Responsible Manufacturing for regional sustainability.

by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
12th June 2022
China is the manufacturing hub of our planet.
Western Governments have embraced the exploitation of Chinese workers and delivered substantial wealth to “some”.
Global Manufacturing is a key problem that requires our urgent attention.
Not only do we exploit Chinese workers, we burn immense amounts of fossil fuels to deliver these products to our local stores.
The emissions output, between the factory and our homes is at a level, that our planet will not sustain any longer.
Is Carbon Pricing going to put an end to that? No, it merely adds to the end price a consumer will pay.
Carbon Pricing is not environmental protection, it is lip service and cost justification.
We have to look at some more realistic measures to improve our carbon foot-print.
Regional Manufacturing and responsible product choices are a sound alternative.
We must look past the financial incentives and consider our and our planets health.
The actual cost for off-shore manufacturing is simply acceptable.
Instead of Container-ships, planes and freight trucks circling our planet, we can return to local manufacturing and drastically reduce pollution output in the process.
Why do our governments not see that?
Are logic and efficiency no longer acceptable in the political arena?
A return to local manufacturing brings many benefits.
Skills and jobs are essential to a viable society.
Harmony requires Balance.
Consider the potential political leverage a country is entrusted with, when producing the vast majority of consumer products for a global population?
Are we exposing ourselves to future blackmail?
With the deterioration of our present day political system, international conflict is on the increase.
The ignorance at which our system functions, is evidence of our species deterioration in many ways.
Instead of operating with international “good-will”, today’s politicians see themselves as immune to our criticism. Immune to general intelligence.
Widespread propaganda and manipulation of truth is presented as “News”.
How did we end up in such a poor position?
Between Investors, Unions and Politicians, the needs of local workers and residents are ignored.
Whilst corruption is at plague levels, the middle classes are being decimated.
Humanity is at a cross-road.
We have to adjust to our planets health condition and take responsibility.
Lip service will no longer suffice.
Should products that lack quality and purpose, continue to be produced?
When we walk through discount stores, or evaluate online retail products etc, consider our global landfill problem.
Many of the goods sold today, should never have been produced. Whilst they add zero value to our existence, they add to our environmental challenges.
It does not have to be that way.
Until our system considers the environmental problem created by such useless items, we can vote with our “NON” purchase of these products.
The amount of trash, adding up from such useless items, is something we can reduce to zero.
As our oceans are filling with rubbish and plastic, we watch on, when the answers are so simple.
Stop buying and supporting such products that are not fit for use.
Any semi awake politician can see that simple solution, but they don’t get in the way of wealth creation.
We have reached the point when we must say enough.
Wealth creation has been too costly for our planet.
Today, the super wealthy take space trips for their leisure. What is the environmental cost they bestow on the rest of us?
We need to wake up and realise the complete disregard for logic under the present system.
Our planet is our only home.
We do not need to tolerate such blatant disregard for life, as that demonstrated by our present system on a daily basis.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global awareness project.
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