Public Health – Creating a sustainable alternative.

by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Most Public Health systems around the world have one thing in common.
They “Over- promise” and “Under-deliver”.
Today, Public Health System’s are amongst the most important responsibilities of any Government.
Working in close relation with global Pharmaceutical conglomerates, Government Scientists select the range of drugs approved in your countries.
Medical training engages some of the most wonderful minds on our planet.
As new scientific discoveries are made, the system has to incorporate the ever growing health solutions.
This growth does come at a cost and as such, it is a massive burden on the public purse.
Elections are a time when political candidates review the existing system. Budgets are revised to allow for improvements of the existing infrastructure.
Elections can be won or lost on that subject. America has experienced much political upheaval on that front. Given its population this is no surprise, it merely serves to demonstrate the difficulties.
We can agree that Public Health is at least a key topic amongst Leaders. The influence from Pharmaceutical companies on Public Health, are a little more dubious and “potentially” harmful to society.
In the big picture, it would seem we are at least trying our best. However, we are overlooking the obvious.
As we have to constantly add procedures and drugs, to react to new medical discoveries, we also constantly add to the running costs.
Up to this point we observed the structure of the health system.
We can understand the challenges and are grateful for the service.
Take a moment and take off the blinkers.
Ask yourself:
Is the health in your community improving or deteriorating?
If we compare the statistics from thirty years ago, with those of today, we see a most alarming trend.
Chronic disease amongst the global population is at an all time high. This is not merely by numbers, but also by percentage of the community.
So, as we consider this fact, we must take a pause.
Is it still viable to follow the present path? Do we have an alternative?
We do have an alternative, but few western countries consider it.
Natural Health!
More and more medical experts, are questioning the role of pharmaceuticals in our health deterioration.
Studies and medical research, are mostly funded by the Pharmaceutical or Bio-technology sector. Their shareholders applaud this strategy. A strategy that manages global medical advances.
Health care in most countries these days, is heavily reliant on drug distribution. But, health does not come from a pill, it comes from a balance between nature and our own healing abilities.
True Natural Healers are dedicated to restoring human health. They will understand the process of reverse engineering your symptoms and discover the actual cause of your underlying health problems.
No chemicals are required. Now that is a massive saving to the public purse.
The ideal Public Health System shall support both sectors. Western Medicine & Natural Health.
If we implement responsible means by which we promote natural health, we can free up much funding from the public purse.
Our population may have grown older, but we have peaked and are spiralling into a major global health crisis.
Western medicine deserves much credit. Life saving surgeries are performed around the world, right in this moment. We all are grateful for this.
But, sustainability is about getting the balance right. Sustainability is about Harmony.
Humanity Towards Sustainability strongly supports the transition of our old systems, into systems that are sustainable today.
Public Health is not an isolated sector.
To live in harmony and improve our mental and physical health, we must realise the laws of “cause & effect”.
We become what we eat.
Our food needs to be grown in fertile and chemical free soil. To reverse our unhealthy ways, we can improve the quality of education, we offer future generations.
The legacy of the Baby-Boomers has presented us with a massive challenge.
We have to distance ourselves from the competitive behaviour and support common goals over individual goals.
Life as we knew it, has no future.
Our planet is unable to support all of our “Wants”.
But, our planet can be restored, to once again support all of our “Needs”.
The time to make sustainable changes is Now. Humanity Towards Sustainability is engaging in many aspects of sustainable change.
Please bookmark this page and support our cause. This project will succeed, but only if “WE” realise the role each of us play.
“I am Nobody. Together We are. Therefore I am.”
(Please enter your Payment methods data on the settings pages.)One of my favourite authorities on the subject, is Zach Bush MD.
Zach embraced medical studies and scientific research – his voice is growing, our health benefits from all his efforts.
Much Love & Light to All
Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody