The Incredible Value of “Tomorrow”.

by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
Tomorrow … so much more than just a word.
Can you imagine a day in the future, on which humanity are informed that we have run out of “Tomorrow”?
Well, if we open our mental horizon beyond the trivial political propaganda, we realise a chilling reality.
Scientists, such as David Suzuki, have dedicated much of their working life, to save humanity …. by creating awareness about our environment and the diminishing solutions we have to save our planet.
Tomorrow holds a value, we mostly overlook today.
Whilst Gold is seen as a valuable resource, “tomorrow” is not seen as an asset at all. Yet, “tomorrow” is our most valuable asset.
Can we compare any monetary value, with the value of time?
Today we search for treasures, that are related to monetary wealth.
If we are lucky enough to realise the value of “Time”, we may realise why David Suzuki recently cried when holding his grand-children.
David has experienced and observed our planets deterioration. He has also experienced the extinction of many species. He understands the inter-connected existence of all things “Nature”.
All humans are a part of that natural system.
We do not hold a privileged position on this planet.
We rely on its health for our own health and survival.
As humanity continues on a most ignorant path, our solutions to restore our planets health, disappear. Solutions we had ten years ago, will no longer help us today. Too much deterioration has occurred in that short space of time alone.
Humanity Towards Sustainability is a global project, calling humanity into action. Waking our minds to the slipping opportunities we still have.
To enjoy tomorrow – we have to change course today.
Humanity will have to accept the consequences of our past actions. This does not mean we have to enter a time of regression.
In fact the opposite is the case. Restoring our planet and all creations, requires an approach that will lead humanity to find its “Collective Power”.
Once we discover this power, we – as a species, will find our purpose. We will find a balance within nature and will find our place amongst all creations.
There are no Masters.
Nature as we know it, is a system embracing all living organisms equally. Our arrogance prevents us from understanding this simple fact.
As an intelligent species, we must protect “Tomorrow” today.
As we creep up to the day when we run out of tomorrow, we must do all we can, to implement the remaining solutions. We must try and keep tomorrow a sustainable reality and an option beyond its present limit.
Check out our “Humanity Towards Sustainability”, introduction page, for a path to achieve this.
We are dedicated to give our “Very Best”. Will you join us?
Humanity Towards Sustainability is targeting “Change”.
Our vision, is to trigger sustainability, by uniting humanity behind a common goal.
Life is a challenge, a game we are meant to experience and learn from. Today, we are at a phase of the game that reaches beyond the individual.
A new era in the evolution of humanity is still possible. However, to access this opportunity, we must transfer our focus from the “Self” and place this focus on the “Collective”.
Life is an adventure, to find true happiness is possible. Open your heart when looking for it.
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