Self-Realisation. Grow by Observation.
16th Sept’22
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody

Who is your Idol?
It is common for individuals to model their persona on people who are considered popular.
This approach is actually stopping you from reaching YOUR Potential, YOUR Destiny. It stops you from making head-way on your journey of self-discovery.
As we mature, we begin to consider values beyond those which aid our external façade.
To make the most of our journey, we take the opportunity to explore more of that, which we actually are. We question the limitations that have fenced us in for so long. We finally can open our mind to the potential we are.
Self-Realisation begins when it finally dawns on us – that we are so much more than that which we accepted for so long.
Each of us is made up of our own individual experiences. Our entire past forms the context by which we interpret life as we see it.
Not one of us can have the identical experiences that make the “Self” that we are.
It is the result of these individual experiences which form the neuron pathway connections in the human brain. If we draw a map of the connections in your brain, they will not match those of another.
Now it is really important that we understand this in the correct context.
It is these different neurological connections that come into play as and when we interpret the external world around us. Not one of us comes from an identical viewpoint.
As a result there is confusion and conflict that continue to harm our experience in the physical world.
Self Consciousness is a phase in human development, that teaches us many lessons. Duality is a challenge that, once understood, will explain so much to us – about us.
Suffering will be seen in a new awareness, as the concept unravels.
Each life form is an alternative to that which we are. Each individual represents a different experience that makes up the entire catalogue of that which is possible. Together, the combination of each single experience ever experienced by any life form, makes up the library of all knowledge.
Such knowledge will lead us into the next phase of human existence – the phase of Collective Consciousness. Our present day limitations will no longer hold us down.
Start into the Transition and Wake your true Hero – Your Higher Self.
There is a reason you are who you are and I am who I am. We are meant to be unique!
Our greatest challenge, holding us back from reaching our potential, is our Ego function. Much has been written about this, I will not add to that in this article but you can find it throughout my book – “Pathway to Self-Realisation, A Collection of Ramblings”.
As we learn to understand and function with our refined and tuned Ego, we realise a clarity in all that is. We see reason for the wrongs and feel no personal attachment to the things that once seemed so important to us. We are cutting out the flaw of interpretation and realise the opinion of others is based on their interpretation, created on a platform so different, so “Unique” from our own.
Love who You are and model yourself on that which Your organic Self wishes you to be.
There is a saying, “Dance as if no-one is watching”.
I have come to the conclusion, that is exactly how we should live our lives. When we reach a maturity that guides us from within, we will always know what is right and what is wrong – for the person “WE ARE”, our own and unique alternative to those around us.
Find yourself. Listen to the inner guidance and begin your true journey, as You.
What stops you from becoming your Higher Self at all times? Choice!
We set ourselves personal goals from time to time, with the aim to move closer to becoming something we see as better, than that which we presently are.
Is that the best approach to improve ourselves?
In many ways we would have to say YES – goals are beneficial. However, there is another way to look at a reality beyond excuses.
I see it like going from an Apprentice to becoming a Statesman. The goal of becoming a Statesman, to me means reaching my best Self – from a mental and health perspective.
Along the journey of learning I see myself inching closer to the goal ……HOWEVER ….. I now also start to see another logic opening up. Whilst I set goals to change, by practising that which arrives as my inner knowing, I actually see that I am making a choice.
The choices I make are setting me on the path towards my goal – but why do I not simply exist as that which I already can be?
If we feel something is not healthy – why can’t we simply remove our emotions and stop its consumption or practise?
The Apprentice is dealing with these questions and learning – the Statesman simply acts and changes without hesitation – knowing always, the means by which to reach the best outcome within the shortest timeframe.
Choice is replaced by action, the action into “Our Own Perfection”.
Therein is the difference between the Apprentice and the Statesman.
The Statesman already residing within You – let your Inner Guru come alive and leave limitations and unwarranted suffering behind. Life is a Miracle – as are YOU.
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