Growing into the depth of the “Self”.
by, Troy (K) Eichelberger – Nobody
12th Nov’22

This article is written with the intention of sharing my explorations of consciousness, so others may benefit. My unfolding into “Awareness” is a continuing experience. As such, I shall continue to share as and when I feel it is meant to be so.
Four years ago, I entered into an experimental existence. I left behind the city and the limitations of human functionality, in the search of a reality beyond that which is socially acceptable.
One way to look at my experiment, was to explore the possibility of applying cause & effect, to discover our “Happy Place”.
Some unusual events and discoveries in the years prior triggered my curiosity.
I witnessed instances and played a leading role, in cases of natural healing. Cases that I could only describe as Miracles at the time.
Whilst I had zero medical training, I began to feel energy within me that would take over. Energy that guided me to sense and experience the body of others. Today, I know this to be “Intuitive Healing”.
What was going on inside of me? I had to find answers.
One has to question one’s sanity.
Whilst deep within I was most comfortable with the changes I experienced, my quest for answers commenced ….. and so I ended up at our present home – the Farm.
Silent Meditation became the cornerstone for my research.
Arriving at the farm, I entered a phase of more intense learning. In the early days out here, during meditation, I’d keep seeing a Monk. He was wearing burgundy and orange robes and sitting in a Cave in a rugged mountainous terrain.
Initially I thought I simply created this image by my active thought. You know, these thoughts we can’t always control and they pop up during meditation – the one’s we gently brush away.
Well, this wasn’t one of those. The Monk kept appearing each time I sat down into Meditation.
Finally I experienced his energy through my own body. No words spoken, but our dialogue commenced as an experience. To me, it seemed like a medical exam of sorts.
This Monk silently explored who I was, as I sat in meditation and sensed his calm but inquisitive probing.
Our meeting during meditation didn’t seem planned, it seemed as if we were both surprised to see each other. For a few weeks he remained in that phase and I realised this was related to my future learning.
One day the Monk did not arrive during my meditation. I was somewhat disappointed as I began to accept him as some kind of spiritual mentor. Instead an Eagle appeared in my mental image.
As I watched the image of the Eagle, I observed rugged mountain terrain once more – but it clearly was a very different region to that of the Monk. In my meditative sensation, it felt as if the Eagle was flying across peaks in the Andes Ranges. I had never been there, but that is what it came across as.
Again, as is typical with meditation, I thought I am simply having creative thoughts and I brushed away the thought of the Eagle. As I managed to settle back into mental silence, my experience took on a new intensity, I had not lost the connection to that Eagle – I now looked through it’s eyes, looking down and observing the land below. I now simply allowed the experience and have no idea how long it lasted.
To this date, I have no explanation to the meaning of the Eagle experience and the Monk never returned to my meditation. Not in the original image that is.
Somehow, the experience with the Eagle concluded, what I feel now was my initiation. The initiation to a deeper learning that one can only experience by de-activating all thoughts.
We enter Collective Consciousness – a depth of wisdom beyond the written records.
The next phase of my learning, guided me to meditate under the stars – allowing their energy to enter mine. This also only lasted a few weeks. Weeks during which I sensed I underwent some internal adjustments – opening new energy flows and sending vibrations through my being as I sat in mental silence.
It was during this phase that I received a message. It was coming in fragmented and took something between six to eight weeks, before I received it in its entirety. The full message appeared like a neon sign, it read:
“I am Nobody. Together we are. Therefore I am.”
Dissecting this statement and understanding its deeper meaning, continues to this day. It carries the simplest of logics – yet its message is easily overlooked. The “I” has no power, it is not naturally sustainable. Division of any form, reduces the number of individuals – whilst unification increases our strength by each individual that joins a group.
Humanity can be experienced as ONE. It’s power is Akash, or the Source of “All Wisdom”. Procreation of our species, requires the merging of both sexes. None is of more or less importance, we simply have alternative roles to perform.
Logic or truth, as many accept it, often originate in a from mass manipulation.
Many religions share simple truths – yet it is so simple, we can easily miss it. The truth is within – finding the path to unlock this truth, is the key to wisdom beyond external influence. Trust yourself, learn to decipher “Your Truth Within”.
I will continue to share and expose my soul from time to time. There are times when learning requires a change in my routine, like at the present time. What that means, I can never answer until it organically unfolds.
Urges of change arrive and pass. Something is shifting and it feels good – I’ll share again when I know more.
My social media time will be limited for a while it seems, silence is required in the present phase.
Much Love & Light to All.
Troy (K) Nobody