Reality Check: What is wrong with the Global Political System today?
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – 2nd July’22

Public exploitation is a crime against Humanity.
Over the last few years, the deterioration of living standards has been felt by many around the World.
Global communities suffer from an ever increasing range of shortcomings.
Two global events are blamed for much of the consequences.
One of these allowed Governments around the world to test security measures against its public.
We all remember the global lock-downs and related public measures – removing even our right for personal medical choices.
At the time I expected Global Share Markets to collapse.
However perplexing it was to any logic, but markets actually rallied during lock downs.
The reason markets could rally, was that a small number of listed companies made massive gains.
The Elite got even “richer”.
The lack of tested and efficient medicinal research, didn’t stop the global Governments forcing citizens into treatment options against their “free will”.
Scientists and Medical Professionals speaking out against such steps, were discredited and ridiculed by “ignorant politicians”. Politicians that were ignorant of the scientific subject, but awake to the financial consequences and windfalls for some.
Once the political course was set, the exploitation of the global community found few hurdles.
As the choppy ride of this event subsides, another startling situation is holding the Global Communities to ransom.
Ukraine is an artificially created international conflict.
Ukrainians are being slaughtered for reasons beyond the general accepted information, available through the Mass-Media.
It is no different amongst the Russians – the people did not start this War.
International conflict starts by manipulating citizens into “so called Patriots”. Countries in reality have no actual existence – people do.
Vested Interests & Human Exploitation caused this War in Ukraine.
The global financial crisis many are feeling today – the present food shortages which are supposedly getting much worse – the energy shortages facing many European countries before another heating season – all these are completely “self managed”.
“Self Managed” by our sub-serving Political Actors – for they are not Leaders.
We are told about the massive problems heading “our” way and already many of us feel these today.
Did you know that such shortages are not actually caused by Ukraine vs Russia, but by the way countries, not involved in this conflict, make sure Ukraine is funded into a position that makes an end to this conflict extremely unlikely in the short term.
The biggest loss will be felt amongst the people of Ukraine, whilst the true target is to inflict financial and military harm to Russia. Ukraine is the means to that and they are manipulated into this scenario.
One US company that is making massive gains from this conflict, is Raytheon.
Not surprising, one of the largest shareholders in Raytheon is the US investment juggernaut – Black Rock Finance. Black Rock are known financial consultants to the US Government.
Also of interest, Black Rock is amongst the largest shareholders in Pfizer. Aren’t they picking the right shares? Insider trading anyone …..??
During the Iraq war that toppled Saddam Hussein, Donald Rumsfeld was US Defence Secretary and a beneficiary of Halliburton. Halliburton was given the contract to re-build Iraq Oilfields and distribute its Oil products, before the Bush administration officially decided to invade.
Even more disturbing is the fact that Dick Cheney was the Vice President during that time. Dick Cheney was also CEO at Halliburton between 1995 and 2000.
It goes much deeper. However, I think we can clearly see the picture of vested political interest in the name of wealth creation.
Serving the people, is not lucrative in a majority of todays political systems. Exploiting humanity is too lucrative to overlook.
So, what are we – “Humanity” – going to do about it?
Many are aware of this corrupt reality, but feel it is impossible to stop.
Is that really a viable direction for humanity?
Instead of improving living conditions and reducing violence, we experience the opposite.
What is taking place in the guise of law and political propaganda, is a threat to the health and freedom of humanity.
Evolution has stopped. Wealth has motivated the vast majority of un-natural death amongst humans and nature.
Our planet and our species, will not survive such a system for much longer, nor should we allow it to continue.
Perhaps the most dangerous pandemic today, is “greed” amongst those in power.
How do we solve this global dilemma?
Can we explore means to better vet candidates for such roles of power?
The monetary system urgently needs to be overhauled. We must explore ways to make the present idea of wealth, a past memory of our dark ages.
Equality amongst all human’s will lead to a lack of crime and corruption. The challenges of productivity can easily be overcome, by considering incentives, such as reduced working hours for equal pay amongst all.
Humanity will always be faced by new challenges, but must never again be faced by artificial challenges.
The present increase in the exploitation of humanity, may well be the best thing that could have happened.
In this obscene feeding frenzy from the last two global events, the Pandemic and the Ukraine War – present Leaders and their henchmen have become too arrogant. They have dropped their masks to a level, that allows us to see the truth a little clearer.
Today, Media Censor-ship and political propaganda are a means to corrupt the minds of the masses. Everything has been bought to orchestrate complete domination over humanity.
Law in its essence, is a concept of protecting us from a wrong. Not so.
Going to Court today is little different than going to a Casino. Justice has grown into such a complexity, it branched away from logic and attached itself to “itself”.
Lawyers that reap the rewards of a legal system, regulate a system, that offers endless sub clauses and laws to win any case.
Litigation is another growing weapon against innocent citizens, to be dragged down and participate in a system lacking logic – and ….. “justice”.
From a point of psychology, it has been “claimed” that humans best learn with something called the “whip” effect.
We learn by being harmed or threatened.
Whilst this is widely accepted, the effect is a “violent oppression” of individuality.
Many laws and regulations under our political system, are protecting the governments “right to oppress” its citizens.
Laws to ban political protests were seen around the world in the last two years. Yet our “Western Leaders” claim a blind dedication to “Democracy”.
As Court Justice, is no longer a reflection of ethical justice – Democracy is no longer the system that represents the free will of the majority of the people.
Today “Democracy is limited” to the “will” of the elite.
Amongst those, wealth generation is growing fantastically at present. They no longer feel obliged to tolerate a middle class.
Each cent we spend for increased energy costs, food costs, weapons purchases, ammunitions requirements to “service the lucrative” conflicts around the world …… they get richer.
The tax payers purchases of mass quantities of questionable pharmaceutical products bought Private Jets and luxury Yachts for those idling in comfort – away from the public eye.
What will you do?
If we continue on the present path, we soon find ourselves in a worse situation than we even think possible today.
To say a “Change” is overdue, is an under-statement.
Observing the improvements humanity achieved in technology and other areas, it is reasonable to understand that we can’t remain in a political and monetary system that once served rulers in the middle ages.
Progress is a natural path. When we find problems, our nature is to fix these. This is no different.
The missing link we see, is our unification.
The present system excels because of the way they manage the masses – they break them up into groups that cause separation.
Today we need unification, so we can develop and implement the “New Humane” global system.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global awareness project, aiming to assist humanity in finding a path towards each other.
We seek global volunteers and funding, so our project can reach a level of influence to pave the way.
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Mare Cromwell
Thank you for stopping by Mare. We have much opportunity ahead …… finding each other and recognising our inter-connected existence is a big step in the right direction.
Gillian Douglas
What you say, Troy, strikes me as so important. I am thinking that if the pandemic was not artificially engineered (and I don’t think it was), it was sent by Higher Beings who are trying to stir humanity to start taking notice and realising where they are going wrong. We have allowed the greedy few to ahcieve power and we are the ones suffering.
The war in Ukraine is being used by the greedy few to add to their wealth, This could be an incentive to keep it going. Good people are being held to ransom. Understood in the right way, people could begin thinking in the right way.
It is time, as you say, for ordinary people to sit up, take notice and start taking measures to bring about a fairer system of governance in the world. A time to start honouring Mother Earth and its life forms.
Hi Gillian,
thank you for your well considered comments. As you say, at present we do not understand the “true” trigger behind the, substantially, increased deterioration of our living conditions. The most productive action we can take, is to apply human logic …. and engage in the unification of the global community and a transition towards a fairer and globally uniform, political system …. truly working “ON BEHALF” of humanity. Our key ingredient for a sustainable future, is to remove all motivation for wealth creation – creating a system of equality on all levels – whilst developing motivators for a thriving and functioning society. Evolution has outgrown the needs of the Elite today.