
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS)…… these words reflect our reality.
Sustainability is not a tradeable commodity.
Sustainability is opening a window of opportunity, to prolong and restore Life on our planet.
This window has a looming expiry date, urging humanity into action.
The Worlds greatest danger today is that we pass that point of no return, whilst we are asleep on the wheel.
Sustaining life requires the health of our ecological systems.
Our species is one of many that make up the total – the total of Nature.
Each species has a purpose or a role to play. A role that allows our planet to produce gases and vegetation that sustain the conditions that allow life – that make life possible.
Large groups of civilisation have grown into a system that is disconnected from Nature.
Industrialism has given us opportunities. But such opportunities are exploited for the personal wealth of some.
Nature pays the price. Extinction is the currency.
But there is “Good News”.
Our planet can be returned to health and can become sustainable once more.
Manipulation of the restorative process, with the aim to protect vested financial interests is a real challenge. Corruption is a cancer.
In the present situation, we have no shortage of environmental emergencies – BUT also environmental opportunities.
We have our work cut out for us.
Innovative new technology and organic land care solutions are ready and waiting for implementation.
Process is only hampered by the priorities and the often mindboggling decisions by those in charge. Think Europe!
The Ukraine war is devastating life’s and causing one of the worst environmental disasters in human history.
Our planet is sick. It’s health at a critical point.
Events of armed conflict can quickly lead to our final “Big Bang”.
What appears to be poor decision making by some, may be a reflection of deteriorating mental health amongst our species, potentially caused by our planets declining vitality and our way of life.
Breath is our Achilles point.
As air quality changes, our supply of oxygen changes. We may be deteriorating in our faculties without realising this. The human brain does not function well when we reduce its oxygen flow, or change the quality of oxygen.
As Sustainability is our goal, human health is critical to get us there. Food and water play an important role.
Processed food, by way of ingredients, has much room for improvement when it comes to human health. We need genuine nutrition back into our diets.
Our topsoil’s are sterile from the farming processes of the modern era. Plants grown from soils treated with chemical fertilisers and pesticides, absorb just those chemicals as they grow. Chemicals that come with health warnings, but chemicals that are now present in the human body.
Sustainability relies on many factors. It has to be understood as an alternative way of existence, when compared to our present one.
We are not going back to the dark ages by doing so, we are leaving them behind.
This is where Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) steps in.
HTS aims to motivate a global shift towards such “Critical Change”.
Our efforts are aimed at broadening global awareness and offer support to existing projects and technology, by amplifying their voice.
Projects that deliver a benefit to our society and consequently “Nature” – for Nature is All We are.
HTS will connect with “Ethical Investment Funds”, in the aim to showcase projects that made a difference.
In most Western countries today, workers are paid a Superannuation to help them during retirement.
We all can look for Superfunds that focus on ethical investments. By doing so in growing numbers, we reduce financial liquidity for companies that continue to cause harm in the name of wealth creation.
The Health of a project and its impact on society/ nature, can many times outweigh our justification for perceived profits.
There are many niche opportunities to help design the sustainable business model for future generations.
We don’t have to rely on political actions to restore our planet. We can all – collectively do our share.
Global Superfunds are amongst our most valuable resources, in the restoration of life – when invested ethically.
The survival of so many endangered species, is not something we can put a price on. It is something we need to accept as the sign it is.
Mother Earth is sick and slowly becoming unable to sustain the malignant virus called humanity. For our planets sustainability, humanity needs to become extinct or commit to a massive turn around in our ways.
It is only up to us – each of us.
Nature is a macro organism with undeniable intelligence. It always seeks to find its balance.
Humanity have put this balance under enormous pressure. Our ways were the wrong ways. Our perceived intelligence turned out to be selfish desire.
In the interest of harmony and our survival, scientific research should in future be exclusively funded by the public purse. Scientists should be employed as public servants and as such, scientific discoveries are owned by the global community and serve our species best interests.
The amount of arms and ammunition produced today is at an all time record.
Trillions are invested in harming society and our planet. Trillions that could give Sustainability a massive kickstart.
Future Leaders amongst our young, are our planets greatest hope for stability & sustainability.
Let us give them the strength and the health to have a fighting chance.
Today we do not enjoy a monetary system that rewards integrity and honesty. Today, crime and corruption are a perfect means to become wealthy.
Is such a system reasonably fit for purpose at this critical point in human history?
Poverty is a concept we CAN do without.
The killing technology that is being tested in this war is sophisticated beyond comprehension.
So is its price-tag.
All this extremely costly equipment serves to blow up things and kill people, whilst self destroying in the process.
We can literally say, that is a “BANG” for our buck. The global tax payers buck.
There are better ways to employ public funds.
The past has already happened. Opportunity is only found when moving forward.
Dialogue is not directly delivering profits.
However, only dialogue can guarantee a peaceful solution in any conflict situation.
So, imagine a world in which no person will ever be asked to go into armed conflict or commit harm by way of employment again.
Imagine a society that does not allow their young to be slaughtered.
Imagine a society that is lead by a sophisticated team of public servants, with no reward opportunities derived by crime or corruption.
That is a world I’d love to contribute towards creating. Such is a world we could proudly leave for our future generations.
That is a world enjoying Sustainability and Harmony.
Let us contribute to that beautiful version of reality, for that is what it can only ever become if we trigger the laws of cause and effect by our actions.
One organisation that is a Global Leader in triggering such action, is Bioregional.
Sue Riddlestone, CEO and Co-Founder at Bioregional has achieved results that have an impact on our planet.
A key program of Bioregional, is One Planet Living – it is today adopted by local government agencies from around the world. Check out the exciting work and efforts by clicking here.
“I am Nobody. Together we are. Therefore I am.”
Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody