Profit vs Sustainability

by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Today, when we value a business, profitability is a key indicator that makes the business attractive as a potential investment.
Software programs are designed to filter our searches and deliver almost immediate financial analysis – all geared towards maximum profit.
Environmental devastation is considered as a secondary issue by most financial analysts, if at all.
Wealth is the ultimate target – societies ultimate goal.
However, “Wealth” is turning out to be our ultimate fools’ gold.
In our blind pursuit for profit, we have destroyed many species, many more are endangered – humanity’s days are numbered if we remain on this course.
Business activity suggests exactly that.
Spin doctors may use words to dress such business actions into caring deeds – but actual data suggests the opposite.
Mother Earth is weakening and will soon be unable to maintain life sustaining temperatures and chemical balances.
We Can & Must, implement Change.
Change to restore and nurture our planet, our health and our motivation. Happiness is found in a heart free of fear and stress. A heart open to adventure and all creations.
Peace on Earth is our desire as a species – we can deliver that, in the absence of a need for wealth and power.
Borders do not protect us from environmental disasters – combining our resources and minds will.
Tomorrow, when we value a business, sustainability and environmental responsibility will be our key indicators. Health over wealth is the new target. Product purpose and quality will play a much greater role.
We must realise, the economy holds zero value. It is based on printed money, which no longer is backed by a countries gold reserves. Do not fall for the excuses what the economy allows or doesn’t. For such an excuse, is merely a manipulation of the masses.
An intelligent society must be free of a system that is not creating equal wealth distribution. Discrimination is a tool to divide and control. Unification is the key to healthy Change.
Life is the ultimate target – societies survival depends on it.
A complete change is required – is our last hope as a species.
The monetary system will undergo a transitioning phase. The new era will bring an end to waste, an end to conflict and an end to destruction.
Humanity will sit up and consume a new reality.
We will see the world in a new way, a way paved with hope.
We will see the flaws of our past and will use this realisation as our motivation towards sustainability.
Is it fashionable or smart to ignore wealth and profits?
Ask yourself, would you prefer to sit in a healthy forest and wear an old t-shirt, or wear an expensive watch whilst connected to your oxygen mask?
There are means by which we will trigger this change into action-able tasks – soon we will commence on this project officially – more will be revealed.
As we start on our new path of sustainability, we must gather as a species. We must realise the need for our co-operation, unification and common goal of creating Change for our survival.
Change beyond the vested interest of profit and power.
(Please enter your Payment methods data on the settings pages.)Much Love & Light to All
Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody