The Unification of all species is “Complete”.
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
6th August 2022

Peace is a state of Harmony that is triggered by an “Awareness” beyond the Self.
The Creation of all life forms is based on five identical elements. Elements that are constantly changing form, and together demonstrate to us the cyclic pattern life truly is.
A falling leaf in autumn, is not at the end of its journey.
In fact, the remnants of the leaf will be consumed by nature – or Creation, and the broken down elements will become living cells in another life form once more. That is the cycle of all life.
The DNA of the leaf will appear in many future life forms, as it has in many past ones.
If it falls under a fruit tree and is consumed by the roots, the leaf’s broken-down elements will be traceable in those consuming the fruit one day. Birds, Bee’s, humans etc
We are internally united into ONE.
Seeds of such fruit will be distributed around our planet. Birds often travel over vast distances as they migrate over the colder months. Bird droppings plant these seeds and create vegetation on remote islands for example.
Whales and many other species play similar roles, carrying and sharing, DNA traces on a massive scale around our beautiful planet. Tides and trade winds further compliment this integral part of life, further participating in the “complete unification of all species”.
All “natural whole-foods” we consume carry past DNA traces, taking us back to the first life form.
Our Ancestors are the entire catalogue, of “All Living Organisms”, who existed before us – not merely humans. Their DNA is present within each of us.
This is a deep connection that we hold with all living species. A connection we are slow to comprehend and live up to. Collective Consciousness is the wisdom of all such life forms.
Our ancestral DNA make-up, equips us with the combined strength of the past, in our present moment.
Cell memory is the fabric of “inner learning, it contains wisdom beyond books – it is Akash, Divine Knowledge, Source or whatever name one can reflect with.
From a structural perspective, we can conclude that the “Unification of All Species” is complete.
In fact it is the model upon which creation is possible.
For eons humans have understood the consequences of unification vs discrimination.
For the ease of managing a herd, one should keep the numbers of a herd down to controllable levels.
Control is the ulterior motive to create division or discrimination amongst groups.
Such a scenario limits the individual potential and development, when compared to a freely sharing and unified species. A species “aware” of its true functionality, when connecting to each other via our inner cell-based structures. (think telepathy)
We humans are living in a self created struggle, blind to our true purpose and potential.
Neuroscience, in specific the field of Neuroplasticity, is providing a scientific platform to that which we “Can Be”. The human brain is the most under-utilised organ.
Our brain is able to re-configure itself and re-map our present neuron pathway connections, simply by entering a new acceptable logic.
We do not need to understand the specific neurological structures, as is the goal of a scientist. We simply need to learn more about who we truly are and what is possible with the functions we already have.
Logic triggers our neuron connections. To change our brain, we can change the logic by which we accept a certain fact or story. We have a billion options to consider any fact – that is how many neurons our brain carries per brain cell.
A basic understanding we’d all benefit from, is the consequence of mental programming.
As we observe the consequences of division and discrimination, we can also study the triggers leading to groups being divided. These triggers are often dressed as “NEWS” or such, when in fact, these triggers are serving a more sinister purpose.
Group manipulation is based on mental programming. Mental programming can be a targeted form of manipulation, or it can be as innocent as “forming an opinion”.
In a state of Self Consciousness, we have a problematic relationship with “Truth”.
You see, there is a thing called “Duality” – that exists in everything we can perceive. Anything beyond the purity of “Observation” that is.
Duality is best understood as a contradiction of “Everything”. Everything we perceive, can only be perceived because of its “Opposite”. Large exists because “Little” exists – light & dark – wet & dry – long & short etc ….. you get the picture.
Can you see now how easy it is the divide groups with two opposing arguments? Neither can be blamed for supporting their idea – neither part is wrong.
Political parties are todays most prominent example of this problem in society.
The big problem for humanity is its lack of “Self-Awareness”.
Whilst I can understand and write about this subject, living by it is a completely different ball game.
The trickiest hurdle is the human Ego function. The Ego is that which blinds us from the shared existence we actually are.
Whilst we are a constantly changing organism, made of approx fifty-three trillion cells, our Ego controls the standard by which we host such cells.
Cells are constantly disposed and renewed, constantly reminding us that we are just a living part of everything. Yet – we are not awake to that simple fact of our own existence.
Not only do we ignore the potential of being one with all past and present life forms, we also see control beyond our own sphere as prudent and socially admirable.
In that pursuit for Self-serving rewards, lies our existential problem.
We are closed in, our windows to the reality of our existence are shuttered down. To change our path, we must change our “Awareness” of reality.
The reality of life is – that together with all life forms, we form a functioning organism as ONE.
United by our cell structure, but divided by our fickle minds, we have a far way to go.
Unification is a fact of Creation, it is complete as can be – our unification is one we must find from within ourselves now.
We must do better if we are to survive as a viable species, contributing positively to the evolution of ONE.
Much Love & Light to You All.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global awareness project – aiming to trigger Change and the Sustainable restoration of our planet & society, whilst “gifting” life to future generations.
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Gillian Douglas
Thank you. As you point out, we have all lived many previous lives, and memories of experiences in them, along with those in the present life, are stored within us. I believe that one huge problem is that many of us find it so difficult to let go of these memories. They carry on affecting our daily lives, making us negative, guarded, resentful and more. We find forgiving and forgetting very difficult.
Knowing how to handle the problem is difficult. We could perhaps imagine whether we would be better off in the long term if we wreaked revenge on a person or whether it would not just add to our sense of guilt?
Maybe just relaxing and letting it all go, realising that all experiences have taught us a valuable lesson, might be the best option.
Love and Light x
Hi Gillian, as you say “letting go” is a lesson we can benefit from greatly. Problems are our greatest teachers, they contain the gift of learning – even if we didn’t ask for the lesson. To grow into our potential, into our “Skilled Self”, takes a mind at peace with itself and its environment. When we consider problems as our teachers, we can strip away the emotional hurdle, which often sabotages our learning and takes our focus from the task at hand. We allow our Ego to feel injured and we come to its aid – loyally supporting that, which in fact is our “unskilled self”. We are all as flawed as one another, making mistakes at some point – none is perfect, that is the path of growing through the various experiences. To learn about the weakness in ourselves, we must learn to understand the deeper meaning and implications of the human ego function. Add to that the stage of duality, which plays havoc with our understanding of “right & wrong”, and we realise the core of our species challenges. To know about the ego’s problem is one thing, to practise and put this knowledge into action – is another. Much Love & Light to you and yours x
Gillian Douglas
Hi, Thank you for your response. As you say, we are all imperfect and that is why we are here. The best way to move towards perfection is to serve humanity and our planet I believe. This appears to be what we are doing in this group. I feel very fortunate that I also believe that Higher Beings are helping and guiding us. Love to you and yours, Gill