common needs.

Please join our awareness campaign to change the world as we know it. Together, let us turn it into the world we always dreamed it could be.

We Can – Together as ONE.

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Much Love & Light to All

Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody