Time & The Multiverse
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
5th Sept’22
Time is an illusion of our existence beyond the “Now”. Time is not what we perceive it to be. The Future has already taken place, but we are yet to experience it.
Imagine if time was not ticking away on a one directional trajectory. The human brain is catering for one billion neuron pathway connections, for every action we take. This translates to a billion possible variations in all we do.
Quantum Physicists today explore the existence of a Multiverse – or additional “realms” we all act and collect experiences in.
Until recently I struggled with the “concept” of predicting future events correctly.
A few weeks ago, during silent meditation, I experienced the unfolding of this concept – it’s logic revealed itself.
We see time in the wrong perspective, we accept time to be a moving experience when it is not always so. Time applies itself in different forms, to suit different natural concepts, which together form the “Magic of Creation”.
The concept of being able to “accurately” observe all events from the past to the present moment, has a logic. You see, all actions expel energy which can be measured by its frequency – which we then can translate via our sensory system (when we train it to do so).
For example – if we have a thought, we expel energy. This energy will leave a specific frequency – unique to this thought. Add your unique DNA code, which also is a frequency, and we now have not only the data to translate the thought, but the DNA also leaves the signature of the author of such thought.
Energy is stored in the Atmosphere and is almost identical to todays wireless internet in the way it can transmit. Humidity and ionisation of the atmosphere are the key components for this to work.
So, How can this concept apply to events into the future?
Time as we perceive it at present, is not understood in its correct sense.
However, the presently accepted concept of time allows our brain to digest events in the realm we perceive to exist. This concept of time cannot be applied if we are in fact experiencing an existence in a Multiverse.
You see, the multiverse is possible and far more likely than an existence in one exclusive consciousness – or one realm.
Our brain structure leads us to the realisation of a Multiverse.
In fact, it is the most plausible explanation for the billion neurons per brain-cell, each allowing a unique neuron pathway connection, each allowing a unique version of our experiences in the present moment.
This is where time comes in to play its role, and this is why we arrive at the conclusion of time as we perceive it – which represents us with the flawed illusion it is.
Time as we perceive it today, may well protect our brain function in the phase of Self Consciousness, allowing a singular experience as a self. When in reality, the comprehension of the Multiverse is perfectly tailored to a species, able to exist in a state of Collective Consciousness – functioning with a brain power, equal to the highest performing networked super computer.
The Future is merely an event we are yet to experience in the moment of Now.
The future as we consider it today, has already happened.
We are simply experiencing a variation of the now in a sequence, so our cell memory can learn from each possible experience and its accompanying outcomes. Each experience is stored in cell memory for humanity to shape itself into its best possible version.
The future as we see it, is each one of the billion variations of our neuron pathway connections.
So, you see that the future is not an unknown but is already a programmed neuron pathway variation in our brain structure.
I give you a practical example:
Think of the path of any seedling.
When planting a tomato seed, all going well, we can conclude that this seed will become a tomato. We also know that the seed relies on many conditions to survive.
It is these conditions that create the variants. In one realm the seed will become a tomato, whilst in another variant – or realm, it will experience hail or draught and will not survive.
There are many “Already Known Variations”, predicting the future of each seedling.
These outcomes are already known. How can we know what has not happened as yet?
From our past experiences we have collected data which now predicts the future of such plants. It tells us where and when to best grow them. It also tells us how to apply “best practise”, to assure the plants health.
We can protect its life path from weakness by adding water or feed it compost for healthy roots. There are many variants once more – variants we already have the memory to predict well into the plant’s future.
As we experience variants of our present moment, we learn to improve our path just like that of the above tomato.
Whilst we host a billion neurons per brain cell today, this is likely to be a growing number. For now we must experience and learn from each moment.
The Future is bright if we take the steps to learn and select the best variants for each situation.
As we evolve into Collective Consciousness, we will shift into an existence of Peace & Harmony.
Our Planet and All Creations are waiting patiently for us “humans” to grow up. Unfortunately we hit a snag – our Ego has become dysfunctional.
Greed and Selfishness have emerged amongst our most destructive forces.
The invention of Wealth and our monetary system are the core feeding grounds for this existential threat to All. Consequences such as discrimination and exploitation have led to much suffering on this planet.
We are ready to move on. Let us Open our Minds to a Reality beyond this Realm. Everything is possible, everything already in place – find the pathway to make this world a better place for You and me.
Humanity Towards Sustainability (HTS) is a global awareness project, aimed at restoring our planet and gifting life to future generations.
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