Spirituality & Human Purpose.
For our planet to heal, we first must heal humanity.

by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
21st June 2023
Solstice Reflections.
Here in Australia we are celebrating the Winter Solstice, the time when the sun reaches its outer limit and reverses its course. In the Southern hemisphere this means we will see our shortest day and our longest night for the year – whilst it is the opposite for the Northern hemisphere.
A new solar period commences its journey and illuminates the stars in our solar system, thereby triggering energies that impact on all life forms. These are cyclic energies, as measurable via astrology, impacting the individual in reflection of their Starsign.
For thousands of years, humanity have discovered and celebrated the solstice event as a major shift in global energy. To many the solstice marks the actual “New Year’s Day”.
In past years I organised Global Group Meditations to celebrate solstice.
These events had a most beautiful and recognisable vibration, celebrating Mother Earth and – always combining such events with a reflection on the true meaning of “Unconditional Love”.
I hope to resume and evolve these events, as the Humanity Towards Sustainability Magazine project becomes a reality. Relying on social media to promote these “FREE” events, as was done in the past, is no longer viable – given the instability of this communications tool.
Solstice has the power of renewal and revitalisation.
As the sun changes course, light will once more contribute to the miracle of creation. Light is known as Fire amongst the 5 Elements, needed for the creation of all life forms.
Solstice triggers change in nature – of which we are a fractional part, interconnected amongst all life forms.
Meditation into emptiness can open our natural sensory system. We must slow down our rational mind and flow with energy, allowing it to take us on the journey to the Tao, the Flow-state, the Chi or the Middle Way.
Reducing the activity of our rational mind, is key to connecting with our natural instincts, is key to learning from the universe, instead of books.
Harmony is the key to our survival.
Our planet and all species are feeling the impact of modern day learning. Western education has taught us the value of competition.
A smarter student will become a higher paid worker one day. The best salesman gets the biggest bonus. The richest person gets the most power and toys. It is all about out-doing each other.
This system has introduced violence, hatred, inequality, exploitation, corruption, deception and many more reasons that demonstrate a most flawed system.
What we experience today is not “sustainable”. People are suffering for the wrong reasons.
Education is our “Hope” going forwards.
We have lost our connection to nature, to ourselves. To restore the health of our planet, is to restore our living standards.
Conflict demonstrates the lowest form of intelligence.
A sustainable future is possible when we realise the way forward is the way of unity amongst a global society. We have the means to work out our differences via dialogue, genuine dialogue and an open mind to discover solutions that suit the needs of the people and our planet – instead of vested interest by some.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a project to create awareness, to start conversation and to trigger Peace.
Little can be achieved by frustration and constant whining.
It always gets me how negative people can be about the future. They complain about the deterioration of our living standards, about pollution and all they can think about. Yet, when you bring up solutions that make sense to them, they are bewildered by the idea that they should promote such ideas in their community. In their view nothing can be done to bring much needed change.
In their view, the system is corrupt beyond repair.
By allowing ourselves to fall into this defeatist mindset, we become the problem. Our constant complaints are negative signals, lacking hope and sharing doom instead.
To know that we have solutions, that can bring about change, is all we need. Give people a reason for hope and show them the path towards change and change becomes reality.
Humanity Towards Sustainability Magazine is dedicated to deliver on this front.
It is anticipated that the first hard copy issue will be out in November this year, complimented by a digital version. The vision of establishing a solid channel of communications is presently being implemented.
I am sure we will be up against many challenges, but that is simply how life functions.
My solution, is to keep looking for the flow of natural energy, following the way towards Harmony – serving Humanity.
If you wish to support or sponsor our magazine, we’d love to hear from you.
Happy Solstice – June’23
Troy Nobody
previous article below:
Humanity Towards Sustainability – a little background.
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
3rd July’22
A few months ago, I embarked on the journey of developing Humanity Towards Sustainability. My motivation was simple, following the call from within.
Today, I know I went about it the wrong way, adjustments will need to be made.
Some years ago, I exchanged my professional city based life, with that of a more remote and simple country life.
This move was triggered by my search for the “Happy Place” – an experiment of sorts.
Four years on, I am happy to say, the Happy Place does exist. But – to find it, forget your external world.
Spirituality is often confused with religion, when in fact, it is about finding the “knowing” we all carry within.
To find this Inner Knowing, forget all externally acquired knowledge. Empty your mind of perceptions and expectation, simply breathe and exist in nothingness.
Now you are ready to enter, you are meditating in absolute silence.
As we put our active mind to rest, natural energy flows take over and the “self-healing” begins.
The complexity of the human brain is the ideal platform, from which to create our own “suffering”. Little do we know about the alternatives.
Our brains are kept too busy to function at peak capacity. Constant thoughts and inner commentary, take up vital energy in the human brain.
We are not taught to utilise our inner energy. Yet, this holds massive health benefits – both mental and physical.
What actually happens, as we enter the deeper states of our mind?
We “connect” to life-force energy, the energy of Mother Earth. This is the same energy that connects all creations – it is the network of nature.
Humanity have long ignored this source of wisdom, but we can easily understand its indisputable existence.
Just look up the CIA’s Remote Viewing program. Better known as the Stargate Program.
Remote viewing is not a special gift, but something we are all able to learn.
The key is to slow down our active mind, and allow the brain’s sensory system to strengthen. From there, we learn to recognise incoming energy as valuable data.
Dedication to silent meditation is one gateway to strengthen this ability. However, much more is possible and has been experienced by many.
The best known such cases are from people that have had “Near Death Experiences” (NDE).
In the case of an NDE, the brain connects to energy beyond all active thought – as you are now unable to create active thought. The results are not at all surprising to Eastern Wisdom, but are startling to Western Science.
Consciousness remains a Scientific Challenge – but is of course a natural human state.
Humanity is heading into the fourth state of consciousness. That state is “Collective Consciousness”.
Collective Consciousness will free us from the suffering we inflict on ourselves, as we finally can comprehend the reasons for disputes and the unbalanced existence we leave behind.
Self Consciousness, our present mental state, functions in a state of duality. Everything exists because of its opposite.
Duality plays havoc with our understanding of “truth”.
What is true in the context of one, will be totally false in the context of another.
Today’s legal system is making big profits out of this human flaw. It also shows us the problem with our present Global Political and Monetary System.
All information can be turned on its head – all is easily manipulated and exploited in this state of duality and “Self Consciousness”.
Collective Consciousness will make such manipulation and exploitation impossible.
Truth will simply be recognisable as it is.
Our minds will connect to the minds and wisdom of all. Imagine you are the Internet, because that is the only way, the majority of us can visualise such power today.
Why is this relevant to Sustainability & the health of our planet?
Because, until we can connect to ourselves, we will not truly understand our inter-connected existence amongst Nature.
We can learn much from books and teachers, but to experience a “knowing”, is a life changing way of learning. Learning to care for our planet in such a way, will lead us to gather the strength to succeed in healing “All”.
We are ONE. Healing each other on the journey.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a Global Awareness Project. Our motivation is to serve purpose and contribute to the waking process.
The present global exploitation of Nature and all living species, is a clear demonstration of a “failed” political system. Help us to engage in the transition for a better and fairer system.
Equality is all inclusive – wealth will be no exception. Greed is a Cancer that has taken its toll for far too long.
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