Education: Affordability & Equal Access
Are we giving all children an “Equal” opportunity? by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Education is our finest means, by which to establish a better tomorrow.
If we look for level headed and responsible future Leaders, we should give ourselves the best chances to find these.
Great minds are born into many families across the world every day. A few of these get lucky and they get to enjoy an education to help them reach their full potential.
What about the ones that miss out, based on the cost for such an education?
Today, our cost of living has drastically reduced the prospect of many children to enjoy an education, in line with their true potential.
Is this a system that will create the best minds for our challenges ahead?
Or, is this a system that deepens the divide in our society?
Education should not be a luxury few can afford.
As we are exploring ways by which to restore our planet and sustain life, shall we maintain a system that is becoming more and more exclusive?
Instead of sending questionable international aid to support conflict, we could make education free for all …. and fix the problem of Global Poverty in one swoop.
I have no doubt, this would be the preferred option for our global population. Imagine the question at the polls:
“Should we invest taxes into Free Education for All”? or “Should we buy Weapons and ammunition, designed to kill humans with our taxes”?
What do you think people would vote for?
A System that uses our taxes in such disregard to intelligence, is an insane system. Unfortunately that is our system today in many countries around the world.
This failure is highlighting our need for broader – equal education. It is also highlighting a need, for the current system to keep us from learning too much.
Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is a new global movement. Our vision is to create environmental and social awareness and promote change.
We do have so much opportunity to restore our planet and drastically improve living standards.
Our main shortcoming is not the present system, but that we follow such an insanity like sheep. Many think we have no choice, when in fact we do.
The solutions are in our unity as a species. Our East vs West division, our cultural and financial division – you name it, the current system functions because of our divisions.
How much easier is it to manage a divided society, than one that has a common cause and feels no ill-will towards another?
For our planet to sustain life beyond the foreseeable future, we have to come together and engage on a new course. The global wealth spread must change shape and become an even curve – equality leads to a healthy society.
A healthy society is needed to restore the health of our planet.
We only have one Planet – only have one chance to fix it. That chance we must take now, for we are running out of time.
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Much Love & Light to All
Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Sustainability is Paramount.
(Please enter your Payment methods data on the settings pages.)by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Today, we can see that our World is suffering from the human footprint.
Today, we can see Mother Earth struggle against her demise.
Today, we can see – “Sustainability is Paramount” to the health of all creations.
In fact, “sustainability is paramount to the continuation of our species.
Global systems, operating as Governments and Corporation, require a complete review.
The systems of old, have revealed their cracks for some time. Today these cracks have turned into massive structural decay.
Our Planet is calling on Humanity for Help.
Global systems need to reflect our answer to this Call.
In going forward, our ulterior motive for change, must be the “Health” of our planet. Humanity have a duty to mature and step up to the task.
The task our species was designed to perform.
Humanity as a Collective, must unite as a species with a common motivation:
“To serve and protect Mother Earth & All Creations.”
Wealth was the precursor that threw Humanity of course. It created a world of ignorance.
Had Humanity chosen Health us the ultimate goal, corruption and crime may be unknown concepts.
If we explore projects with the ideals of a functioning society, we align such with sustainability in mind.
Change is ours to create, it will not arrive on its own.
Change starts with each and everyone of us.
As we create a Healthy System, going forward, we transition. This transition carries Humanity’s greatest Hope.
The Hope to Restore the Health of our only life sustaining platform – our Planet. Our Mother Earth.
Health of our species takes on many meanings to many people.
Equality of all, is a “Key Priority”.
Discrimination of any sort, has divided us for too long.
Un-equal Wealth distribution has created much suffering. Suffering in ways we do not always see that easily.
To restore our Planet, we must restore the values of our society. We must unite.
Tomorrow is a new day, a new opportunity to move a step closer to empowering each other.
As a Collective Humanity is unstop-able.
Much Love & Light to All
Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody -
Name Registration Completed:
“Humanity Towards Sustainability”
Hi All,
as mentioned in my recent posts, I was formalising naming rights for our global project.
I am happy to share with you – my preferred name was granted and “Humanity Towards Sustainability” is now officially born.
The next step before public action and engagement can commence, is the creation of the Humanity Towards Sustainability website.
I am building this site as we speak and expect it to be up and operational soon.
Our focus is the sustainability of our environment and all species.
Humanity is faced with major challenges today.
Challenges are our teachers, they bring out the best in us.
One of our downfalls is the broader understanding of wealth and our monetary system.
The present system, equals a modern means, by which we are enslaved.
The vast difference in wages is such a wonderful opportunity, by which we can begin the restoration of equality.
Imagine a workforce on a very similar income structure?
I am not at all talking communism like structures.
No, I am talking about a more intelligent means of wealth distribution. I am talking about a true means, by which we can remove poverty.
A means by which we can destroy, the monetary motivation underlying crime and corruption.
Home affordability will be another pleasant side effect.
Pensioners and unemployed will receive an income that allows them not only to meet their living costs, but to retain their dignity.
The funds are already in existence for such a society.
We merely need to re-structure our present attitude towards wealth creation.
Just think about all the great minds in society. The minds that never had an opportunity to receive a quality education?
Who’s son or daughter can study medicine and become a leading healer and physician – not influenced by the pharmaceutical industry, but only by their passion to heal people? Not many.
Not the son’s and daughter’s of the low income earners.
Yet, amongst those the talent and passion are no less.
They are just not given an equal opportunity to shine.
In a sustainable society, each of us is shining equally as bright.
Imagine a system in which losing your job does not mean you are unable to service your mortgage?
A system that makes housing affordable for all and not the luxury it is today.
Imagine such a society.
How would it be for the people to experience such a system of existence?
Now ask yourself, “how can this be funded”?
Why are we not living this way today?
We are a supressed species, not meant to be equal to our overlords. It is those overlords, that hold us captive to the present system.
Let them know – We have outgrown such a system!
It has brought too much suffering, is killing our own without a whim.
A system that is responsible for the extinction of countless species and soon our own, has surely shown its own complete failure.
Humanity are entering a new era, we must choose wisely.
We either pursue individual wealth and become extinct within the next generation or two …. or, we focus on our common needs.
Please vote for our common needs.
Please join our awareness campaign to change the world as we know it. Together, let us turn it into the world we always dreamed it could be.
We Can – Together as ONE.
(Please enter your Payment methods data on the settings pages.)Much Love & Light to All
Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Mother Earth is Calling Us into Action.
Mother Earth is Calling us into Action.
Sustainability, Peace & Harmony.
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Mother Earth is guiding humanity into her Master-Plan.
Humanity is a species with a Collective Purpose.
Just like any other creation – no life exists without a role in big picture of Creation.
Global events throughout history, have demonstrated the weakness of the human mind. A weakness leading us to experience events, resulting in the discrimination and harm to the vast majority of life on our planet, including ours.
To date, humanity at large, have not woken to the simple solution we have. Seeing the primitive systems and checks we have in place, to protect our own species.
It becomes clear that we are still asleep to the power we carry within.
What is that Power you ask?
Well, when ninety nine percent of humans, dance to the tune of one percent, it is no wonder we are not an all-round happy species.
In our present system, we go to war and kill because we are ordered to do so – not because we feel like it.
We accept payment in lieu of personal choice and we depend on such payments to feed our families and keep a roof over our head.
We destroy nature and enforce laws to harm individual freedom of choice and speech – in lieu of such payments.
So are our wages not a form of entrapment?
How can we go home after work and act as loving members of our community?
Where does such a system lead us?
Are family violence, drug addiction and anti-social behaviour a direct result of such a system?
If a soldier refuses to kill his opponent – he is a deserter and can be shot.
Who invents such a perverse law – who is willing to enforce it?
People depending on wages.
Our society of entrapped slaves, turning into Monsters when ordered – just like little machines of destruction.
We are better than that?
It is the year 2022 – wake up people. Help each other and demand workplace laws, including in Public Service – or especially in Public Service, that will never ask of you to punish nature or any species, including humans.
We must demand a law that prosecutes people giving such harmful orders and those that enforce them.
Human Rights is more than a popular term – it means a Right to enhance human life experience and opportunities.
Mother Earth sees a need for urgency – so she is showing us the demise, is amplifying the consequences of corruption and greed of our elites.
It is all playing out on the world stage.
Global affairs have never looked so manipulated, so devastating to creation and so primitive and dark at its rotten core.
Mother Earth is allowing us to clearly see the answer.
We now begin to understand the deception and manipulation that has prevailed for too long. We need to forgive and move forward – as ONE.
The old system shall no longer hold power to harm us – we must leave it behind – leave it to implode on the dark insanity it represents.
Our voice will bring us together. We will develop means to carry that voice, partner with existing business and each other to launch the Change.
We shall pursue goals on behalf of the Collective, goals that prepare the way for the survival of our planet, the restoration of life and harmony to All.
Imagine our Collective Power – when all of us have one common goal?
That is the greatest Power we can imagine – bounding in our hearts as ONE.Imagine a world in which a soldier will not be needed – a world in which we plant trees and not dig graves for victims of conflict.
Imagine a world in which a Hero is one that spreads kindness instead of bullets.
Eventually we will remove our dependence on money for survival; we will replace the tools of corruption and develop a system that promotes individual education and harmony.
The New Era is not arriving on its own – we shall Unite to establish that New Era “Together”.
Changing the balance from one heavy on Fear, to one brimming with Hope.
Harmony is our common goal – Harmony will be restored.
We will take time to transition, we will transition in Peace and that transition will be propelled by Love – our Unconditional Love and Gratitude to Mother Earth and All her Creations.
Greed is Poison to the human mind, a magnet, keeping us attached to the old system and the devastating consequences we know all too well.
Wake up – please wake up.
Join the Collective on Our mission to restore balance and harmony on Earth.
(Please enter your Payment methods data on the settings pages.)Ninety nine percent pulling together our resources is the path to a life of rich rewards beyond money.
Much Love & Light to All
Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
The Unfolding of Purpose.
The Unfolding of Purpose – Change with the Flow.
By, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody14/04/22
As I have been sharing my journey and experiences here with you all, I thought I’d shed some light on my recent absence.
Until about two weeks ago, I seemed to function on an ideal energy flow – happy in my daily activity.
Life is a constant change and it was no big surprise when all of a sudden, I sensed an inner urge. Something had changed and I could not figure out what that was.
Whilst I usually love to write, I felt no urge to engage in that – instead I questioned my effectiveness in what I do.
It was then that I realised I had arrived at a Cross Road – a choice would need to be made.
However, there is no map to look at our options.
How is one to make progress or the correct choice?
My way to discover truth and to learn, is by way of silent meditation.
Just prior to reaching this Cross Roads sensation, I commenced an exploration, based on our ability to utilise the strength of our ancestors, via connecting to their energy during meditation – or a sensation of such.
Perhaps this somehow played a role where my mind is at today.
As soon as I felt the “urge” for change – I knew it to be a timely progression of all I have been doing over the last few years ……. But I just could not figure out what that was.
I found myself drifting between potential solutions, seeking to re-enter the perfect flow and continue the journey in the stream of our natural energy.
To me, that is the way to listen to the communications of energy – guiding me to that which I am meant to be guided to.
Yesterday I remembered an idea I played with in the past – on numerous occasions in fact.
At first I was not expecting much, given I never acted on it in the past ….. but for some reason, my energy seemed to change dramatically and the subject took on a new dimension.
What was an idea on a subject for some years, took on a completely new meaning – simply by changing some of the variables and by doing so “discovering its true Purpose”.
Serving Mother Earth and “all” creations, is the key to my motivation.
Today we observe a planet in pain – a planet harmed by our pursuit of wealth at any cost.
Humanity too has reached a Cross Road.
Environmental pollution has reached a level threatening the continued sustainability of life on our planet. Species are becoming extinct at an ever-increasing speed – as we continue to ignore the warnings from science and from Mother Earth.
Perhaps my personal un-easiness is felt by you too?
Perhaps we are “all” called into action – the action to engage change and restore our planet’s health?
Many are doing great work and have put all on the line to serve this cause.
Yet, the destruction goes on and even has increased in its speed.
Did you know that Germany is presently exploring the idea of “fracking” for gas? This is a cost saving concept for Germany and a direct consequence of the total failure of diplomatic efforts on a global level.
The consequence is not that of the individuals responsible for the situation, but to the detriment of our planet and only life sustaining home.
As responsible guardians of our planet, we can never use the excuse of our present day “wants”, to harm or risk, the sustainability of life for future generations of “any” species.
Where am I going with this?
We have endured the humiliation of environmental activists – paid for by business and its international connections.
Today, the alarm is sounding loud and clear – Mother Earth is calling you – asking us to unite our efforts and lend a hand to those that have shown us the way.
If you too struggle with the way we destroy our planet – if you too sense the energy call from Mother Earth – perhaps you will consider joining this project and making it a global project, open to “all”.
(Please enter your Payment methods data on the settings pages.)Much Love & Light to All
Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Profit vs Sustainability
Restore Mother Earth & Gift Life to Future Generations”. by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Today, when we value a business, profitability is a key indicator that makes the business attractive as a potential investment.
Software programs are designed to filter our searches and deliver almost immediate financial analysis – all geared towards maximum profit.
Environmental devastation is considered as a secondary issue by most financial analysts, if at all.
Wealth is the ultimate target – societies ultimate goal.
However, “Wealth” is turning out to be our ultimate fools’ gold.
In our blind pursuit for profit, we have destroyed many species, many more are endangered – humanity’s days are numbered if we remain on this course.
Business activity suggests exactly that.
Spin doctors may use words to dress such business actions into caring deeds – but actual data suggests the opposite.
Mother Earth is weakening and will soon be unable to maintain life sustaining temperatures and chemical balances.
We Can & Must, implement Change.
Change to restore and nurture our planet, our health and our motivation. Happiness is found in a heart free of fear and stress. A heart open to adventure and all creations.
Peace on Earth is our desire as a species – we can deliver that, in the absence of a need for wealth and power.
Borders do not protect us from environmental disasters – combining our resources and minds will.
Tomorrow, when we value a business, sustainability and environmental responsibility will be our key indicators. Health over wealth is the new target. Product purpose and quality will play a much greater role.
We must realise, the economy holds zero value. It is based on printed money, which no longer is backed by a countries gold reserves. Do not fall for the excuses what the economy allows or doesn’t. For such an excuse, is merely a manipulation of the masses.
An intelligent society must be free of a system that is not creating equal wealth distribution. Discrimination is a tool to divide and control. Unification is the key to healthy Change.
Life is the ultimate target – societies survival depends on it.
A complete change is required – is our last hope as a species.
The monetary system will undergo a transitioning phase. The new era will bring an end to waste, an end to conflict and an end to destruction.
Humanity will sit up and consume a new reality.
We will see the world in a new way, a way paved with hope.
We will see the flaws of our past and will use this realisation as our motivation towards sustainability.
Is it fashionable or smart to ignore wealth and profits?
Ask yourself, would you prefer to sit in a healthy forest and wear an old t-shirt, or wear an expensive watch whilst connected to your oxygen mask?
There are means by which we will trigger this change into action-able tasks – soon we will commence on this project officially – more will be revealed.
As we start on our new path of sustainability, we must gather as a species. We must realise the need for our co-operation, unification and common goal of creating Change for our survival.
Change beyond the vested interest of profit and power.
(Please enter your Payment methods data on the settings pages.)Much Love & Light to All
Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody