Love holds power beyond the obvious.
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by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Love is the most powerful resource. Yet it is the least understood.
Life Force energy emanates from the core of our planet. It sustains life in all species, including ours.
However, if we speak about love, beyond the romantic or family environment, many struggle to understand it.
Love is in each life form – it is that which connects all creations to ONE centre. So, it is no surprise we refer to our planet, as Mother Earth.
True love is. It knows no conditions, nor limitations.
Unconditional Love, is the basis of our realisation that we are ONE with all creations.
We are here for a purpose. No species was created for its selfish entertainment.
Every species has a purpose to fulfil. As each link of a chain makes the chain a chain, each species, reflects life to “all”.
Many indigenous tribes have learned from their dedicated observation of nature.
Their knowledge has been under-estimated for too long. The wisdom of those, that experience the connection to nature, surpasses that of western science.
Because through observation, indigenous tribes have always understood the environmental balance. The balance, that finds functionality in its variety. The combination of all species.
Western Science is split into many different specialty fields. It observes species at an isolated level – when in fact they miss its reliance on the entirety.
Love is that which connects and resembles this entirety. It resides in every organism – smile at it in those around you, know it is there – wake it and nurture it.
“I am Nobody. Together We are. Therefore I am.”
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May there always be a “Tomorrow” for Humanity.
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by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Tomorrow … so much more than just a word.
Can you imagine a day in the future, on which humanity are informed that we have run out of “Tomorrow”?
Well, if we open our mental horizon beyond the trivial political propaganda, we realise a chilling reality.
Scientists, such as David Suzuki, have dedicated much of their working life, to save humanity …. by creating awareness about our environment and the diminishing solutions we have to save our planet.
Tomorrow holds a value, we mostly overlook today.
Whilst Gold is seen as a valuable resource, “tomorrow” is not seen as an asset at all. Yet, “tomorrow” is our most valuable asset.
Can we compare any monetary value, with the value of time?
Today we search for treasures, that are related to monetary wealth.
If we are lucky enough to realise the value of “Time”, we may realise why David Suzuki recently cried when holding his grand-children.
David has experienced and observed our planets deterioration. He has also experienced the extinction of many species. He understands the inter-connected existence of all things “Nature”.
All humans are a part of that natural system.
We do not hold a privileged position on this planet.
We rely on its health for our own health and survival.
As humanity continues on a most ignorant path, our solutions to restore our planets health, disappear. Solutions we had ten years ago, will no longer help us today. Too much deterioration has occurred in that short space of time alone.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global project, calling humanity into action. Waking our minds to the slipping opportunities we still have.
To enjoy tomorrow – we have to change course today.
Humanity will have to accept the consequences of our past actions. This does not mean we have to enter a time of regression.
In fact the opposite is the case. Restoring our planet and all creations, requires an approach that will lead humanity to find its “Collective Power”.
Once we discover this power, we – as a species, will find our purpose. We will find a balance within nature and will find our place amongst all creations.
There are no Masters.
Nature as we know it, is a system embracing all living organisms equally. Our arrogance prevents us from understanding this simple fact.
As an intelligent species, we must protect “Tomorrow” today.
As we creep up to the day when we run out of tomorrow, we must do all we can, to implement the remaining solutions. We must try and keep tomorrow a sustainable reality and an option beyond its present limit.
Check out our “Humanity Towards Sustainability”, introduction page, for a path to achieve this.
We are dedicated to give our “Very Best”. Will you join us?
Humanity Towards Sustainability is targeting “Change”.
Our vision, is to trigger sustainability, by uniting humanity behind a common goal.
Life is a challenge, a game we are meant to experience and learn from. Today, we are at a phase of the game that reaches beyond the individual.
A new era in the evolution of humanity is still possible. However, to access this opportunity, we must transfer our focus from the “Self” and place this focus on the “Collective”.
Life is an adventure, to find true happiness is possible. Open your heart when looking for it.
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Is Humanity beyond repair?
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by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Today, humanity is tasting the consequences of our past.
We have longed for a peaceful and happy experience.
The actual experience couldn’t be further from this modest goal.
Stress is a condition, shared by most dedicated workers around the world. It doesn’t have to be that way, but in the system we have, that is how it is.
Life expectancy has already peaked, we are now in the phase of decline. Our food no longer contains the nutrients of days past. Our life-style has been hi-jacked by technology in many ways.
Do we really seek happiness?
How does such happiness look in real life?
Does it require security and some levels of comfort? A steady means to nutrient food for your family perhaps?
A bed to sleep in and some warmth on cold days?
Imagine a simple, but fulfilling existence. Imagine you wake up in the morning, looking forward to what the new day brings. Many no longer can remember waking like that.
Poverty is a consequence of the system we presently support around the world.
That system is based on “Wealth” creation.
That system is at the core of humanities great suffering, is at the core of our planets great suffering.
Do we not all realise this today?
We see so much waste, crime, corruption, dishonesty and war …. all committed under the flag of “wealth creation”. All committed, because in the present system, our security depends greatly on our financial position.
We can implement endless projects to clean and restore our planet. However, as long as we support the present concept of “wealth creation”, we can not expect our clean up to make much difference to our planet.
Companies and their shareholders are targeting constant growth.
Governments are working to serve one thing, “the economy”. Which by the way is not alive or real in any way. The economy is merely the international level of ‘wealth creation” at all costs.
If we look back at human history and the financial markets, we can easily spot the problems we created in the name of wealth creation.
Today is the year 2022. Are we about to wake to this, the “actual” motivator behind so many of our problems?
Imagine if we replaced the word “Wealth” with the word “Health” overnight?
What would happen?
Imagine our elected politicians and public servants, turning up at work and rolling up their sleeves. Ready to give the same genuine approach, to “Health Creation”, as they did in the past for “Wealth Creation”.
Would we change our range of available consumer products? Would we still have toxic and pointless products sitting on our shop shelves, if we had to consider the pollution they create?
How would we approach poverty and mental health?
Would it be possible to change our global government budget priorities?
If we made the “health” of our people and our environment, our number one priority, our budget changes could easily manage positive programs to reach this outcome.
All we have to do, is drop our budget components that are presently serving “Wealth” projects.
A happy society is one that exists in peace with its neighbours and the global society.
Do we need military equipment to bring peace? No!
What is needed is a genuine interest for dialogue and common solutions to our needs. That is actually not so difficult to understand. Ask a five year old.
Today, our system has peace keeping forces stationed with tanks and machine guns. Not much peace is created with these strategies, but wars do break out.
War creates “Wealth” – obscene wealth for the select few – not you, not me – just “them”.
Are their son’s and daughter’s at the front?
How is war impacting on our “health”? How is it impacting on our environment?
Not at all well I can tell you.
So, lets go back a step.
As I suggested at the start, we can replace the word “Wealth” with the word “Health”. What will happen?
In war, nobody can say we are not risking the health of others.
So, war is no longer an action a “healthy-system” can tolerate.
The biggest downside of not going to war again, is that some poor rich people are not getting even richer. My sympathy for their position is rather limited.
The up-side of not going to war is also easy to ascertain.
First – all the atrocities of war and international conflict will cease. People do not need to suffer, as the world uses “health” as our number one priority in all we do.
Do you understand the financial cost of a military, a military alliance or the daily cost of war?
If we as a species, reached the intellect to act in peace, we as a species could be proud of the growth we have accomplished.
Today’s system is the system we elect, allow and tolerate. Humanity can not continue in that way.
There is no future for a species, such as we have demonstrated to be.
Our planet is suffering and its life sustaining elements are deteriorating daily. This is the exact reason why species are becoming extinct and have been made extinct.
Life is fragile on our planet.
Nature is a combination of life forms – all in need of healthy functionality.
If we continue on our current path, humanity’s days are numbered.
Our species future is something we should consider as a most valuable treasure.
“Health” is the only means, by which a species can remain strong.
To restore the health of our species, we must restore the health of our planet.
Whilst we can and must all do our share, we also must start to realise the bigger picture.
Society must change its way.
To change our way, means to change the global system.
Together We Can!
Read through the Humanity Towards Sustainability introduction page for a peak pre-view on some of the solutions we can consider going forward.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global project, creating awareness about the simple solutions available to restore Mother Earth and All its Creations.
Join our growing family of like minded people and let’s make a difference for future generations.
Please support our cause.
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“Together We Can”. Mother Earth – “Get Well”.
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Are you a student, parent or grand parent of a student?
Did you know, in Europe, every sixth species are under threat of extinction today? I read that in the news this morning.
Once I would have been shocked to read this. Today, it merely confirms what we already know.
How will the present turmoil in Europe add to the environmental disaster? How many years of life are we depleting?
So, humanity is watching on. Alarmed perhaps, but still watching as the nightmare is unfolding.
What do we do with people that suffer a nightmare?
We wake them!
This sounds simple and we know it works.
Well, it is no different with the nightmare humanity suffers under present day conditions.
Humanity must wake.
We do have sound and organic solutions to restore our planet, but ….. humanity is still watching. Still ….. “mostly” watching as the demise continues to gather momentum.
Okay, time to set the alarm clock.
With the aim, to wake the “watchers” into action, Humanity Towards Sustainability has commenced a global awareness campaign.
It is called: “Letters from Schools around the World”.
We invite every student from around the world – either during class as a school project – or during your holidays, down time or at any time – to share “Your message to Humanity”.
Tell us in 300 to 1200 words, what does “Humanity Towards Sustainability” mean to you?
Please send your letter as a word document via email to:
Feel free to read through our web content to find a subject of your passion, or create your very own ideas and proposals.
We’d also love it if you could attach a photo of yourself and include the name of the location (or school) you reside in (not your full address – only the name of your town. city etc).
We hope to publish the majority (ideally all) of these letters and share them with the World. Let this campaign grow and add to the wake up call the world needs today.
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Imagine a world of equal wealth? Sustainability goes beyond the Environment.
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Humanity Towards Sustainability – if you could enter my headspace and explore the “Big Picture” vision, you’d find a World that is in Harmony.
Restoring our environment and our living conditions, is a task that can’t be separated.
As in our co-existence with nature, organisms do actually adapt to each others needs.
The human species, needs to return to its direct connection with nature – realise itself in it – not controlling it. Nature is the whole of all creations. Equally so!
We have to change how we prioritise our goals and how we discover our true ideals.
When I envision the future for humanity, I envision a species that see’s itself as ONE equal species. Not any one of us, is above another.
True equality is at the core of humanities needs. Feeling equal to each other, is of utmost importance in establishing a peaceful species going forward. As ONE.
How do we reach such a point of equality?
We can design a new system, one replacing the present monetary system.
A financial model, to pay an equal amount of monthly income to all and reduce unemployment, is very realistic.
Our weekly hours can drop, whilst less popular jobs will enjoy substantially reduced hours. This in turn will also address present unemployment rates, as new jobs are created by such reduced hours.
To create a functioning financial model, is going to erase many stress related chronic diseases.
Crime and corruption will lack present day motivators – as financial equality engulfs our existence.
The new system will provide equal opportunities across all sectors. We will no longer wish to be in someone else’s shoes. Humanity can evolve to such a level, we have the tools to stop poverty now.
This financial system, is actually a rather simple model to implement.
Remember two things:
1 – The word “Economy” is merely a word. It is not giving us any life sustaining nutrients. However, it does wonders for supressing the masses.
2 – Money is not growing because of the economy, nor is it backed by Gold Reserves. Money is printed and tightly controlled by the present system. It finds its way to a select few, instead of being equally distributed.
All we have to do, is change our present “money distribution” model.
Imagine a system that prints a certain amount of money, that covers its running costs and gives each citizen a sum equal to US $250k, per year? Sounds too good to be true?
It is actually far simpler to implement such a system, than to stay with the present system of discrimination and corruption. You see, simple is best – it does actually work in that way.
Governments no longer have the headaches of our present global tax systems.
Taxes will no longer be paid by the people, but by a “self funding” system.
The present structure of business ownership has to be changed in such a system. However, the benefits will outweigh the negatives.
This is “Not Communism” – it is a completely new system. One that is designed with the health of our planet and our species, as its core motivation.
We can exchange the word economy with the word sustainability.
The health of our economy, is of zero “actual value”.
Discrimination has served the old system well. It has no place amongst an intelligent species.
When a community is divided, it is easily controlled.
As we prepare our transition into a new era, we have to remove the blindfolds. We must move towards each other with an open heart and do what is in the common interest.
When humanity is ready to walk arm in arm, as ONE, the future will smile on us.
To restore Mother Earth, we must take many steps. Steps that we shall take as a Collective. Steps that will lead us to a sustainable existence, in harmony with “All”.
Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is a Global project.
Our vision is to restore Mother Earth & Gift life to future generations.
Join our global family of Volunteers. Make suggestions and help us move into the new era.
Please consider supporting the HTS Project:
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Bookmark our website for regular up-dates and new articles.
HTS would like to invite every school around the world, to participate in a global HTS project. “Together WE HAVE a VOICE”. Let’s make something of it.
Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is a newly launched global environmental project, based in Maldon, Victoria.
The HTS mission is to restore Mother Earth & Gift life to future generations.
To restore our Mother Earth, we must allow people to heal and connect with themselves. Only when people realise/ experience, their true connection to all creations, will humanity become effective in its Collective Purpose.
We now invite students to write a short essay style article, in English, based on the meaning of the words “Humanity Towards Sustainability”, to them.
This can take on many meanings and can inspire new ideas.
To give children, teenagers and young adults, a voice is a most important aspect in healing our planet.
After all, we are engaging with and hearing the thoughts of our future leaders.
Humanity Towards Sustainability would dearly love to showcase the next such letter from your school and also show it to people around the world.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Humanity Towards Sustainability
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Humanity Towards Sustainability Founder – Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
By, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Silence ……harmonise ……. “Be”.
My past life …..well, I am grateful to all the challenges and experiences that guided me to this moment.
Realising that set rules and red lines are a hinderance in our personal growth, we soon see the benefit of opening ourself to existing in the moment of “Now”.
As we reach this moment, we are free – we are energised to embrace new means of observation and learning. We are no longer ….. that which holds us back.
My personal spiritual journey, led me to the inner sanctum of human abilities. Learning via meditation took me on the most amazing journey. The journey of Self Realisation.
One of my self-set goals, was to figure out a way, to engage my “Skilled Self” to train my “Unskilled Self”. The Skilled-Self is often known as our Higher-Self.
Before I could figure out a plan of attack, I realised that was not required. “Faith” is taking us on the journey – all unfolds as we set aside the noise of our brain and listen to that inner truth.
There is a saying: “Listen to the little voice inside”.
When we do something bad, we get a strange feeling – we know we did wrong, even if we don’t know why. Our “Skilled-Self” is our connection to “Collective Consciousness”.
Collective Consciousness contains the data of all wisdom – “Past & Present”. We get mere glimpses and random downloads. As we practise, we improve.
Last night, as I sat in Meditation, I saw the improvement I have to accomplish, if I wish to reach my goals. I was shown the work I “Can” do.
I saw the excitement of a young salesman, a clumsy boy in the toyshop. That is me today. I have to mature as I learn.
A few weeks ago, I launched a global project “Humanity Towards Sustainability”. The vision and concept require a massive change to how humanity exist today. A daunting task.
What will it take to achieve such lofty goals? Dedication and honesty with one’s self.
In our state of duality, everything exists because of its opposite. Light exists because we know of darkness.
When we understand that this concept of duality, plays with our entire existence, we can soon learn how to apply it to serve us.
To me, the Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) project, is a continuation of my unfolding purpose. I see it is my service to purpose, whilst in return, “purpose” guides me via the Collective.
During meditation I experience learning in a form of sensation – often accompanied by images. I now need to flow from the existence of an excited, but clumsy salesman, to an Elder or Statesman.
I see my weaknesses – many of them, but I also see the answers to address these weaknesses and turn them into strength. Duality gives me these answers. We can’t expect change if we approach things in the same way as we always have.
We must approach our comfort zones and question these.
Comfort zones are attachments. Attachments are the evidence of our ego. It is “my” like or dislike. The “my”, refers to the “I” – yet the reality is that we must aim to function on a level “Above the “I”. We dissolve our ego to flow into the Collective – in that state, we can see the solutions.
As I see my flaws, I see the steps I can take to grow beyond these. It is a challenging road – nothing comes to us for free.
Will I be able to turn myself into the person that can lead Humanity Towards Sustainability HTS) into a success for our planet and all creations?
I am committed to give it my best. The rest will come as it is meant to.
For some years now I have written about my experiences and have shared these in the aim to help those with less time for such self-exploration. What I write may help some of you – that is the goal.
However, as a side effect, my learning has also continued. In Neuron-science, there is a simple explanation for this. We can structure our brain, by activating specific neuron regions. These active regions, will become the focus of new neuron growth ….. we are opening a neuron library.
Mind over Matter …… energy comes before matter ….. manifestation at a self-less level, is programming our reality. Faith in what we do, will keep us on track to success. Doubt will lead to weakness and can block our ideal path.
To restore our environment, takes healthy and willing minds.
Processed foods and fluoride added to drinking water, toothpaste etc – we have hurdles to overcome – before we reach our peak health again.
To grow the most effective global family of HTS volunteers, we can never overlook that. The physical and mental improvement of humanity, will remain a massive part of the Humanity Towards Sustainability project.
To transition into the new era of freedom and equality, “Self-Realisation” paves our path towards “Collective Consciousness” as a species.
Last night I experienced the global solution that replaces our monetary system – can replace this overnight if we had the political will to do so. Last night, I experienced the global solution to move humanity from going to war with nations. Borders were no more.
The economy ….. that elusive little thing. We are its slaves – we set our political goals and budgets around that …. Thing.
To take us into the new era, we will replace that thing. Let us drop our focus from the economy, to sustainability. Money is an illusion created by greed. If we all have the same wealth level – we have no need to focus on it or serve it – it will serve as a means to “Be”.
Whilst I experienced the solutions of a border-less world, I also experienced the beauty of diverse cultures. The names of countries remain, our cultural traditions will not be limited by freedom of movement.
Territorial protection is no longer serving any purpose. There is nothing to control or protect – once the world belongs to all creations equally. We function as ONE species – flowing into a higher functionality and celebrating Peace with all.
At some point, I am likely to write a book on the entire experience from that meditation – it will form the base for the policies we develop to welcome the New.
Join the Humanity Towards Sustainability project and help us harmonise existence.
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Environmental & Social recovery can’t be separated. Together We Can!
By, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Let me take you on a little journey of time.
Today, we write the year 2050.
It was reported that the arctic ice field has seen a return to peak condition and global temperatures are in line with those in the early nineteenth century.
Since the fall of the old political systems around the world, conflict and our need for military protection has vanished.
Funds usually lost by military, corruption and blatant miss-management, have allowed us to bring an end to poverty and homelessness.
Employment, education and social welfare are working together – strengthening the social bond today’s civilisations share.
After our perfectly guided strategies over the last twenty-five years, we now have sufficient spread and mix of vegetation, to balance global carbon levels – the natural way.
Carbon pricing was exposed as fraud and luckily, we got to work on real solutions to restore our planet.
As a result of changes to the former monetary system, crime no longer is the issue it once was.
Changes to the internet protocol, removing the possibility of identity theft and online fraud, have revealed much about the actual villains behind cyber-crime. Money in its former concept was a major motivation for crimes of all sorts.
Food standards changed in the years since, as we changed our ways in agriculture and soil handling.
Chemical Pesticides no longer exist. Top soil to much of our planet is recovering and a fungi network is once again keeping our planet from overheating.
But the top News of the Day – are our Global Celebrations for the 114th Birthday of our Father For Life – David Suzuki.
Today, David smiles – still robust and healthy, he accepts the Greatest Awards we can give him – time with his Great Grandchildren.
David and many like him, have dedicated much of their life to saving our planet and all its creations. Had we not finally listened and brought about Change – we’d not be here today.
…………….. that is the news from 2050.
If life truly exists in a multiverse, we have to make sure that we trigger the actions, to place ourselves in a multiverse in which this news article becomes “Truth”. We have no other choice.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global movement, triggering environmental and social sustainability.
Join our Global Family and let us “Gift Life to Future Generations”.
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The Public Health System is a field of Opportunity.
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Most Public Health systems around the world have one thing in common.
They “Over- promise” and “Under-deliver”.
Today, Public Health System’s are amongst the most important responsibilities of any Government.
Working in close relation with global Pharmaceutical conglomerates, Government Scientists select the range of drugs approved in your countries.
Medical training engages some of the most wonderful minds on our planet.
As new scientific discoveries are made, the system has to incorporate the ever growing health solutions.
This growth does come at a cost and as such, it is a massive burden on the public purse.
Elections are a time when political candidates review the existing system. Budgets are revised to allow for improvements of the existing infrastructure.
Elections can be won or lost on that subject. America has experienced much political upheaval on that front. Given its population this is no surprise, it merely serves to demonstrate the difficulties.
We can agree that Public Health is at least a key topic amongst Leaders. The influence from Pharmaceutical companies on Public Health, are a little more dubious and “potentially” harmful to society.
In the big picture, it would seem we are at least trying our best. However, we are overlooking the obvious.
As we have to constantly add procedures and drugs, to react to new medical discoveries, we also constantly add to the running costs.
Up to this point we observed the structure of the health system.
We can understand the challenges and are grateful for the service.
Take a moment and take off the blinkers.
Ask yourself:
Is the health in your community improving or deteriorating?
If we compare the statistics from thirty years ago, with those of today, we see a most alarming trend.
Chronic disease amongst the global population is at an all time high. This is not merely by numbers, but also by percentage of the community.
So, as we consider this fact, we must take a pause.
Is it still viable to follow the present path? Do we have an alternative?
We do have an alternative, but few western countries consider it.
Natural Health!
More and more medical experts, are questioning the role of pharmaceuticals in our health deterioration.
Studies and medical research, are mostly funded by the Pharmaceutical or Bio-technology sector. Their shareholders applaud this strategy. A strategy that manages global medical advances.
Health care in most countries these days, is heavily reliant on drug distribution. But, health does not come from a pill, it comes from a balance between nature and our own healing abilities.
True Natural Healers are dedicated to restoring human health. They will understand the process of reverse engineering your symptoms and discover the actual cause of your underlying health problems.
No chemicals are required. Now that is a massive saving to the public purse.
The ideal Public Health System shall support both sectors. Western Medicine & Natural Health.
If we implement responsible means by which we promote natural health, we can free up much funding from the public purse.
Our population may have grown older, but we have peaked and are spiralling into a major global health crisis.
Western medicine deserves much credit. Life saving surgeries are performed around the world, right in this moment. We all are grateful for this.
But, sustainability is about getting the balance right. Sustainability is about Harmony.
Humanity Towards Sustainability strongly supports the transition of our old systems, into systems that are sustainable today.
Public Health is not an isolated sector.
To live in harmony and improve our mental and physical health, we must realise the laws of “cause & effect”.
We become what we eat.
Our food needs to be grown in fertile and chemical free soil. To reverse our unhealthy ways, we can improve the quality of education, we offer future generations.
The legacy of the Baby-Boomers has presented us with a massive challenge.
We have to distance ourselves from the competitive behaviour and support common goals over individual goals.
Life as we knew it, has no future.
Our planet is unable to support all of our “Wants”.
But, our planet can be restored, to once again support all of our “Needs”.
The time to make sustainable changes is Now. Humanity Towards Sustainability is engaging in many aspects of sustainable change.
Please bookmark this page and support our cause. This project will succeed, but only if “WE” realise the role each of us play.
“I am Nobody. Together We are. Therefore I am.”
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One of my favourite authorities on the subject, is Zach Bush MD.
Zach embraced medical studies and scientific research – his voice is growing, our health benefits from all his efforts.
For Humanity to connect to Mother Earth, we must connect to ourselves.
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Before launching Humanity Towards Sustainability, I was writing and sharing many articles with a focus on “Self Realisation”.
Self Realisation became a known term through the work of Yogananda Paramahansa.
A key principle of self realisation, is our ability to connect to our internal sensory system and amplify its functionality.
Today this is harder than ever. Why you ask?
Mental Pollution is at an all time high.
Information Technology (IT) is a field humanity have only just been introduced to.
This new era, the digital age, carries some amazing benefits by which the world connects. We can break the barriers of physical distance.
However, as we exist in a state of duality, we must learn to manage the downside of this technology.
Duality is the key to most of our problems today. In its principle, duality demonstrates that everything exists because of its opposite.
The downside with the digital age, is the constant stream of digital information.
The Human brain is suffering from an overload of irrelevant incoming information streams.
We balance this mental pollution, by ignoring large chunks of information.
However, our brain is programmed to analyse incoming information. So, we now begin to condition the brain into a lower sensitivity range.
In fact, we are programming our own ignorance.
It is vital we realise the impact of such programming.
When we compare our functionality, to the neurological structure we have within, we realise that we function well below capacity.
As living standards deteriorate and our planet struggles, ignorance is “NOT” a sound option.
Humanity needs a wake up call. We have begun to deteriorate and the world is collapsing around us.
The extinction of species on our planet has increased substantially in the last century. Perhaps, if we drew a graph, we could spot a correlation between the rate of extinction and the rate of our ignorance.
If we observe the demise in nature and consider climate change, we soon realise a massive “Truth”. We can clearly understand, that the species becoming extinct, have very similar life sustaining needs to those of humans.
Are we next?
If we continue on our present path, our time here is becoming “very limited” indeed.
Human’s must learn to connect to themselves, to be in a position to connect to Mother Earth.
How are we to understand this sentence?
It is a fact that we are functioning well below our sensory capacity. You see, telepathy, remote viewing and the likes, are not magical gifts. These are functions we all host, but very few have enabled.
For the human species to survive, we must increase our efficiency. Must improve our sensory system and with it, we will gain in our functionality.
Meditation is the most powerful tool we have.
Let me give you a little example to trigger your mind into action.
Two thousand years ago, a Yogi would go into a cave to meditate. He takes no books, simply sits in silence, slowing down all active thought. His goal is to dissolve all recognition of a “self”. Dissolving his ego so to say.
As the Yogi reaches the neurological state of a dissolved ego function, the Yogi enters a state of “Collective Consciousness”. This state allows the Yogi’s sensory system to “Fully Engage”.
You see, just like you – the Yogi is a combination of fifty-three trillion cells. Cells, that combine as ONE when the Ego is in the “On” mode, but enjoy individual functionality, when the Ego is dissolved or switched off.
As human cells are individually charged and hold power, they also are alive with memory and networking abilities. Human cells are made up of the same basic elements as all living organism’s in the Natural World.
We share cells with each other and we share cells with trees and birds, insects and fruit. There is nothing that we recognise as living, that doesn’t share cells with our own cells.
Well, back to our Yogi.
As meditation allows this particular Yogi to switch on the sensory functions of these individual cells, our Yogi can now utilise the network of “All Existing Cells”.
So, this particular Yogi has mastered the art of meditation at its ultimate level.
Using meditation to increase our human functions, is the means by which we learn the meaning of existence.
Many people today practise yoga or engage in regular exercise to improve or maintain health. That is a great start, but why not take it up a notch?
If we prepare the healthy body, we also improve our mental prospects and potential. Nutrition is our means to provide fuel to our system and even de-calcify our neurological structure. Mental Clarity improves.
Meditation is taking you on a new level. Our functionality can be massively increased, just like that of the Yogi we just met.
Akashic Records are a reality.
These are the records of all past and present neurological pathway connections. The result of this, is a mental ability like the present internet, but without our need for a computer or any external device.
To restore our planet is rather simple. Waking our species to see that, is far more challenging.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a “Collective Global Project” to do just that. However, “WE” have to do this “TOGETHER”.
I have written much about meditation and self realisation in the last few years. This path of meditating, learning and sharing, has led to the HTS project. We are ready today.
Imagine a species joining together as ONE, sharing a common goal. Who can ever stop us?
Mother Earth is our only stage, is our only life sustaining natural system, we have to take care of her.
Unconditional Love grows into a reality, as we wake to the meaning of the “Collective”. Meditation will help many to see this for themselves.
As humanity embarks on its greatest challenge, which is to restore our planet and gift life to future generations – Meditation will help pave the way.
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