Understanding Consciousness & Higher Human Functionality. Our Collective Purpose.
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
29th July’22

Human functionality is not limited by our perception.
Wisdom grows by our experiences, not merely by the books we consume. Now that will seem pretty basic to most readers, but – define an experience – and be open to a “reality” beyond the norm.
What is an “Inner Experience”? Think Meditation for example.
There are simple mechanics that apply to the human design. Often such mechanics are converted into technology.
It is commonly accepted that the Neurological Connections, available to the human brain, are more powerful than any super computer.
An easy way to highlight this power, is by pointing out that we have ONE Billion Neurons per Brain-Cell. Each of these Neurons can form a unique connection in our brain, which means we actually have a billion alternative ways, to do anything we do.
Some of these alternatives would be terrible, whilst others are pure Genius.
With the aim to operate a functioning brain, we have a self regulating filter, that reduces these alternative ways, to a limiting menu of merely two hundred, instead of one billion options. Further more, these two hundred alternative options are now limited to “YOUR” past learning.
When we refer to the brains neurological capacity of the One billion alternative options, at which we can perform any given task – we must wonder.
Why would nature create a brain, massively over catering for a species needs? Or has it?
No – Nature has bestowed us with a brain, able to function “AS THE INTER-CONNECTED BEING WE ARE”.
You see, humanity has a sensory system that is almost completely ignored.
Each human cell, is made of recycled elements going back to the dawn of creation. In fact, all of creation share cells, made of identical elements.
Each cell has a positive and negative electrical charge. Now it gets interesting!
As the human is made up of fifty-three trillion constantly changing and recycled cells, we must wonder about the electrical charges and their purpose.
Allow me to simplify a typical human interaction and the role our cells play in that.
Outgoing energy leaves via the positive end of a cell, we propel it toward its target. This could be a spoken word, addressed at the person next to you.
On the receiving end, the listener catches the signal, which enters via the incoming port, the negative pole of a cell. This completes the function of our communication with an external source.
So the outgoing energy is propelled via the positive charge, whilst the incoming is received by allowing a external connection. My positive cell is connecting to the receivers negative cell – thus closing the electronic cycle.
Communication is not limited to speech. In fact, our entire sensory system functions on this same electronic cycle.
With humidity and ionisation richly present in the Earth Atmosphere, we enjoy the perfect conditions to host all sorts of signals and messages.
Our cells constantly send and receive signals stored in thin air.
Telepathy is performed on exactly such a level of communication. The strengthening of the sensory system allows us all to learn such functionality – but few realise this.
This article is aimed at demonstrating our “true” interconnected existence, so I will refrain from going too deep into the functionality. Instead I’d like to showcase the reason why humanity functions in such a manner.
The Ultimate Human Functionality is reached, when we function as ONE – which is Possible Today!
Now as we have established that our cells are created from recycled elements, are constantly renewing and old cells expelled, we zoom in on the purpose of our seemingly over capacity brain.
As long as we function as the “I” – or the mere “Self”, our limited capacity at two hundred alternative options to perform any task, seems fine.
One massive benefit, to function on a level beyond these, is that we enter options beyond our present experiences or learning.
This is the power of “Collective Consciousness”.
Our near infinite neurological connections, are there for good reason.
Human cells have the ability to communicate with cells of any other organism, as they are made of identical elements, belonging to a network of recycled materials and consumed as life sustaining nutrient.
That cell structure is the basic building block of all creations. We all share a part of each other – not merely our species but all of creation.
So, as humans learn to strengthen their sensory system, we open our mind to learning beyond presently accepted means.
A well known and tested means to start on this path, is Silent Meditation.
When we arrive at a level that allows us to sense and experience our connected existence, life as we know it does change. Our horizon opens beyond our limiting state of Self Consciousness and throws us deep into the pool of creation.
As we learn to dissolve our ego and come to terms with the fact that a part of us, is in every other life form, we begin to realise the human potential. Brain capacity is tailor made.
What stops us from connecting to our external cells?
I may sit in meditation and let go of the attachment to a “Self”. Thus opening my sensory system to zoom in on energy streams floating in the atmosphere.
You could call it “Brain Surfing” – just let the wave take you without resistance. Allow random energy streams to connect to your incoming ports – your negative poles in your cells.
As you allow the brain to enter a state of self regulation, it frees itself to move beyond the limited two hundred options. You are now practising a state in which your brain is open to form its own limitless neurological connections.
To protect Mother Earth and all creations, becomes our purpose – we now can finally experience ourselves as ONE with ALL – for that is what we truly are.
Environmental restoration is a logical step – it is the human purpose to protect our planet and all creations. To do so, is to protect the “Self”, as we are all of that – a part of every life form.
Unconditional Love is simple to comprehend from that point of view.
Todays global political systems truly harms our very existence.
We have much to learn and many critical changes to implement. Understanding our true functionality is a big part of that journey.
How can we create a sustainable future, if we do not know how to connect to that which we are?
Awareness of our functions is the gateway. Practising and sharing our experiences as we learn, forms the chosen path.
May we walk each other towards the light of wisdom – for it resides in everything equally.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global awareness project, aiming at environmental restoration and sustainability – whilst gifting life to future generations.
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One Comment
Gillian Douglas
I appreciate this thank you. I meditate regularly, but was advised that initially it can be risky to try emptying the mind, as bad energies can access it as well as good. At first I think it is better to clear the mind of all thoughts other than one specific unselfish thought of something good, which should be meditated upon HTS members might like to think about something good for humanity and the planetary life. The highest level of the mind possible should be used as human beings are now ready to ascend out of the lower, chattering mind into their soul, and then on to the higher mind, I believe. Every person has a soul and it is connected to all other souls, as your post suggests.